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Who Is To Blame For Lord Capulet's Death

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At the dawn of Wednesday, June 23rd, 1506, the body of Lord Capulet’s only daughter, Juliet Capulet, was found dead next to her bed in Verona, Italy. She was less than 2 weeks away from turning 14 years old.
Angelina, Juliet’s nurse, discovered the body at around 5:15 AM while trying to wake up Juliet to prepare her for her wedding with County Paris, which was scheduled to take place later on that day.
There was no physical injuries found on Juliet Capulet’s body, and investigators are suggesting that she died because of her grief over the death of her cousin Tybalt, whom was recently slain by Romeo from the house of the Montagues on Monday afternoon.
Both Lord and Lady Capulet was shocked and devastated after they were informed of this

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