...Discussion Board #1 An ethical situation I experienced was on a pediatric clinical rotation. A 14 year old patient was admitted to the pediatric floor for observation. A psychological consultation was entered because the pediatrician and the nurses felt that there may be some underlying psychological problems. The patient had agreed to talk to a psychologist/therapist for a consultation but the parents refused. The nurse contacted her clinic manager to help with this issue. The ethics committee was involved. They had coerced the parents to allow the consultation to happen by threating to call CPS on the family since there was a possibility of emotional abuse occurring at home. The ethical decision making principle that came into play was utilitarianism, where the ends justify the means. The utilitarian principle was relevant in this situation because the ethics committee went so far as to threaten the parents about calling CPS. This step may have not been necessary. The ANA/ICN code of ethics that was being violated was autonomy. Autonomy is the ethical principle that allows patients to choose their own medical care and make their own decisions. Since the patient was minor full autonomy was not initially given to the patient. The ethics committee ruled in favor of the adolescent and bypassed the rule regarding minors. DB #2 One of the current health policy priorities for Maryland is nurse staffing plans and ratios. Maryland is one of the many states that do not...
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...Death and Dying Tonia Larson Kaplan Univerity HS101 Unit 9 03/26/2013 1. List 2 examples of legal issues affecting healthcare and describe how you determined your choices to be legal issues. Two examples of legal issues affecting health care are- labor and employment issues because it seems like there is always some kind of a lawsuit being brought forth about age discrimination or requests for accommodations for employees with disabilities. Medical malpractice and tort reform how can you not determine that to be legal issue when even the President of the United States of America talks about it in a State of the Union address. 2. Give 2 examples of ethical issues affecting healthcare and describe how you determined your choices to be ethical issues. Two examples of ethical issues affecting health care are- equal treatment vs VIP treatment for donors and influential people this is an issue that seems like it will never go away because some people fight with the idea of feeling like they have to spend more time and or give special treatment to large financial donors, and trustees family members because they are helping keep the doors open and the business functioning properly and as well have the power of your job placement. Another ethical issue in health care is the addressing nurse moral distress about providing care with minimal benefit. As we learned in the case of Terry Schiavo these cases can be difficult for everyone and drain some bedside nurses to the point...
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...in the hospital and the other man needs to know the medication his partner is on so the pharmacy will release it to him. Since they are not legally married they do not have the same rights and access to information as a straight married couple. Do you go against HIPAA and release the information or do you withhold it because of the law? These two dilemmas are not uncommon in the health industry. Doctors and nurses come across patients with no insurance on a daily basis and more often than not, they are forced to turn them away untreated. This ethical decision can weigh heavily on their heads. I find this dilemma to be of the deontological sort by which a doctors duties and obligations are on trial. Immanuel Kant describes deontological ethics as “a position that judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules.” With that in mind, I think it’s important to note a doctor’s Hippocratic oath which demands certain ethical standards be upheld. Of this oath a...
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...Abstract Advances in human genetic testing have led to ground-breaking discoveries. However, the field is still in its infancy leading to new discoveries daily. This paper will identify and examine the roles of the multi-disciplinary team to deal with a family’s diagnosis of Tay Sach’s disease in their unborn child. It will also include a teaching plan designed for this family and examine the ethical implications of the availability of personal genetic information. There is also a Reflection piece dealing with how I would feel about the family’s decision ad how I would advocate for their decision. It will also examine the ethical and legal considerations of continuing a pregnancy after a diagnosis of Tay Sach’s. Genetics Case Study Family Ethics and Beliefs guide the Trosack family in the initial decision making process but they will need education and support in order to effectively care for their child and cope with the diagnosis of Tay Sach’s. Many resources are needed to properly care for this family and an interdisciplinary team is required to ensure that as many needs can be met as possible. Interdisciplinary Team Members: 1. Case Manager: The Case Manager is essential to planning and coordinating other disciplines to assist the Trosack family. The Case Manager can provide information on care during pregnancy, and also care and resources available in the community after discharge home. The Case Manager can assist in finding appropriate physicians for the child and...
