...Past and Current Drug Trends Many past and current trends of the use and abuse of drugs in the United States have been associated with health and social trends that at times may have been considered culturally acceptable. Many trends have occurred since early times. The nineteenth century introduced advancement in modern medicines making several medicinal drugs popular, but by the end of the century was being considered a complicated matter. The twentieth century showed great concern amongst the American people for substance abuse and trends of usage and abuse changed as quickly as the decades past by. The drug usage and abuse now is very regulated and campaigned against misuse of licit drugs and the abuse of illicit drugs. Early times, sometimes going back hundreds or even thousands of years, was a time of curiosity and discovery. People found medicinal value in plants by eating them and by discovering the effects on animals after eating certain plants. The curiosities often made people sick or even die as they were learning the effects of these medicinal plants. Plants such as the willow bark were used to cure headaches; aspirin is now made from willow bark. The senna plant was discovered for its laxative properties. Morning glories, different types of mushrooms, and poppy plants were used for the hallucinogenic properties. Coca leaves were used for pain and is now known for the production of cocaine and marijuana was also widely used (Levinthal, 2012). These discoveries...
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...Running head: Health Care Issues in the United States Health Care Issues in the United States Strayer University Winter 2010 Explain how health is affected by behaviors, economics and social questions? As we see in the world today, people’s health are affected by several things such as behavior, economics and social issues. Health or unhealthy living, are caused by certain behaviors which may be considered risky. Let’s take a look at what some people may consider risky behavior; driving reckless, using illicit drugs and or abusing alcohol. These types of behaviors are on the high end. On a less dramatic level, there are some behaviors such as tobacco use unbalanced nutrition along with a lack of physical activities will affect your health. It is known that when you have poor behaviors in any of the above mentioned health areas, can cause or lead to major health diseases which will ultimately lead to death. When looking at the health concerns among people in the United States and other countries in the world today, there are two other areas which have a profound effect on our health. The areas are economic situations and social issues. Our societal and economic statuses have become critical regarding health concerns and problems. For instance, some individuals and most third world countries with little or no income have very poor health. This is mainly due the ability to obtain or maintain health insurance because...
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...Past and Current Trends Paper Nicole Rufatt PSY/425 April 04, 2011 Abstract Drug trends have been a huge part of the American society. Manipulations of drugs have been traced back as far as 4000 B.C. American society has become familiar with drugs since the 1700s. These drugs were mainly used for medical and therapeutic purposes however without any knowledge of their addictive characteristics. Trends of these drugs have drastically changed throughout the years as a result of influences it has on the American society. During the Civil War injured soldiers were given morphine as an anesthetic to ease the pain without knowing the addiction it brings. A man by the name of John Pemberton was the founder of Coca-Cola, this drink contained cocaine and caffeine. Sometime after this the Pure Food and Drug act came into play in 1906; this required that a list of ingredients be visible on packaging which led to the removal of cocaine in Coca-Cola and many more products. Throughout the years drugs and alcohol are not only used for medical purposes but are used inappropriately. In the 70’s drugs were very common amongst the American society. The 70’s was a time period of love, drugs, and rebellion. During this period there was a wide spread of AIDS and HIV. Some of the contributing factors to this spread were the use of dirty needles being used to inject drugs into the blood stream and unprotected sex influenced by the drugs people were on. The American Culture encourages the use...
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...system labors to safeguard the guiltless and discipline the responsible without infringing the right of the suspected offender, refraining from any corruption. As society progresses the criminal justice system must advance so it is vital to establish new laws remain current on the advancement and new trends. As contemporary issues and new trends evolve in society, they can endure a precise affect on the various roles of the criminal justice system, for example, sentencing policy, procedures, technologies, and capital punishment, which harbor immense impacts on the criminal justice system. Furthermore, corrections, courts, and the police additionally take part in establishing retribution. Contemporary and future trends are going to and have direct impacts on the duties of the criminal justice system. Recently technology has been influencing the criminal justice system and will remain. In the forever-changing world of technology, the criminal justice system must keep up with recently developed technologies. This essay will explain recent and future trends and contemporary issues affecting the criminal justice system and the value of the criminal justice system in a changing society. Past, Present, and Future Trends Crime and law enforcement is in a unique period that has been going on for over 30 years. During the 1960s crimes presented to police skyrocketed and more criminals being apprehended. Lawmakers started enacting strict laws that expanded punishments for criminals, the...
