...vs. online trust 8 2.2.1 Define customer trust in online shopping 8 2.2.2 The importance of customer trust in online shopping 9 2.2.3 Findings from past studies 9 2.3 E-business Vs E-drugstore 12 2.3.1 A glance of pharmaceutical industry & drugstore sector 14 2.4 Website factors that might affect the perceptions of customers’ online trust 18 2.4.1 Website factors VS consumer factors 18 2.4.2 Discussion of website factors 19 3. Methodology, data, and model 36 3.1 Methodology and data collection 36 3.2 Model & analysis 37 3.2.1 Variance analysis 37 3.2.2 Factor analysis 40 4. Results and discussion 43 4.1 Results for research questions 43 4.2 Results from factor analysis 47 5. Managerial implications 49 6. Limitation and further research 54 7. Conclusion 56 Appendix A: Customer trust survey 57 Appendix B: Factor analysis of attributes of websites factors (Heavy Loadings) 58 Appendix C: Frequency table 59 References 60 1. Introduction 1.1 Research motivation and objectives It is commonly accepted that e-business is beneficial to the further growth and success of businesses, government, and not-for-profit organizations (Sultan et al, 2002). Specifically, the advent of the Internet has brought new business opportunities to the retail industry. However, no matter how wonderful e-business is, many small businesses still cannot participate in the online market due to a lack of customer trust. While previous academic studies have emphasized the significance...
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...Volume 9 Number 2 2010 Influence of Word of Mouth Communication Towards Indonesian Online Shopper Purchase Intention Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Eka Yuliana Master of Science in Management, School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Abstract Word-of-mouth (WOM) gives the consumer perceptions to engage in retail online shopping can include both utilitarian and hedonic shopping dimensions. To cater to these consumers, online retailers can create a cognitively and esthetically rich shopping environment, through sophisticated levels of communication, as the personal influence, online community, and also by sharing they experience. Since the effect of word of mouth communications on marketing and has proven to stimulate online consumer's perceptions, 374 person of House of Taaj Facebookers in all over Indonesia, in which 280 female (75%) and 94 male (25%) has expressed their perceptions toward online purchase intention, and word of mouth. This research presumes that word of mouth from another online consumers, share information and features can influence online shopping intention and entice them to modify or even transform their original shopping predispositions by providing them with attractive and enhanced interactive features and controls of buying. To achieve the research objectives and the test hypotheses, factor analysis, and linear regression are used to analyze the significant level of each variable...
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...“The Roles of Online Business Transactions to Business Management Students of UBLC” A Research Proposal Research Methodology RES1 Presented to Ms. Perla Mendoza In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Management March 2014 CHAPTER I RESEARCH PROBLEM This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, conceptual framework, scope and delimitation, significance of the study and the definition of terms. 1.1 Introduction As of today, internet has become an integral tool for business. Consumers can now purchase items online without encountering any hassles. They can now negotiate into other transactions like postal services, order forms, paper checks and paying bills with the use of internet. First of all, online transaction is very convenient. It will allow the consumers to pay their bills and make transactions anytime of the day. Online transaction refers to a class of program that facilitates and manages transaction- oriented applications, typically for data entry and retrieval transactions in a number of industries, including banking, airlines, mail order, supermarkets, and manufacturers. One simple example of an online transaction is a credit card purchase of an e-book. Unlike traditional mail orders involving paper checks, order forms, postal services, and parcel shippers, someone ordering an e-book receives the goods...
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...International Journal of E-Business Development (IJED) Attitudes toward Online Shopping: A Comparison of Online Consumers in China and the US * Department of Marketing, Howard University, 2600 6th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20059, USA Department of Marketing, The George Washington University, Funger 301D, 2201 G Street, NW, Washington DC, 20052, USA ^ Department of Marketing, Towson University, Stephens Hall 123, 8000 York Road, Towson, MD 21252, USA 1 gong.gw@gmail.com; 2maddox@gwu.edu; 3rstump@towson.edu market, one that is striving to transform its economy from being manufacturing-based to technology-based. The Chinese government has attached great importance to e-tailing in spurring economic growth and recently has released a series of policies to regularize and guide Internet and e-tailing development (6). Furthermore, China has overtaken Japan as the world's second-largest economy and is predicted to replace the US as the world's top economy in roughly a decade (12). Collectively, all of these factors bode well for an improving etailing environment in China. The focus of this study is to examine whether online consumers in China and the US share similar attitudes with regard to online shopping. While there is a wealth of research focusing on online shopping behaviour in Western countries, relatively little research has compared consumer attitudes toward online shopping across nations. Reflecting the call by Van Slyke, Belanger and Sridhar (13) for more cross-cultural...