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...students with chronic conditions receive their care in a traditional school setting, the speechlanguage pathologist is required to have a medical knowledge base for pediatric communication and swallowing disorders. Dysphagia intervention is becoming a more prominent component of the caseloads of speech-language pathologists who practice in the school setting. While this can be a rewarding challenge, scenarios in which clinicians find themselves can also have a more acute feel when managing a feeding tube and/or risk for aspiration. The “team” of school professionals extends to include pediatricians and pediatric neurologists as well as child psychiatrists and psychologists. Often, when clinicians perceive moral angst, they search for “the right” answer. A case-based approach in ethics illustrates that more often than not a single “right” answer does not exist. Clinical ethics is a discipline of bioethics...
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...GIVING VOICE TO VALUES (What would I say and do if I were going to act on my values) Description 1 Value Clarification: What is a value? Exercises to reveal values. Value Formation. (Please use the exercises in the attached notes, or anything else you can find in books on values) 4 2 Comparative Religions: Inter-religious sensitivity, understanding and common action to build a world on shared values. Breaking through stereotypes. Communalism and Building community. (Video presentation on 3 religions: Hinduism, Islam and Christianity- Arnold Toynebee. After viewing a video programme on each religion, please get a group of 5 students to share on the meaning they get from their religions. Clarifications from the rest of the class are welcome. No discussions. A session on communalism and community building could follow. Talk by Ram Puniyani on communalism. 10 3 Corruption as a way of life: Case studies e.g. CWG, Adarsh and 2G. Attempt to analyse the causes. Don’t get stuck on description. Then try and discuss strategies to avoid corruption. RTI. Civil Society groups. Other strategies to bring accountability and transparency. 4 4 Violence and Conflict Resolution: Input from Kishu Daswani – conflict resolution at the individual level 5 5 Attraction to substance abuse: Resources from Linda. Film: My brother Nikhil, Portrait of an addict. 2 6 The Problem of Evil: Video: God in the dock. A discussion following the film is useful 2 7 Prayer Communal and Personal: Video: Seven...
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...Ethical Dilemma – Samouel’s Greek Cuisine Joshua has spent several hours researching his portion of his team project. His job is to collect secondary data. The conflicting information that Joshua has found is still considered secondary data even though it is not from a reputable firm. Secondary business data can be very helpful in determining the correct business path for a company to go in. The data, though conflicting should still be incorporated and explained in his research findings to his group. The data is from a government -sponsored website and may be very valuable. Joshua should stay late and examine the quality of the data he has found on the conflicting website. He needs to look at the reliability and the validity of the data that is presented. Who is the information being provided through and how was it collected, and is it free from bias? What was the data in the study originally collected for and does that influence the outcome. The information is from a government sponsored website so there is some credibility in the source. I do not feel that Joshua should ignore this research in his findings. If Joshua feels that he does not want to include this data he should talk to his group and explain why he feels it is not relevant. It should not be hidden from the findings if it has a role to play in the research and can help the restaurant’s performance in the future. There is a value in secondary research and when it is used appropriately...
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...Enoch Olutayo Dr Kristin Rajan Engl 1102-222 6th September 2013 Courage is a virtue As a kid, I watched a lot of cartoons. Some were memorable and had an impact on my life, while some were not. One of the most memorable was a cartoon called ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog’. You can probably see from the title that this cartoon was very interesting. It has had a big impact on my philosophy as I have learnt life facts from watching it. I believe that I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today if I never came across it. I think it’s safe to say that as a kid, I did not know and understand a lot of things. The world to me was in black and white. You were either the good guy or the bad guy and when I watched TV, I always liked the good guys. This was how I felt when watching ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog’ but all that started to change as I grew up. This cartoon was about a dog named Courage that was adopted by a woman named Muriel. She found him abandoned on a trash can hungry and needing a diaper change. Her and her husband, Eustace, were on their way home when she saw him and immediately fell in love with him. Courage loved Muriel for being nice and loving, almost like a mother to him, so he always took care of her. As you can probably see from the title of the show, Courage’s name is a contradiction of his actual personality. He got frightened by almost anything and was always suspicious of people and activities that happened around him. They lived in the middle of nowhere, which...
