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Past Pape


Submitted By drjellyclawhines
Words 3121
Pages 13



Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® St Michael Barbados All rights reserved

-2HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY GENERAL PROFICIENCY EXAMINATIONS JANUARY 2008 The 2008 examination was the third January sitting of Human and Social Biology offered at the General Proficiency level. The format of the examination was the same as in previous years. Paper 01 consisted of 60 Multiple Choice items. Paper 02 consisted of ten compulsory structured questions in Section A, each worth ten marks, and four essay questions in Section B, each worth 20 marks. Candidates were required to answer any two of the four essay questions. General Comments There was significant improvement in candidate performance in 2008. Seventy-seven per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I – III in 2008 compared with 47 per cent in 2007. This improvement was also reflected in the performance in both profiles, Profile 1, Knowledge and Comprehension, and Profile 2, Use of Knowledge. While performance on Paper 01, the Multiple Choice paper, declined slightly, analysis of the equating items reveals that except for two items, the profiles are parallel and at the same level in 2008 and in 2006 (the year with which the items were equated). Candidate performance on Paper 02 improved significantly. This may be attributed to at least two factors: 1. This is the third sitting of the January examinations. In addition, there have also been three sittings of the June examinations. This means that a number of past papers are available which help students in their preparation for the examination. The questions were structured such that they were able to better elicit from the candidates the required answer. Also, more attention was paid to the social aspects of

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