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'Permaculture: An Analysis Of Moral Ground'

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This course has expanded my mind on a wide variety of topics concerning nature that I never thought of as serious issues beforehand. The texts assigned in this course allowed me to understand how we need to change not only our methods of earth management, but also the way we think about the relationships between human beings and nature itself. The overall theme of these books addresses the great peril earth is facing due to pollution, the corporatization of agriculture, and the vastly increasing levels of global poverty, starvation, desertification. The present condition of global trauma is not a natural one, it is a result of humanities careless, destructive actions. The earth will soon reach its carrying capacity if we do not do what we can to preserve and restore it.
The “Permaculture” book by Jessi Bloom and Dave Boehnlein introduces the need to apply self-regulation to consumption and growth or else nature will ultimately do it for us in a way that will destroy the planet, if not, us. …show more content…
In Restoration and Redemption by Robin Morris Collin, he addresses the humans unique capacity to choose. The future of sustainability requires us to consider our full range of the power to chose and exercise it as if we valued nature and our connection to it. Everything we do on and to this planet relates back to us one way or another. “Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself” (Collin, 87). Redemption lies in the collective and multi generational effort. We must restore friendly relations between cultures and faiths and make amends for the sake of Earth. Our collaboration as a species is essential to give back to Earth in ways that care for the systems that support life, rather than using force to take

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