...Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking David Loggins CMGT/554 October 13, 2013 La Shanda Perry Patton-Fuller Network Since 1975, Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has been in business as a non-profit full service health care institution which provides high level emergency medical care, physical therapy, radiology, surgery, labor and delivery, surgery and many other services that deal with the health and well being of its local community. In order for the organization to function correctly, it must have a good IT infrastructure to support their organization in order to achieve their goals and potential growth. Lets do an analysis of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital network system t o see if changes can be made to enhances the wireless and check to see if their any changes that can be made to make the network more efficient? Analysis of Network System The OSI model also known s the Open Systems Interconnection model is made up of 7 different layers which are very important in order for a network to function correctly. Each layer plays a different role in order for information to become accessible throughout the hospital. The network design used at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is similar to a tree topological connection and Ethernet is in the centre having a centralized connectivity. The Administrative functions on the workstation using the server DHCP to obtain IP addresses. Black and white or color laser printer network is only a static DHCP IP is set...
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...Abstract In the medical field obtaining fast access to accurate patient information is a necessity. With the requirement of Electronic Medical Records, information technology plays an enormous role in the medical industry. Providing the correct network architecture, and infrastructure will allow hospitals to have up-to-date information about all its patients and personnel at all times, to avoid any serious mistakes that can determine the welfare of the patients. Information Systems and Network Overview The Patton-Fuller Community Hospital information technology infrastructure consists of two main areas; the clinical and administrative areas. The clinical areas are • Emergency Rooms and Operating Rooms • Pharmacy • Labs • Radiology • Doctors personal offices • Wards • Outpatient examining rooms • Intensive Care Units The administrative function areas are • Information Technology Department • Admitting/Discharge • Facilities • Human Resources • Hospital Senior Management • Finance Data transmission The hospital uses a technology named Local Area Network (LAN) to transmit data/information within the hospital. The two main reasons to use this technology are for information sharing, and resource sharing. Information sharing allows users to access and modify the same data files, exchange information via e-mail, and use the Internet. One of the main benefits of information sharing is to improve the decision-making process, for example, doctors...
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...Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Network Project Harold Copeland CMGT/554 11/11/13 Dean Mcintyre Company Overview Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is a community hospital that provides healthcare services designed to meet the needs of patients at every stage of life. The hospital was originally founded in 1975. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has been an important part of the community since its opening. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is located on the corner of 61st. Street and Jump Street (Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, 2013). Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has provided quality healthcare services for the entire family since its opening while keeping its patients information and data secure even in this current digital age. Patton-Fuller’s IT departments strives to provide the healthcare facility with the most stable, secure, and fast network possible. Data Transmission Patton-Fuller’s I.T. data center consist of a HIS system computer, a Windows Exchange Server, an Internet Server, data center workstations and a RAS Server. The hospital HIS computer system is composed of an IBM Series 29EC mainframe. This mainframe is currently utilizing Linux for its operating system. The IBM 29EC mainframe contains 18 processors and 32 gigabytes of memory. This system is using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for its security. The IBM 29EC is connected to a 10 Terabyte network attached storage (NAS) by a 4 gigabyte fiber link (Patton-Fuller Community Hospital...
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...University of Phoenix CMGT/554 September 10, 2012 La Shanda Perry Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is a prominent hospital that is known for specializing in radiology, physical therapy, pharmacy, and surgery. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital was founded in 1975. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has been providing quality care to all its patients both children and adults alike. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital patients are accustomed to the quality service that the hospital provides with a focus on the different programs and services to help maintain a high degree of care for its patients. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has an abundance of technology and can be segmented into many different areas providing an in-depth review of the advancements and shortfalls of organization. The networking department has the challenge of dissecting and breaking down the current infrastructure to ensure a comprehensive analysis is done to provide a solution that will last for the three to five years. Identifying the right solutions and architecture is key to ensuring the growth of the network infrastructure to support the demands of the current health care industry. The methods of how Information transmits within the hospital and externally are: Based on the Network Diagrams the Network has two segments; Administrative and Clinical. The backbone network structure for the entire hospital is 1000 Base T. The nodes of the administrative function network utilize CAT 6 cabling...