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...We have collected all the articles needed for the project from the AIS journals and we r reading and summarizing them and there is some of the summaries. Summary of the articles: 1. Examining the critical success factors of Mobile website adoption (Tao Zhou, 2010): Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the critical success factors of mobile website adoption. General view: The paper is talking about the information systems success theory proposes the system quality and information quality affect users usage and satisfaction with information systems, further determining organizational performance (D&M) service quality. The new model argues that system quality, information quality and service quality affect usage and user satisfaction, further affecting net benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and lower costs. Also the case is talking about the TAM and the trust concepts. So the system quality here reflects the stability, navigation and layout of mobile sites. Mobile service providers need to rely on a reliable and well designed interface to deliver ubiquitous information and services to users. The Hypothesis that the author has indicated in this research are: 1. H1: system quality, information quality and service quality significantly affect perceived ease of use. 2. H2: system quality, Information quality and Service quality significantly affect perceived usefulness. 3. H3: System quality, Information quality and Service quality...
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...www.sciedu.ca/jms Journal of Management and Strategy Vol. 1, No. 1; December 2010 Managing Justly Across Cultures: The Problem of Fairness in International Business Rolf D. Dixon (Corresponding author) Weber State University 3802 University Circle, Ogden, Utah 84408, USA Tel: +1-(801)-626-7542 E-mail: rddixon@weber.edu Cam Caldwell University of Georgia G-2 Brooks Hall, Athens, GA 30602-6256, USA Tel: +1-(318)-446-0129 E-mail: camcaldw@uga.edu Apichai Chatchutimakorn College of Business, McNeese State University Kayla Gradney College of Business, McNeese State University Kochakan Rattanametangkul McNeese State University katekochakan@yahoo.com Received: September 14, 2010 Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships between organizational justice and the factors that characterize cultural differences. This paper begins by briefly summarizing the nature of organizational justice and by identifying how justice is perceived. Hofstede’s five factors of cultural dimension model, which he developed in his seminal 1980 research on national cultures, is utilized to present characteristics of cultural differences. Ten propositions are then offered which relate to organizational justice and differences in cultural perspectives. These propositions suggest specific management approaches that organizational leaders can adopt to be more effective in dealing with employees from respective cultures. This paper concludes by identifying the importance of understanding...
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...ANXIETY AND SPEAKING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AMONG MALE AND FEMALE BUSINESS STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITI INDUSTRI SELANGOR Ayu Rita Bt Mohamad and Nadhia Dalila Bt Ab Wahid Industrial University of Selangor Jln Timur Tambahan, 456000 Bestari Jaya E-mail: ayurita@yahoo.com ABSTRACT This study explores the nature and anxiety of speaking English as a second language among male and female Business Degree students in Industrial University of Selangor (Unisel), Berjuntai Bestari, Selangor. This study attempts to identify potential sources of anxiety relevant to the students’ affective needs or concerns in an institution of higher learning through the use of an in-depth qualitative questionnaire. As the pre-administered questionnaire findings indicate, the differences in the level of language anxiety exhibited by the participants seem to vary by gender. Using various studies by previous researchers of language anxiety as a theoretical guideline for data collection and analysis, this study also discusses some of the influences or impact of anxiety-provoking factors on second language learning, along with some implications for further research on language anxiety. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Anxiety is a negative way to present human feelings. When we are anxious, we feel nervous, worried, and fearful. We struggle, tremble, perspire, and our hearts beat quickly. In general, anxiety can be defined as a complex concept dependent upon not only on one’s feelings of selfefficacy...