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...Trends Paper 484 4/13/2015 Dwayne Carr The trends in the criminal justice system There are concepts created to help with the future of criminal justice system department of corrections growth is being structured. For the reason with the trends that started from the past into the current time happening, from the issues turning in to problematic situations. With the overpopulated jail and prison system and the shortage of finances, to keep the criminal justice system efficiency However, in the matter if they do not deal, with and discover an excellent solution to aid in this matter. Then will continue to make the criminal justice system of corrections inefficient. Future with the department of corrections, to be in question the concepts that looked at as answers to the problems are the Relapse Prevention Therapy treatment programs. In addition, restorative for the criminal justice department of corrections future, which being discuss with community activist, legislators. In addition, the administrators as they figure out the best methods that will correct, the distress also issues with the trends from the past in the current situations. With the past, the criminal justice system, department of corrections the political figures thought which taking a harsh tactics, to criminal committing criminal actions was a just thing to do. For the reason, recidivism would not lower with programs treatment, which is what they thought to be true this also thought of dropping...
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...substance abuse. In this paper I will examine the past and current trends of substance abuse, and how the use of illicit drugs may be considered culturally appropriate. In the mid 1800’s Opium began to arrive as Chinese workers immigrated to the United States to work on the railroads and gold mines. By the late 1800s, opium was quite a popular drug. Before long, opium dens had spread throughout the United States. In 1803, the German scientist Friedrich Sertürner successfully isolated morphine from opium for the purpose of using it as a surgical and post-surgical anesthetic soon making it available to physicians in the United States. It did alleviate pain, but in the process it also left the user in an anesthetized and euphoric state. The benefits of morphine were considered amazing to physicians of the era. But, the addictive properties were not discovered until after the Civil War. “In 1895, Heinrich Dreser, working for the Bayer Company in Germany, synthesized heroin. Bayer began to market the drug in 1898 (Brecher, 1972)”. In 1600 settlers introduced cannabis to Jamestown Virginia at the time it was used for its fiber. That was used to make rope, sails, and clothing. From 1611 until after the Civil War, cannabis was the main crop in North America playing a significant role in the colonial and national economic policy. “Between 1850 and 1937 marijuana was widely used throughout United States as a medicinal drug and could easily be purchased in pharmacies and general...
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...A drug is a substance that alters the mind, body or both. Drug use is the increasing problem among teenagers in colleges today. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process. Today children are subjected to all sorts of situations both good and bad. School systems are much more difficult to deal with nowadays. Most people from older generations still think that school is simple you go to class, go to lunch, bring home your homework and that’s it. This however is not the case anymore. Drugs are making their presence in schools more and more and it is becoming a very big problem. There are more steps that can be taken to help stop present juvenile drug abusers as well as prevent other children from even beginning. For example, programs should be set up for the students, something that will actually interest more students. There should also be support groups for parents who feel lost as to what they should do to guide their children. In 2007 according to the U.S. Census Bureau there were approximately 41,738 children between the ages of 10 and 19 living in the United States. In the same year according to the same source there were 160,410 drug related arrests in the United States involving children between the ages of 10 and 19. This includes possession charges and dealing charges. Keeping in mind that there are far fewer children than criminal arrests, this means that there are some children who get repeated offenses...
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...COOPERATION AGAINST THE WORLD DRUG PROBLEM I. INTRODUCTION Today it is generally recognized that drugs, along with organized crime that comes with it, jeopardize the development of many resolutions in our world. It is now clear to several organizations that drug control must become an essential element of our joint efforts to achieve peace, security and development. At the same time, we must reinforce our commitment to shared responsibility and the basic principles of health and human rights. The 2011 World Drug Report documents developments in global drug markets and tries to explain the factors that drive them. Its analysis of trends and emerging challenges informs national and international drug and crime priorities and policies, and provides a solid foundation of evidence for counternarcotics interventions. Drug markets and drug use patterns change rapidly, so measures to stop them must also be quick to adapt. Thus the more comprehensive the drug data we collect and the stronger our capacity to analyze the problem, the better prepared the international community will be to respond to new challenges. Drug use affects not only individual users, but also their families, friends, co-workers and communities. Children whose parents take drugs are themselves at greater risk of drug use and other social problems that harm communities. In some regions, illicit drug use is contributing to the rapid spread of infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis. Drug trafficking, the critical...