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...Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Ratio Computation 2009 and 2008 This paper will show the ratio computations to Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. From these computations, taken from the Unaudited and Audited Reports from 2009 and 2008, Team E will address significant changes, if any occurred, and address what Patton-Fuller Community Hospital plans are within the next year to five years regarding any changes. In closing this paper will address the reasons that our team agrees or disagrees with the CEO’s report presented to the Board. In addressing the ratio computations for 2009 and 2008, Unaudited and Audited reports, below, there were no significant changes between the two reports. From 2008 to 2009, the current assets decreased, but showed an increase in the hospital’s liabilities. This change affected the current ratio of the hospital, which was 15.51 to 5.41. The drop in net receivables and cash equivalents according to the ratio computations dropped which had caused a change in the quick ratio of the hospital from 9.49:1 to 3.44:1. In reference to the hospital’s operating costs What plans should the hospital Board make for next year and the next five years? After reviewing Patton-Fuller Community Hospital balance sheets, the balance sheets show that they break even at the end of the fiscal year. The hospital is currently making enough to cover the debts, which equals to no profit. The hospital’s Revenue needs to increase to avoid the debts of the hospital...
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...Network Analysis of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has been in existence since 1975, providing services ranging from basic medical care, outpatient, and pharmacy; to surgery, obstetrics, and physical therapy. The hospital’s mission is to provide a high quality standard of service and practice to the patients of the surrounding community. As with most health care facilities, heavy use of technology is needed in order to enact an efficient and stable operation with safe procedures. Information is needed almost immediately concerning patient files, and the need for keeping patient files up to date is an ever growing issue. Hospitals, doctor’s offices, urgent care clinics, and pharmacies all must implement technology and network strategies in order to stay current, practice safe procedures, and to stay ahead of the ever-changing rules and government regulations put on the health care industry. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is no exception to this. Even though they are not a giant, metropolitan based, hospital with multiple locations, they are still a rather large operation with technology and network needs in relation to the industry participated in. Internal and External Data Transmission Hospitals, by nature must communicate data both internally and externally with precise accuracy and efficiency. Internal networks must transmit data to outside networks at other hospitals, pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and other health care...
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...Week Three Individual Paper Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project CMGT 554/IT Infrastruct In week’s three individual dissection of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Department, I will discuss three topics that will help with a better understanding of the Hospital’s Networking Department. During the first topic, a complete analysis will be completed on the network systems in use. While covering the second topic, discussion on what standards may be missing from the Hospital’s current network. During last topic, I will identify the Hospital’s wireless technology in currently in use and how it may enhance the hospitals network. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital currently uses a Local Area Network (LAN) standard within the hospital with certain Departments using a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard. The Hospital’s top view IT network perspective has the Hospital divided into two sections, the Clinical Areas and the Administrative Function Areas. The entire Hospital‘s backbone (BN) network structure is a 1000 BaseT Ethernet cable. A 1000 BaseT Ethernet cable also known as IEEE 802.3ab, is the standard for gigabit Ethernet using copper wiring (Wikipedia, 2010). However, in the second half of the Hospital’s network structure, the Clinical Areas, a 1000 BaseF Ethernet cable is the standard. A 1000 BaseF, also known as 1000Base-F, is a physical layer baseband specification for Ethernet communications over optical fibers (Wikipedia, 2010). ...
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...Operating Budget Projection HCS/577 29 July 2013 2010 Operating Budget Projection Based upon a review of the Patton Fuller Community Hospital 2009 operating budget variances, the long and short term plans of the various hospital departments and an in depth analysis of general economic conditions, the following assumptions have been concluded and will be used in the preparation of the 2010 operating budget projections. Patton Fuller Community Hospital should anticipate a 1% total “deflation rate” for prices in 2009; because of the weak economy, which is expected to continue into 2010. Net patient revenue will continue to increase, but at a decreased (3%) with little or no increase in patient volume, because of new managed care contracts. Other revenue is projected to increase by 15% based on marketing’s plan to increase donations by 15%. Expenses salaries and benefits salaries will hold to a 1% total increase in cost due to price “deflation” nation wide with no increase in labor hours. This assumption could be affected by a board decision either to raise nursing wages by 1$ per hour or to increase the nursing hour ratio. The increase in assets I the year 2009 was 7%, which is caused by an increase by an increase in accounts receivable by 56%, inventories by 100% and increase in property plant and equipment by 41%. The hospital may have provided more credit to customers or consumers to raise the revenues and more investment in fixed assets and inventories...
