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Peds In Sports

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Should the use of performance enhancing drugs be acceptable in professional sports? This is a debate that has been going around for years. In my opinion you should be able to use performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in professional sports. Why not? At this point, hearing someone was caught using PEDs barely raises and eyebrow, so why not responsibly use our resources? In my opinion there is a difference between drug use and abuse. Scientists could use all the time that they use for testing people to show people and to find out how to use PEDs responsibly and safely.
In sports, all athletes have different ways for training, diets, and gear. All athletes do things different from the other competitors yet we don’t consider that cheating. 20 out …show more content…
What about teenagers? Thats cheating.¨ These are all true and I can see where the other side is coming from. I highly disagree with the use of PEDs in high school and college sports, that is even more unsafe. At that age your body is still developing and can disrupt and change the normal growth, but in professional sports you are at an older age, you´re fully grown, there is nothing to disrupt and is a whole lot more safe than allowing younger ages to have accessibility to this option. Like I said, if we really think about it, sports is just essentially cheating. If we legalized PEDs in professional sports, there would be no cheating all together. It is also much different than college or high school sports, unlike them, professional sports is considered a career, sports are their jobs, their job is to entertain but most of all to win. A professional states “The chemical makeup of a teenage boy is extremely complex, and the complications steroids cause can be very detrimental.” “The most detrimental thing that could happen is the stunting of growth plates. During adolescence the growth plates are not set, and foreign testosterone will very easily halt the entire process. What does this mean? This means that if you are 5'6" right now, then you will always be 5'6".” These quotes show how much more danger is involved in the use of PEDs if an adolescent were to use them at such a young age. This is why we should allow PEDs in only professional sports to use drugs

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