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Peak Performance Self Assessment Paper

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A “peak performer” an individual who strives to do their best by producing results in all area’s of their life (Bethel University, 2013). Also, they have the ability to set long term goals and work on these goals daily (Bethel University, 2013). While being highly motivated, they will overcome any obstacle that interfere's with progress (Bethel University, 2013). Therefore, they do not succumb to life’s situations instead they control the situation so that they reap the benefits. A “peak performer” is a passionate individual that likes to take risks and works through their fears to accomplish their goals (Bethel University, 2103). In addition to, they continually acquire new skills and remain confident which makes success obtainable (Bethel University, 2013). Therefore, it is important that each individual try to emulate these attributes while continuing to learn throughout life.

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Although this test describes your skill level, there are other self assessment test in our coursework that will show your dominant learning style, preference in working with others, making decisions and learning new information (Bethel University, 2013). Once the self assessment test is complete, the results can be a vital part of learning about ourselves in our personal and professional lives. Therefore, the information provided should give us the initiative to examine all areas of our lives. If there are issues that need addressing, then establishing a change in our habits and continuing this practice to meet our primary goals during our personal and professional lives will be productive. In addition to taking this approach, keeping a portfolio of awards, certificates, evaluations and projects completed can be an important tool to self evaluate and set higher goals to improve performance (Bethel University,

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