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...com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations (this article cites 6 articles hosted on the SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): http://ccm.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/5/1/49#BIBL Downloaded from http://ccm.sagepub.com at N E Wales Inst of H E on February 28, 2007 © 2005 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. CCM International Journal of 2005 Vol 5(1): 49–66 Cross Cultural Management A Cross Cultural Perspective on Perceived Leadership Effectiveness Jun Yan California State University, USA James G. (Jerry) Hunt Institute for Leadership Research, Texas Tech University, USA ABSTRACT We propose a theoretical model to explain how societal/cultural settings may influence the leadership perception processes of followers and the ways perceived leadership effectiveness can be achieved. We adopt five cultural dimensions – collectivism/ individualism (CI), masculinity/femininity (MASC), power distance (PD), uncertainty avoidance (UA) and fatalism (FT), and relate them to two types of leadership perception modes – recognition-based and inference-based processes, and perceived leadership effectiveness....
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...Nr 2/2009(10) WS P Ó Ł C Z E S N A E K O N O M I A Areti Stringa*, Saimir Sallaku**, Jorida Tabaku*** Individual Characteristics of Entrepreneurs in Transition Countries. The Albanian Case Summary The transition process in Albania, as in other ex-communist countries, stopped the enterprise development. The increasing number of small and medium enterprises is the most promising consequence of the transition process. Several researches in western countries have demonstrated that entrepreneurship involves objective and subjective factors and is interrelated with environmental objective factors and individual subjective ones. Our research examines clear characteristics of the businesses’ analysis, the performance of the entrepreneurs themselves (their background and personal characteristics), their motivation to start a business and the perceptions of the different characteristics and the aspects of the businesses they run. 1. Definition of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs Storey (1994) argues that there is no uniformly acceptable definition of small firms due to a variety of factors, including: industry and sector influence on size; yardstick used; and subjective and conflicting statistical data on small and new firms. Bolton Committee (1971) tried to correlate the economic and statistical features and linked those with the industry factor while regarded small firms as: • with relatively small share of market; • managed by owners or part-owners in a personalised...
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...INTENTION TO PURCHASE LOW–COST AIRLINE E-TICKET IN YHAILAND by Piyanath Maneechot School of Business, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Suthawan Chirapanda School of Business, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce E-mail: suthawan_chi@utcc.ac.th 41 FACTORS AFFECTING BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TO PURCHASE LOW–COST AIRLINE E-TICKET IN YHAILAND by Piyanath Maneechot School of Business, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Suthawan Chirapanda School of Business, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce E-mail: suthawan_chi@utcc.ac.th Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this research aims to investigate the factors that affecting behavioral intention to purchase low-cost airline e-ticket and this research. Design/methodology - This research employed an empirical study with the use of the questionnaire survey method, in total, 430 responses were collected through randomly mailing and sent out to consumers who had an experience of purchasing low cost airline e-ticket. Findings - The result showed that marketing efforts, perceive ease of use and perceived usefulness positively affects attitude toward using low cost airline e-ticket and attitude toward using and subjective norm also positive affect behavioral intention to purchase low-cost airline e-ticket. The research showed that perceived usefulness was the most important factor that affect to the behavioral intention to purchase low-cost airline e-ticket. Practical implications -...
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...IN E-BANKING: SOME EVIDENCES FORM INDIAN BANKS Abstract This study evaluates major factors (i.e. service quality, brand perception and perceived value) affecting on customers’satisfaction in e-banking service settings. This study also evaluates influence of service quality on brand perception, perceived value and satisfaction in e-banking. Required data was collected through customers’ survey. For conducting customers’ survey likert scale based questionnaire was developed after review of literature and discussions with bank managers as well as experts in customer service and marketing. Collected data was analyzed using principle component (PCA) using SPSS 19.0. A result indicates that, Perceived Value, Brand Perception, Cost Effectiveness, Easy to Use, Convenience, Problem Handling, Security/Assurance and Responsiveness are important factors in customers satisfaction in e-banking it explains 48.30 per cent of variance. Contact Facilities, System Availability, Fulfillment, Efficiency and Compensation are comparatively less important because these dimensions explain 21.70 percent of variance in customers’ satisfaction. Security/Assurance, Responsiveness, Easy to Use, Cost Effectiveness and Compensation are predictors of brand perception in e-banking and Fulfillment, Efficiency, Security/Assurance, Responsiveness, Convenience, Cost Effectiveness, Problem Handling and Compensation are predictors of perceived value in e-banking. Keywords: Service quality, Brand perception, Perceived...
