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The Sadler Report

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After reading the Sadler Report, I was shocked to learn more about child labor that occurred during the Industrial Revolution; there was no government oversight of business; these testimonies show the adverse outcome of a laissez-faire government. Children of the Industrial Revolution provided a cheap labor source. The benefits of new products at low prices came at a human cost. This was a form of child slavery and portrays a disturbing society who place significance on their wealth, instead of their children. The testimonies of the children interviewed to provide a glimpse into the horror of child labor during the 1830s in England. The government ignored the depravity of the situation. Previously, I had believed that the Industrial Revolution was a positive event in history …show more content…
He attracted the votes of the laborers because he advocated government intervention to regulate factory conditions and children’s working hours. In 1832 Michael Sadler, as chairman of the committee, secured a parliamentary investigation of working conditions in the textile factories. The evidence was taken from the large body published in the committee's report and is representative rather than exceptional led the movement in the House of Commons for a 10-hour daily limit on factory work by children under the age of eighteen. In 1831, he introduced a factory reform bill. These witnesses were mostly children who had endured the horrible working conditions at factories were examined and told their stories. The investigation and the report resulted in the passage of the Act of 1833 limiting hours of employment for women and children. Their accounts provide an accurate picture of the conditions of many factory workers, children in particular, in early-nineteenth-century England. The children endured beatings, long work days, inadequate nutrition, no breaks and missed out on their

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