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Pastors and Ministers


Submitted By landra01
Words 803
Pages 4
The Roles of Pastors and Ministers in the Church

In a church ministry we must all be balanced. Remember that we are partners’ not just members in the church body as a whole. Also remembering that no matter what our religion of choice is that pastors and ministers both have valuable roles in the church. Pastors and ministers are partners in the purpose and calling of the church. They must both be on the same page as far as the vision, mission and well being of the church as a whole. Even though the Vision of the church comes from the pastor it is the duty of the minister and the members to carry out this vision and the mission. The pastor is the God appointed leader of the church and the minister is appointed by the pastor but both must hold a high regard to biblical basis for the ministry. They have been called and appointed as overseers of the church. There is a necessity for both of them. They are to serve and to implement order to the church body. They are both held to the same accountability. They are both servants of God and they serve the congregation. The difference between the two is that the ministers are to keep down mumbling amongst saints in other words, keep down confusion. Look after the widows of the church and be able to relieve the pastor of his duties if necessary. The pastor is a God appointed leader and the minister is a God appointed servant. Both of their primary function is to understand the purpose of Jesus and how to lead the people. The pastor and the minister must both be partners in following Christ. They must be serious about life and constantly about God’s business, not be double tongued in other words, not gossip or discuss other members business. They must not partaker in alcoholic beverages or become a tremendous stumbling block to the congregation. They must not use the office that they hold for their own personal gain and be a generous giver. They must hold the mystery of faith with a clear conscience and what they believe also their lifestyles should reflect that they are living by God’s law. In the community you must find that they have an honest report from the people that they are serving and whatever they do they demonstrate integrity and respect. It is very critical they way people perceive their character. They must walk with confidence in their positions and in God. The pastors and ministers are also partners in the spiritual growth of the congregation. In order to understand this they must understand that favor is undeserved in this spiritual growth. For it is given as grace and knowledge. They must look a church as an opportunity to help the people and a price can’t be placed on God’s grace. Even though they may face obstacles they must know that God will bless whatever they put in place to do. They must learn how to operate in the spiritual and not the physical. In doing this they will grow in grace and knowledge and have a better relationship with God. Pastors and ministers must use their spiritual gifts that have been given to them by God. In doing this they will be able to help the church get a better understanding of God’s word with simplicity and begin to help the church practice these things in order to save lives and bring the congregation closer to Christ. Pastors and ministers are also partners in growing the church. They must be model citizens by laboring, being obedient, sensitive to the spirit, humble, know the word, tell and share the gospel. When they do these things they will know when God is speaking to them and that it is not their own thoughts. They have to stand on the word of God and on the word only not the word of man. In order to ensure these things they both must attend church and make visitation efforts to the sick and those that may need help in the community, pray that they congregation be revived, be a committee of one to reach out to the visitors coming into the church and be willing to change things for the greater good of the church. For all of these things to take place in the church as a whole the pastor and minister must come together and know that they are here to serve God first and then the congregation. For if they do not know Christ then they cannot serve the people and give them what is needed in order for their lives to be saved. No matter what religion you may have chosen pastors and ministers have valuable roles in the church.

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