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Performance Management System Review Case Study 1-1, Reality


Submitted By faizrasool
Words 593
Pages 3
Strategic congruence
The individual goals are aligned with unit and organization goals? Yes, as in my organization (etisalat Misr) we are working as a team but individually solving individual cases to achieve our SLA which is aligned with organization goal, so we can’t achieve our organization’s Goals without congruence -------------------------------------------------

Yes but not all times
* All employees are evaluated
Yes we have 4 times appraisal per year to evaluate every employees regarding KPIS * Evaluation includes performance spanning the entire review period? Yes, the evaluation should include performance spanning the entire review period, to know what your points of strength & weakness so you can avoid your mistake in the coming period to be exits as a market leader

* All major job responsibilities are evaluated

* Feedback is provided on both positive and negative performance.

Feedback is really important for any organization which allows managers to Coach employees and help them to improve performance on an ongoing basis, also help employees to know where they are & what they have to do to improve their performance

At etsialat as one of the biggest telecommunication company in the Middle East & Africa we have to depend on a good HR system to achieve organizational goals and to be a market leader (for example, performance data are entered via user -friendly software) are available for managers to help them make decisions. Finally, the benefits of using the system (for example, increased performance and job satisfaction) must be seen as outweighing the costs (for example, time, effort, expense).


The system must be meaningful in several ways. First, the standards and evaluations conducted for each job function must be considered important and relevant. Second, performance

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