... Kindle Paperwhite 3G American’s love the kindle Paperwhite 3G compared to other e-readers and what it means for the e-book industries. The format was immersive it will make you forget it is a electronic device. The kindle even paused at imaginary paged not to mention easy on the eyes. The size of the kindle is just the right size very easy to hold in the bed. The pricing on books are very good shopper say and the text is very easy to read, the battery charging is fast, it’s graphic is rudimentary. The Kindle Paperwhite 3Gis light, small and perfect for reading which is an electronic reading device. The first reason why American’s love the Kindle Paperwhite 3G is a wonderful gadget for someone who love books it is small, light, and fast. It is less than six ounces lighter than paper books and it will fit I n your purse. It has new darker , hand-tuned fonts downloads books in sixty second, holds over one thousand books ,reads like paper with no glare. The kindle has a massive book selection with titles less than ten dollars. Kindle also has the advantage of significantly lower power consumption than tablets. Kindle does not require power to maintain a page of texts allowing you to read for up to a month on a single charge, with wireless off a hour of reading per day, versus a hour on a tablet or smartphone. The matte screen reflects light like ordinary paper and uses no backlighting, so you can read as easy in your living...
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...In all my past years of school, I have always found English to be my least favorite subject. I have more weaknesses than strengths as a writer. My weakest area in writing is research papers, but in writing 1310 I did learn more about writing research papers. It takes me a longer amount of time to write an essay than an average classmate depending on the topic. It takes me longer because I often get writer’s block. It takes me a while to put together all the things I want to write about in a logical, smooth order. Sometimes it helps, if I make a detailed outline on paper. Even though I consider myself to be a poor writer, I do have a couple good skills when putting together a paper. . Throughout both middle and high school, I’ve had to write...
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...Victoria Zegler HST 326: Women in America November 14, 2011 Not To Live in Vain: Faith and Ideals of Catherine Sedgwick Love, involuntary and mysterious, holds a tight grip on the imagination. As young women, we ponder questions of marriage, careers and the ideals of love in our future. Ideals, such as these, were vital to the nineteenth century moralities. The principles of love and marriage provided models for women’s goals, as well as the opportunity to speak of their experience. Both of these ideals and the value of character represented the standards of perfection, which were essential to the sphere of life. Catharine Sedgwick, a fiction writer, subscribed to these high standards and refused to compromise. Her writings repeatedly emphasized the political and personal need for liberty and independence. The behavior of unmarried women in the nineteenth century provided an answer to their highly charged moral pursuit concerning duty, usefulness and love rather than the cultural elements concerning self-fulfillment. In order to find out who we are, we must understand where we come from. The seventeenth century Puritans first declared the importance of affection in marriage believing that to love one’s spouse was a duty. Young men and women were to choose someone they could learn to love but being in love was not necessary. It was companionship and respect, which shaped the solid foundations of a successful marriage. However, by the first decades of the nineteenth...
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...The Man Who Loved Flowers The Man who loved flowers is short story about a young handsome man, who wants to surprise a girl named Norma by giving her some flowers. The story takes place in New York on a beautiful day in May 1963 where everything seems lovely, but it turns out that the young handsome man ends up killing a random girl, who he thinks is Norma, in a narrow lane in New York’s streets. The main character in The Man Who Loved Flowers is described as a handsome young in love. In the beginning of the story he seems like a guy whose life runs perfectly, he is suited up, he is in love and he just seems like a stand up guy “He was dressed in alight grey suit, the narrow tie pulled down a little, his top collar button undone. His hair was dark and cut short”. There is nothing suspicious about him. Stephen King tricks the reader into thinking that it is a perfect evening; maybe the young guy is going to propose to this Norma? “He reached into his coat pocket and touched something in there. For a moment his ace seemed puzzled, lonely, almost haunted, an then, as his hand left the pocket, it regained its former expression of eager expectation.” But when the young man finally meets this girl, who turns out not to be Norma, we find out that Norma has been dead for ten years. I believe that the young man ones has had a lover named Norma, who he thought was the only one but she died and he was forced to live on with that, but couldn’t accept it. Therefore he is now walking...
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...the love story between young, married, rich socialite, Daisy Buchanan, and the mysteriously rich and extravagant Jay Gatsby. Their love story is not a very cliche or common one, therefore, some may say that Gatsby didn't actually love Daisy, but was more obsessed with her, or only in love with the idea of her. Although Daisy’s and Gatsby’s love my be slightly unorthodox, it is, in the end, still love. Proof that Gatsby’s love for Daisy isn't genuine, if interpreted just so, does exist. The fact that Gatsby is kinda of obsessed with becoming the most perfect version of...
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...Teenagers are becoming more depressed and suicidal about their weight and body image because of the medial today?My paper will be about how the body image affects many people throughout the world. This has been around before the internet, for example when they would use corsets to have a tiny waist. The internet is there reason why most of us are affected. I found this on the internet what a coincidence, Right? Not only are we affected by the internet itself. We see pictures on the media that makes us want a “nice” body, and little by little we are affected. “While many factors can influence an individual's perception of his or her own appearance, the American media has played an increasingly powerful role since the mid-twentieth century in creating idealized images of beauty.”Ballaro, Beverly and Geraldine Wagner. "Body Image & the Media: An Overview." Points of View: Body Image & the Media, Jan. 2017, p. 1.ui. Girls are often affected the most, because they want to be “thick” that means having a small waist with big thighs and buttox, also they want a flat stomach. Women and young teens seem to be...