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...Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project Deepa Mathur University of Phoenix IT Infrastructure (CMGT/554) Instructor: La Shanda Perry 22 October 2012 The purpose of this document is to identify how data is transmitted within Patton-Fuller Community Hospital and externally. The paper also attempts to identify and describe the OSI layers directly involved in the hospital network and also provides evidence of each layer identified. Last, the paper attempts to identify the various protocols that are available for use and provides a recommended standard that should be used for the hospital. The website of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital contains a top view diagram that represents the hospital structure from an IT network perspective. The Red outlined boxes are the areas related to clinics including Drs Personal Offices, ORs and ERs, Labs, Pharmacy, Radiology, Outpatient Examining Rooms, Wards, and ICUa. The Black outlined boxes represent functions related to administration, including Discharging and Admissions, Technology, HR, Facilities, Finance, and Hospital Senior Management. [pic] For all kinds of data transmission, the entire hospital has an overall network using 1000 BaseT using CAT 6 cable. Some of the individual departments have separate network structure, such as Radiology use different standards, such as 1000 BaseF using single mode fiber, as shown in the logical network diagram below. The Ethernet cable runs throughout the...
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...Analysis for Patton Fuller Community Hospital Bobbie Griffin HCS/577 April 16, 2012 Crystal Chilman University of Phoenix Patton Fuller Community Hospital This paper will analyze the for-profit organization, Patton Fuller Community Hospital, financial data and determine what happened to with the $1 million that Abigail left to the hospital after she passed. Patton Fuller is very dedicated into providing excellent services to their patients. This community hospital is owned by a group of practicing physicians with the aim of providing quality care to around 600 plus patients in a complete service setting. Finkler and Ward mentioned that all health care organizationought to demonstrate signs of revenue in order to obtain newer technology and be able to be compete with other organizations (Finkler & Ward, 2006). The community hospital provided a financial report also known as financial audit. Gapenski stated that a monetary report show the monetary account of an organization from beginning to end, a cash flow statement, income statement and the balance sheet (Gapenski, 2008). This statement identifies the financial stability of the organization and includes but not limited to the cash flow statements, income statement, and the balance sheet. The organization’s financial reports show a considerable differentiation between 2008 and 2009. Based on the examination performed for Patton Fuller Community Hospital, auditors point...
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...Abstract One might think that a hospitals soul operations is to provide doctors and nurses to assist patients with their sickness and diseases. However, there is a ton of operations and systems that go on in the background. At Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, they split up their business information systems in four ways. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital use this system to improve communication and collaboration between senior management, employees, doctors, nurses and patients. In addition, the current system is suppose to improve the efficiency of hospital operations, relationships with current and future patients, and assist senior executives in managing hospital finances. PFCH System Breakdown The current breakdown of the business information system is split between the following: Accounting and Finance Information System, Human Resources Information System, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Information System, Knowledge Management (KM) Information System. These four systems combine creates Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. The Accounting and Finance Information System; is primarily used by senior executives. The Patton-Fuller senior executives use this system to manage, cash flow, assets, liabilities, and net income. After all this information has been entered into this system PFCH has the ability to generate financial statements in which are requirements by federal regulations. For example, at the end of the month, someone from the PFCH team will enter in all...