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...Trends in America Surrounding Childhood Obesity In the past 40 years obesity rates for children age 6 to 11 nearly tripled—from 5% to 14%—and more than tripled for adolescents age 12 to 19—from 5% to 17.1% (NCLS.org). There are many reasons behind obesity rates tripling in the past thirty years. One reason is that around 30% of U.S. children do not exercise three or more times a week (NCLS.org). Another reason why childhood obesity has tripled in the past thirty years is that urban and suburban designs discourage walking and other physical activities (acvitvelivingresources.org). This increase in childhood obesity can also lead to adults with heart disease and diabetes. Government Influences on Food Choices and Options The government plays an important role in what we eat and what is sold. For example, all food sold must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They have taxes in place such as the fat tax to help reduce obesity in the U (abcnews.go.com). The government also has basic guidelines to food consumption such as the food pyramid. The government also has control over how food is marketed. For example, USDA, along with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), may start limiting how the food industry markets junk food to kids (news.change.org). Overall, the government plays an important role in what everyone in the United States eats. ...
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...research analysis of the theoretical perspective of the marijuana movement - pertaining to the politic standpoint of marijuana verses cigarettes and scientific medical analysis of marijuana verses cigarettes. This research is meant to explore the multifaceted aspect of marijuana, cigarette trends, and the correlation between their recent waves of popularity. We will explore the historical facts of past tobacco trends to the present marijuana movement including widely held attitudes and beliefs about both substances. The thesis of this research will be to explore the differences between marijuana and cigarettes and social stigmas. Including the shift in popularity between tobacco and marijuana the MJ activist group known as NORML supporting the legalization of cannabis, while anti tobacco organizations have increased to ban cigarette smoke in public places. This research will conceptualize the meanings behind the negative stigmas associated with drugs legal and illegal influence. The problem is a double standard between the political views of marijuana and cigarettes. The political perspectives seem to be focused on public stigmas about the substance(s) rather than deciding drug laws based on medical science. Marijuana and tobacco have a shared relationship in the type of substance use. Framing theory will be used to explore four correlations in the aspects of: (1) Marijuana short and long term effects, (2) medical pros and cons, (3) recreational use and political...
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...or Revise In 2015, America’s Social Security System turns 80 years old. The original act was a landmark bill, as it was the establishment of America’s safety net. The promise of the act was to ensure that America’s retirees would have some protection from poverty. Since the Social Security Act of 1935 was passed, the social safety net has been expanded to cover additional groups and classes of people. The most important additional programs established being MediCare and MedicAid. After years of running a surplus, Social Security has reached an inflection point. At the current rate of drawdown, the trust fund will run dry, and Social Security will begin to operate as a pay-as-you-go program, potentially only paying 75% of promised benefit levels. This paper will discuss the history of Social Security, demographic and technological trends that affect Social Security, the future implications of these trends for Social Security, and possible solutions. A Brief History of Social Security Social Security as we know it today evolved from the Social Security Act of 1935. Under the terms of the original law, Social Security benefits only applied to the employee. Today, Social Security pays benefits to the employee, the spouse, and the disabled and contains the provision for what is known as Medicaid and Medicare. When compared to today’s law, the scope of the original version of the Social Security Act was much narrower. For example, agricultural workers, domestic workers and...