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...Reflection Paper I. Introduction In this paper I will be discussing the importance of the virgin birth, the truth and authority of the Word of God, and the significance of how Christians choose to live their lives. The virgin birth sets the stage for Christ to be our blameless and sinless substitute while showing the supernatural powers of God. The truth of the Scriptures can be proven through many different arguments-from historical evidence to the unique person of Jesus Christ. And how Christians choose to live their lives is important if we are to show Christ to the world. II. Section one: Did Jesus need to be born of a virgin? The answer to this question is absolutely! First, by Jesus being born of a virgin, God allowed the uniting of a fully human and fully divine nature into one person (Grudem, 1994, p.1). It helps us to more clearly understand that He was fully human, because He had an origin/birth like we did. Yet, we can see that He is also fully divine because His conception was supernatural. Secondly, through the virgin birth, Jesus was born without a sin nature, and this allowed Him to be the spotless, perfect sacrifice for our sins that God required. The sin nature is passed from the father to his child (Romans 5:12). Since Jesus had no earthly father, He did not inherit a sin nature like we did. He was able to remain sinless. God tells us in Genesis 3:15 that the seed of the woman would destroy the serpent. God made this come to pass through His own power...
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...PSYC 101 COMPARE AND CONTRAST PAPER November 1, 2012 There are many variations to the way in which God has desired for us to choose a mate and the ways that we actually use. Although many are Christians, we still do not follow very well they ways in which God wants us to choose a mate. God’s view on the subject remains the same. However, the secular world’s views change, sometimes very frequently. In a perfect world, in God’s views, we would select our mate by the proper means. Dating, in the bible, is commonly referred to as courtship. Courtship, by definition, is “the act, period, or art of seeking the love of someone with intent to marry” (www.thefreedictionary.com). You are to make sure you marry a believer or else you risk your how you could raise your children. Also, the wife must submit to her husband, just as the church submits to God, because the man is the head of the relationship. We are to love our spouse, but we are to love God above all others (Matthew 10:37). We must refrain from degrading our bodies with premarital sex and are to “save ourselves” for our husband/wife. Upon marrying, we are considered one and unbreakable in God’s eyes. However, we live in a far from perfect world, a world that involves adultery, jealousy, lying, etc., just to name a few. As imperfect as our world is, often our dating and mating rituals are just as poor. We far too often engage in moral wrongs, like premarital sex, and having children out of wedlock. We, as a society...
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...Crystal Peraza CIP Paper Susan Owens Com 110-020 February 1st, 2012 My parents have always told me that even as a little girl I was never shy about speaking my mind or saying hello to perfect strangers. In grocery stores I would announce my doubt at my father’s excuse for not buying my favorite cereal; “What do you mean you have no money?! You have a job!” I suppose you could say I embarrassed him quite a few times. As I’ve gotten older, I’m much more mindful of the things I say and to whom I say them. However, I’m just as outgoing, if not more. I am a “perfect” balance of being shy and putting myself out there. It all depends on the context in which interaction is happening. At work, I meet strangers everyday and I don’t mind making conversation with them as I walk them to a table and talking to them as if I’d known them for years. In a new classroom setting, I don’t generally mind being myself—but the shyness of the people around me makes me feel even more reserved. I’m generally very comfortable talking to new people and absolutely love listening and learning about others. It has always been strange to me that as much as I love talking to people, I’m absolutely terrified of speaking in front of them. I’m typically bubbly and fun and the second the spotlight is on me, I get very quiet and feel terribly awkward. As I go on with the speech, it gets worse because I’m worried that people see me as some shaky freak. One thing that I would hope this class could...
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...EVAN 101-002 29 October 2013 Book Review Reflection Paper Marvelously Made written by Monica Rose Brennan was such a simplest wonderful book about the basic principles in a little more depth of the bible and God’s word and truths. The overall main focus was of what God viewed women to be in society and how he specifically made us women to all be marvelously made in his image. I highly enjoyed reading Dr. Breenan’s book and learning more in depth of God’s word and truths. The first story talked about in the book was of when Brennan was a child. She talked about how us girls like to make little pretend worlds. Where we wont have any pain, rejections, suffering, hate, that others, and other things along those lines will always love us. She said how little girls do that but sometimes we even catch ourselves today living in a world we created to stay happy and away from the negative in life. Body image was also talked about in the book. Brennan struggled with anorexia when she was just in the seventh grade. Without knowing the true truths of how God created each of us to be ,we can all get caught up with our body image. If we do not truly believe that we are each created from God then we can get so idolized of how we look making ourselves unhappy. The book talked about how coming to God and finding your true identity in Christ will fill that need of wanting how your body should be and accepting how God made you and that you are beautiful in his eyes. That is where the...