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...Integrating Theory and Research: Needs Assessment for the Patton - Fuller Community Hospital’s Compliance to Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (and its Amendments in 1992) Cliff Musimenta University of Phoenix Integrating Theory and Research: Needs Assessment for the Patton - Fuller Community Hospital’s Compliance to Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (and its Amendments in 1992) The Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-629, Section 12, 104 Stat. 4523, 1990) was signed by President Bush on 28 November 1990. According to Samuel (1990), the law entailed seventeen timetabled sets of new regulations that can be grouped into the following four categories: premarket approval; post-market surveillance; penalties; and miscellaneous. According to Merrill (1994, p. 47), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “agency was given power to prescribe good manufacturing practices (GMP) requirements for devices, to ban worthless or dangerous products administratively, and to require notification, replacement, and/or refund by makers of defective products.” According to Swayze & Rich (2012) “a medical device is, simply defined, any item used to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease, injury, or any other condition that is not a drug, biologic, or food” (para. 1). In any health organizational set up, creating patient safety requires that the organization establishes a safe health environment that eliminates/minimizes all unintentional injury to ensure patient wellbeing. This set...
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...CMGT 554 Week 3-It Infrastructure- Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project University of Phoenix Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/cmgt-554-week-3-infrastructure-patton-fuller-community-hospital-networking-project-university-phoenix/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) CMGT 554 Week 3-It Infrastructure- Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project University of Phoenix Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project (Week 3) University of Phoenix CMGT 554/IT INFRASTRUCTURE Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project Today most new building construction is built with new technology and is not as much concerned with the type of budgets that a hospital muse consider in order to redesign a whole new network structure for the purpose of being more optimal and maintaining standards that keep up with advances in new technology. In most cases, a hospital’s network can transition over time with new technology and evolve into meeting the demands it requires to perform effectively. However, upgrading a hospital’s entire network can often be very expensive to implement and sustain. There may be a case where components or parts are no longer being produced to meet current and future demands. In the last several...
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...Patton-Fuller Ratio Computation Patton-Fuller Ratio Computation July 8, 2013 HCS/405 Regina Robinson The Eight Basic Ratios 1. Current Ratio (Unaudited) 2009 Current Assets $128,867 ÷ Current Liabilities $23,807= 5.4129877 or 5.413 (5 to 1) 2008 Current Assets $130,026 ÷ Current Liabilities $8,380 = 15.516229 or 15.516 (15 to 1) Current Ratio (Audited) 2009 $128,867 ÷ $23,807= 5.3709833 or 5.371(5 to 1) 2008 $130,026 ÷ $8,380= 15.516229 or 15.516 (15 to 1) Disagree: This ratio is consistently a measure of short-term debt paying ability (Baker & Baker, 2011). However, it must be carefully interpreted (Baker & Baker, 2011). Observationally, the CEO’s report to the board that all financial ratios have improved is inaccurate; in all actuality, the ratios have not. In effect, the numbers simply do not back up the declaration. The unaudited and audited current ratios show that in 2008 the hospital’s assets were greater than those in 2009 were. This ratio also shows the current assets in 2008 were much higher than the current liabilities for the same year, a ratio of 15 to 1. In 2009 the current assets to current liabilities ratio was only 5 to 1. The hospital’s assets were lower in 2009 and yet the liabilities in 2009 were higher. The hospital’s assets were higher in 2008 and the liabilities in 2008 were lower. This shows the hospital was more profitable...
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... Introduction Patton Fuller Community Hospital was started in the year of 1975. Patton Fuller Community Hospital has been dedicated to good quality care. It is a 600-bed capacity. It is known to be a for profit hospital. Its physicians and some that are still practicing at the facility own Patton Fuller Community Hospital. The financials of Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenue and Expense demonstrates how a firm has used its funds. These statements identify the financial stability of the organization. Which includes but is not limited to the cash flow statements along with the income statement, and the balance sheet. The financial reports show differences between 2008 and 2009. Based on the examination or audit performed for Patton Fuller Community Hospital, the auditors point out that there was a 10% raise in patient revenues as well as additional revenues. (Patton-Fuller Community Hospital 2009) This could be because of possible raise in patient visits and services, which may include admissions to the hospital. On the observation of the audited form that was submitted by the auditors, it is available under the expenses where Patton Fuller Community Hospital has experience increases. The supplies line item experienced a 5% increase, which totaled 3,238. The reason for such an increase may perhaps been easily related with the payments to vendors and the cost. Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Audited) (Patton - Fuller Community Hospital 2009) ...
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