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...Running Head: VIEWING ETHICS THROUGH MY EYES Viewing Ethics through My Eyes Business Ethics Heather Morgan Aiken Technical College Running Head: VIEWING ETHICS THROUGH MY EYES Abstract Ethical choices are made every second, rather knowing it or not, you make one every day. Versus being in a work environment, at a school activity, or being around friends and family. Every one's views are different when it comes to ethics and it all relates back to how you view situations and how you intend to follow through with the choices you make. Ethics relates back to how you were raised; rather through spiritual beliefs or in the home. Everyone's beliefs are different and that's what makes ethics it's own virtual way of views. Running Head: VIEWING ETHICS THROUGH MY EYES Viewing Ethics through My Eyes Business Ethics Ethics can be perceived in more than one form. I view it in the sense of virtue ethics, based on character traits people have that are good (Anne T. Lawrence, James F. Weber, 2011, p. 83). The method I would enforce would be the justice method (p. 83). Everything should be based off a fair and just form no matter the person, they should all be treated equal. I have an older brother and my parents raised us equally, even though we are four years apart in age. Anything he received, I received the same thing or something of the same value. I was raised to believe that...
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...In the article “Don’t Leave Your Hand in the Cookie Jar,” the author states that John Davies and Karl Schumaker have totally opposite opinions about how to make the year-end adjusting entries for 2009. John is an assistant controller. He has a master’s degree in accounting, is a CPA, and has three years of solid experience with a major accounting firm. Karl, John’s immediate boss, a controller, is 20 years older than John, and he has a B.S. in management and a general M.B.A. from a top graduate school. Moreover, he has over 25 years of corporate accounting and finance experience even though he has no public accounting experience. The adjusting entries in question consist of accounts receivable bad debt, product returns, and product warranties. The accounts receivable bad debt is the first accounting adjustment they have different opinion. Karl would to prefer to bring the bad debt up to 3% of sale this year from 2.75% last year because he thinks an economic slowdown is coming. Besides, Karl believes in conservative accounting, so he thinks that the accountants should use the least favorable amount. However, John thinks the bad debt should be keep as same as 2.5%. John said that he does not see the need to bump up the bad debt percentages, and he mentioned they can adjust it in future as needed. The second adjusting entry they hold the opinion differ from each other is product returns. Karl wants to keep the 1% on product returns, but John thinks the product returns should...
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...Whitney Summers Ms. Wert English 101 H December 3, 2012 Genetic Engineering Just imagine the scene: and newlywed wife and husband are sitting down with a catalog, browsing joyously, pointing and awing at all the different options, fantasizing about all the possibilities that could become of their future. Is this a catalog for new furniture? No. This catalog for all features, phenotype and genotype, for the child they are planning to have. It is basically a database for parents to pick and choose all aspects of their children, from the sex of the child, to looks, and even to personality traits. Parents since the beginning of time have “planned” to have children, but never have they been able to legitimately “plan” out their child. This scene does not seem typical for our time and age, but truthfully it is what is becoming of our world. Through substantial research and experimentation that is taking place, scientists, specifically biologists, are becoming keener to the field of engineering; Genetic engineering that is. When one thinks of “genetic engineering,” the first thought is probably a perfect child, or paradoxically some inconceivable creature, forged under the microscope in a scientific laboratory. Though both of these are genetic engineering, many people do not consider other things, such as genetic engineering of agriculture and medicine, both of which are extremely useful. Through the genetic altering of plants and crops, scientists have been able to manipulate...
