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Path to a Good Marriage


Submitted By reyouth
Words 638
Pages 3
Path To A Good Marriage
Marriage is known as the oldest institution that binds two people together to an everlasting relationship. Marriage is sacred and one of the greatest commandments is to love one another. Making a good marriage takes a lot of work. Right after a couple gets married, the couple will often feel like their marriage will never have any problems. They think that they will love each other for the rest of their lives, that they will have a good marriage forever. However, as many married couples discover, having a good marriage does take a lot of work. In addition to have a good marriage couples must also have important characteristics. These characteristics such as love, communication and spending time together are like the building blocks of a good marriage.
Marriage usually starts with one thing, and that thing is love. It’s because how can you marry someone if you don’t feel loved or if you don’t love that someone. Love brings couples together
There are a variety of other general characteristics of a good marriage that couples shows towards each other, like respect for each other’s boundaries and privacy. You can see that it’s just the simple things that really make a marriage work.
People have come to find out that communication is a key factor in maintaining good and lasting relationships, Communication should always remain open if we want our marriage to succeed.
Lack of communication is one of the main reasons why many marriages end up bad. To have a good marriage couples should learn to spend quality time together and always learn to forgive one another. The more time you spend with someone, the better you know and understand a person well. It’s through good understanding of a person that one can be able to maintain a good marriage. Every human being is prone to making mistakes and for a person to do

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