Perfezion, the only society that everyone can live the way they want. Perfeczion has the only ability to please everyone. Other societies don’t even have the ability to go to heaven. The prophecy has been written before any of you were born. Perfeczion has the lifestyle of the way greeks and goddess lived before christ but with a little moderation. The environment has the way of living God has intended for his people before the story of genesis. However, your idea of perfect, doesn’t even come close to Gods image of perfect. So prepare yourselves to experience heaven, either by living or dying. Furthermore, Perfeczion has the ability to be perfect only if everyone cooperates. Cooperating doesn’t mean just following the rules, but also forces you to be kind to…show more content… Perfeczion beauty and sweet iridescent nectar of nature will give you eternal happiness. Whether or not if you want to live the luxurious or humble life. All your goals, hopes, and desires will come true here, and only here. However, we ask you be kind to the lion which may be symbolic and has been accompanied by the sun. The lion and sun are inseparable, in that the symbol has influenced by all significant historical cultures of Iran and brings together `Shia, Jewish, Turkic and Iranian symbolism. However, you don’t have to be a believer in any religion or culture to respect them. As a final point, the lifestyle you obtain or create here in Perfeczion lies in your hands. So imagine the perfect life, and what you need to fulfill that desire, and come follow your neighbors to the gates of Perferczion, and rub the statue of the lion and sun. At first you will experience a euphoric emotion then you will realize heaven has been surrounding you this whole time. Finally, now you may choose to live a mediocre life or the perfect life. Only Perfeczion gives you that