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...1) The Booth Pharmaceutical Corporation has to face whether or not to continue selling the drug Vanatin. In participating in the activity, acting as a board member of the Booth Corporation, I along with my other group members were faced with an ethical dilemma. The dilemma was; should the company continue to sell Vanatin even though is has dangerous effects? The drug Vanatin is a major profit producing aspect of the Booth Corporation comprising 12% of its gross income in the United States. Additionally, the corporation makes about the same amount of money in foreign markets under a different name. Booth Pharmaceutical can continue to sell the product and with help from lobbyists get past the FDA. However, the drug is proven to have been the cause of 30-40 deaths per year. The ethical decision comes down to whether or not the lives of 30-40 people per year is worth the revenue generated for the Booth Corporation from Vanatin. 2) If the Booth Corporation decides not to produce the product, than that will be a major loss for their revenue per year. Through discussion, my group assumed that this would probably result in pay cuts and layoffs. The company has no substitute product for Vanatin so they would lose a tremendous amount of customers. If the drug was banned and the sale of Vanatin seized, the other party, the scientists, would have accomplished their goal. Additionally, innocent patients’ lives would be potentially saved. If the Booth Corporation continues...
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...me knocked-out most of the day. Please remember that I’m given extra time on assignments via the Kaplan University office of student disabilities. Abstract This term paper for unit two review three articles, Ethics Consultation in United States Hospitals This term paper also defines 8 financial terms. Keywords: Balance sheet, Shareholder Equity, EBITDA, EBITDAM, Financial Ethics, Financial Benchmarking, Financial Trend Analysis, and Ratio Analysis. Unit 2 Term Paper Business ethics is the appropriate business guidelines and customs regarding debatable issues, like the way a CEO runs his company, illegal stock trading, corruption, business social and monetary obligations. The government’s authorities frequently enforce business ethics, still there are times when businesses alone will use a straightforward structure that organizations can abide by so that they simply may benefit the public interest (investopedia.com, 2013). Article Review The first article chosen for this assignment, is Betsy Gallup’s article Ethics Are an Important Part of Running a Health-Care Facility, and she explains ethics as having three components: independence, integrity and objectivity (2009). The article continues by explaining ethics in the healthcare sector; as patients’ at a healthcare facility or hospital we expect to receive fair and ethical care from the facilities medical professionals attending to us. One expects the same ethical behavior...
Words: 1921 - Pages: 8
...Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review Clarissa R. Hoover XMGT/216 August 4th, 2012 Dr. Frank Czarny, Ph.D. Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review Business ethics and perspectives play a major role in how every business operates on a daily basis. This essay will examine two articles of foreign countries business ethics and perspectives. In addition, the essay will provide a brief summary of the articles. Also, the essay will demonstrate the primary ethical perspectives of the two countries. In addition, the essay will discuss the contributions to understanding global ethical perspectives. Furthermore, the essay will illustrate how the business ethics of a foreign country compares to that of The United States of America. Even though, some business ethics and perspectives differ from country to country generally they are the same. It is very important to uphold an elevated level of ethical behavior when conducting business in a foreign country. There are four main ethical perspectives that one should empathize with which are: character, obligation, results, and equity (Bullard, 2009). When examining ones character individuals should establish their thoughts on what shall be perceived as good versus what is good to accomplish. Furthermore, each individual should realize everyone has a different perspective on how businesses work in a global market. Another ethical perspective one should examine is obligation. Obligation can be described as doing...
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...Ethics Case One ethical lesson from this article, is when something is wrong, one should speak up and let their voice about the issue be heard. A second lesson from this case is that a lot of times middle management does not report all of the facts to top management in order for critical decisions to be made. Finally, a third ethical lesson from this case is to tell the truth about effects of decisions or information being presented, so that way it is true and unbiased. All three of the above listed lessons are relevant to someone who decides to enter into the accounting profession. This is because as accounts, one of our duties is to provide accurate and timely information in order for decisions by investors, creditors, and internal managers to be made. Most all of the ethical lessons that were discussed in the case were based on misleading information, or information that was inaccurate when trying to make a final decision. The decisions discussed in the case were not made in order to help make decisions; rather top managers were trying to save themselves and their reputations. The first ethical lesson pulled from the case was that when there is information that is misrepresented or wrongly described, one should not hesitate to speak up. Whether you are looking over information from peers on your own level or information from top-level management or anyone higher in a company than you, one should be able to speak up to misrepresented information. As someone going...
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