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...Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible. – Charles Haanel A review of the balance on your investment account causes your stomach to churn; the results leave you in turmoil. Whether an investment account or a review of your business’ year-to-date sales, sometime this year you may experience, or may have already experienced, what is popularly known as a “market correction.” These types of market corrections provide us with the perfect backdrop to make some necessary changes in our lives. We all want to be passionately achieving goals and moving forth with our lives. While the market forces are correcting themselves, why not use the emotions that are created during this period to “correct” your life? Take stock of your financial situation and career and evaluate your life. As you evaluate, keep in mind that you are not a victim of circumstance. Although you may have suffered a setback you are not dependent upon your environment. You are an independent person and can write your own ticket in this world. You can choose to make changes in your life rather than wait for the market to change. Use this frame-of-mind to ask yourself powerful and provocative questions. What needs to be corrected in your life? When did you lose your passion for acquiring and achieving? When did you become complacent? Resting on your laurels has changed your game plan from offense to defense yet, though your money is worth less than it was a few months ago, you can still...
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...Jackson State University Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages English 105 Research Paper Rubric ____ I have included my title page. ____ I have included my sentence outline. ____ I have included my table of contents page. ____ I have included my five page body of my research paper. ____ I have included my Works Cited page. ____ I have checked my paper for grammatical accuracy. ____ I have been careful to give my authors credit for the sources I have used. Grammar and Mechanics ________of 20% The writer displays mastery of punctuation and mechanics adhering to grammatical rules. The student uses formal and Standard English avoiding slang and casual language. Content and Subject matter ________of 20% The writer has successfully created a paper displaying original, creative thought and content. There is no redundancy and the writer stays on topic creating an interesting essay for readers. Parallelism, unity, and coherence ________of 20% The writer’s work is clearly organized, and each paragraph adheres to the topic sentence. Additionally, the paper does not ramble and is easily understandable and rational using transitional devices. MLA formatting and documentation ________of 10% The paper adheres to all the strictures of the MLA format including in text citations, direct quotations, and proper Works Cited documentation. Thesis Statement and Application ________of 10% The thesis statement is present and concise...
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...Benjamin Lucas COMM240 – Interpersonal Paper The Last I recall a brightly lit room on a Sunday morning, as I kissed her on the forehead, “I love you…” Slowly she opened her eyes and as she sat next to me, “Hey… Um… How many were there before me?” she asked. “Like, how many girls did you love before me?” “Love? Five…” I stated. “I loved five women before you.” The disappointment in her eyes after a sigh, though she smiled… “What are their names?” “…Who, What, When, Where, Why…” I said to her. “Can you tell me about them?” “Who I loved, was a girl from college. I wasn’t exactly close to her, but with some superficial facts and a few interactions over a semester, you know, like most guys fantasizing over girls they barely know, I filled in the blanks like a fairytale author. And who she became in my head was probably more than the reality. She was a third year, sorority girl, and yeah, I was an infatuated freshman, sure, but the several times you get to spend together outside of class… It really allowed me to see, she also had a good heart and a bright spirit. The only problem was, so did just about every other guy. And while she turned me down nicely, I swear… There were times when it seemed like the cliché sorority girl may have felt something for the typical awkward freshman.” “What I loved, was an old friend, but she was more than just a friend. We met early in college and kept in touch through the years. We saw each other grow, and change...
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...We Can Be Lovers Too In this day and age it seems that there is no romance left in our society. Sex is easily accessible with things like Internet porn and social media chatting, that we (as men) no longer have to try to attract a girl to us. The effort of romanticism is gone. The new generations of young men do not know what it means to show affection, romance or love. There still is some hope for romance and chivalry. Despite all of the social media distractions the young men in our society have to find a way to bring back the gentlemanship of generations past. Most of the time before two and a half years ago, 19 years old, I was one of those guys who I am talking about in this piece. I would go out to wild parties and hook up with girls whom I did not know the names of. My best friends and I would hang out, sit around talking about girls. We gossiped about the girls we had been with. Who ever got with the most girls was always the “coolest”. It was weird; back then, my definition of cool. My use of social media was strictly for finding new girls that I thought were hot and trying to hit on them through that social network. I would go on Facebook and Instagram seeing new and old couples thinking, “Ugh, that doesn’t look like fun, why would anyone want to be locked down like that?” Then go on with my day eating lunch either alone flirting with girls online. I enjoyed that time in my life though. I went through everyday, not giving a care about anything or anyone beside...
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...Come on Cromwell let’s play fetch. Cromwell loves to run, ‘’hey day we should let Cromwell’s join a class or training. He is very athletic and loves to run. it would be cool letting him do something like this. Also remember that competition that is happening with your dog. Who’s ever dog does the most tricks you could win $1,000. ‘’Why son it will cost too much money, epically with your basketball training. Also we wouldn’t have time, again with your basketball training.’’ ‘’Please dad I beg you.’’ ‘’Find me the details of how much the training cost and I we will talk about it.’’ ‘’Ok dad I will be back.’’ After I talked to my dad I walked with Cromwell to the training facility like 2 minutes away. I talked to the guy that was there and he...
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