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Family Counselor Career Paper

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According to my four-letter Meyer-Briggs personality type a career path that suits the INFP type falls under the realm of counselor/ social work. Oddly enough for the longest time I considered going to college to become a marriage and family counselor, because of my preexisting interest that is the career I will be focusing on. This career choice is my pick because I enjoy talking to people, and helping them with whatever issues they may be enduring.
In a typical day a counselor does a variety of activities that cater to each client. In the setting of marriage and family counselor their priorities reside in addressing the issues that plague a family or marital unit on a day to day basis. The counselor would address issues individuals have, and help to make process that combat each issue. Along with this there would be a safe space made to address each issue and discuss them in a nonconfrontational way. In other words, the counselor would create an environment that allows everything to be addressed and eventually solved leading to a happier and better family unit. …show more content…
There is a variety of majors to choose from that would go on to allow one to become a counselor such as psychology, social work, and psychiatry. Regardless of the major chosen a certain number of clinical hours are required to let one go onto practice as a licensed counselor on their own. These clinical hours make it so that one is working under a licensed professional to learn in a hand on setting the dos and don’ts of counseling. The completion time of the clinical portion on average takes roughly two years to complete and afterwards one may take, and pass, a state exam to become

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