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...Supersized fries, X box and Play Station Games, are all staples of today’s youth. These staples are causing an alarming problem in the youth of America. In the past 3 decades childhood obesity rates have tripled according to the United States Government website on the Lets Move campaign. In fact studies show that obesity in African American children and Hispanic children is almost at a staggering 40 percent. This alarming fact has caused First Lady Michelle Obama to make eliminating childhood obesity her number objective during the President’s term. Mrs. Obama launched on February 9, 2010 the “Let’s Move” program, a dedicated program to get kids off the couch and become more active and to eat healthier. With many young Americans faced with obesity, the goal of Lets Move is to promote a healthier life style in a younger generation. Studies as reported on the Center of Disease control show that if a child is obese early in life they will be more than likely obese as an adult. Obesity as reported in numerous websites is the leading cause for diabetes, heart problems and certain cancers. No one can pinpoint the exact cause of why more children are obese. Theories including; less school activity at recess and gym, larger portions of foods, less eating at home, no after school playing are some of the reasons cited for the problem. These current trends if left unchecked will only cause a greater problem for generations to come. Using historical data as obtained by the Council on American...
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...effects across America that can drive up employer costs, and increase occupational hazards in many industries. While results of recent studies appear to be showing a decline in the overall drug use of American workers, the use of harder drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers in the workplace is growing rapidly (Fisher, 2011). As employees everywhere are faced with this dilemma, many are looking at ways to address, prevent, and reduce its impact on operations and employee productivity. Positivity Results of Workplace Drug Tests It has been shown that over the last 25 years, drug use among American workers has steadily declined. The Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index analysis examined over 125 million urine drug tests as a service for government and private employers from 1988 to 2012. This examined the positivity rates for employers across the United States workforce in both the public and private sector. Since 1988, the positivity rate for the combined U.S. Workforce declined 74% from 13.6% in 1988 to 3.5% in 2012. This result is encouraging for employers; however, the study also revealed some findings that are cause for concern. The positivity rates for amphetamines and methamphetamines have more than tripled over the last decade. As of 2012, this was at its highest level since 1997. Also concerning is that the positivity rates for prescription opiates have increased over the last decade. This can be correlated to rising prescription trends nationally...
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...War on Drugs and Prison Overcrowding Thomas K Anderson University of Memphis Prison overcrowding has been a social phenomenon that has led to a variety of reforms. One of the major causes for overcrowding in the prison systems today began back in the early 1970’s, when President Nixon declared War on Drugs. There were dramatic increases in the prison population in the 1980’s and 1990’s. These increases were projected due to trends of harsh punishments. Political leaders were influential in these trends as they created mandatory sentencing guidelines. Currently 50.1% of all offenders that are incarcerated in the Federal Prison System are due to drug offenses. That total accounts for 98,554 individuals, many of whom are serving time for a nonviolent offense or first time offenses. The second largest cause for overcrowding in the prison are immigration related crimes, which still only accounts for 10.6% or 20,862 of the individuals. In June of 1971, President Nixon declared a war on drugs, which did not go over too well because he and everyone else had differing views on how to handle the problems being created due to the increase of drug use. Because of the increasing of the prison population, a reform was created to offer treatment for drug abuse; of course this did not take place since it was a contradiction of current drug policies. Unfortunately, the end result of Nixon’s plan did not stop the problem of drugs, but only caused...
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...Building Supply Chain Capabilities in the Pharmaceutical Industry Part 2: Winning supply chain capabilities UPS Supply Chain SolutionsSM Copyright © 2005 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of UPS Supply Chain Solutions. Our Insight. A UPS Supply Chain Solutions White Paper In “Building Supply Chain Management Capabilities in the Pharmaceutical Industry Part 1: Trends Impacting the Supply Chain,” we explored the business implications of major trends impacting pharmaceutical supply chains. Unless pharmaceutical companies begin taking action now to create more business-effective cost and process structures, survival will be at stake. These trends are having the greatest impact on sales and marketing, channel management, and new product development and rollout. Ultimately, we believe these trends and implications are converging to create an environment in which price pressures are becoming so intense that a growing number of pharmaceutical companies will struggle to meet shareholder expectations. Unless pharmaceutical companies begin taking action now to create more businesseffective cost and process structures, survival will be at stake. We propose that the winning pharmaceutical companies will build differentiating capability in five supply chain areas: • • • • • Production Fulfillment Customer Management Forecasting & Planning Procurement AS THE MEGA MERGER...
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