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...feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a key function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication between levels, departments and employees. 2. Describe the interpersonal communication process. Interpersonal communication occurs between individuals. It is an interactive process that involves a person’s effort to attain meaning and respond to it. It involves sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages. information management Definition-Application of management techniques to collect information, communicate it within and outside the organization, and process it to enable managers to make quicker and better decisions. 3. Describe the 3 factors that influences perception. -The receiver: Our personal characteristics influence how we interpret an observation we have just made. -The target of perception: A person’s physical features and appearance such as her or his weight, height, race, age group, clothes, physical attractiveness or gender affect what we perceive. -The situation in which the perception takes place: It provides the perceiver with addition information in interpreting the information. 4. Define Perception- Perception deals with the mental and sensory process an individual uses in interpreting information received. Perception Definition-The process by which people translate sensory impressions into a coherent and unified view of the...
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...University of Nottingham Measuring Service Quality in Distribution Logistics Using SERVQUAL and AHP: A Case Study in a Pharmaceutical Wholesaler in Turkey HARIKA KARPUZCU MSc Operations Management University of Nottingham Measuring Service Quality in Distribution Logistics Using SERVQUAL and AHP: A Case Study in a Pharmaceutical Wholesaler in Turkey by Harika KARPUZCU 2006 A Dissertation presented in part consideration for the degree of “MSc Operations Management” Contents List of Tables.............................................................................................................................iii List of Figures ...........................................................................................................................iii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... iv Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... v CHAPTER 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1. SERVQUAL............................................................................................................ 2 1.2. AHP......................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Research Objectives .................
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...IMPACT OF E-RECRUITMENT AND JOB-SEEKERS PERCEPTION ON INTENTION TO PURSUE THE JOBS Naveed R. KHAN Marinah AWANG Arsalan Mujahid GHOURI Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia Email: naveed.r.khan@gmail.com Abstract: The study highlighted the significance of e-recruitment in the firms. In current epoch technology integrated the information in a sophisticated manner and has influenced on every setting of daily affaires. Hence job seekers are also get benefited with the internet era and start searching the jobs on internet. This study examined the relationship between the recruitment sources, job seekers’ perception and intention to pursue the job. Data was collected from 257 respondents and analysed in relation with the research objectives. The findings of the study showed that internet is the most preferred source to search the job among other recruitment sources. Furthermore, it is also suggested that the effectiveness of e-recruitment depends upon the placement of advertisement and salary is the most influential motivator to find interest in the job applied. Lastly, statistics of the study found that the recruitment sources and applicant’s perceptions of job significantly influence the intention to pursue the position applied by the job seeker. Keywords: Human resource management; e-recruitment; online job searching; online job portals; salary. 1. Introduction Electronic revolution and globalization changed the life of...
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...quality of bank’s services would be contingent on the incentive structure under which these institutions operate. Since banks are not subsidized and depend on income from clients, they would be more motivated to provide quality services to clients to meet their needs more effectively and efficiently. This premise was supported. Customers’ perception of service quality and key demographic characteristics were also used to predict choice of banks. Key Words: Customers Expectation, Perception and Satisfaction Introduction The Jews in Jerusalem introduced a kind of banking in the form of money lending before the birth of Jesus Christ. The word 'bank' was probably derived from the word 'bench' as during ancient time Jews used to do money-lending business sitting on long benches. First modern banking was introduced in 1668 in Stockholm as 'Svingss Pis Bank' that opened up a new era of banking activities throughout the European mainland. In the South Asian region, early banking system was introduced by the Afghan traders popularly known as Kabuliwallas. Muslim businessmen from Kabul, Afghanistan, came to India and started money lending business in exchange of interest sometime in 1312 A.D. The importance of financial intermediaries in the development of the overall economy of the country cannot be described in short. From the inception of the civilization, the banking sector dominates the economic development of a country by mobilizing the saving from the general people and channeling...
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