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Perseverance In The Odyssey

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“Homer may have lived sometime between 900 and 800 B.C.- if he ever lived at all.” In the epic poem, The Odyssey, written by Homer, it illustrates Odysseus’s treacherous journey as it takes him 10 years to finally arrive home. Along the trip he faces great danger that exposes him to use qualities embedded in the Greek life and its culture. Through perseverance, loyalty, and teamwork, Odysseus is bound to get through his journey. Loyalty is vital in any alliance or tie. According to Odysseus, “I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches, and called them rest..” (9.48-50) As shown above, Odysseus is very devoted to his members and does not allow them to survive off of just a flower. He forcibly …show more content…
The author remarks, “Odysseus and his crew raid the Cicones, robbing and killing them, until the Ciconian army kills 72 of Odysseus’ men and drives the rest out to sea. Delayed by a storm for two days, Odysseus and his remaining companions then continue their journey.” (9.epilogue) Granted the chances of possibly raiding all of Ciciones successfully were low, their hopes were high. They gave their best effort even though they ended up losing 72 men. In spite of having to surrender to the Ciconian, their perseverance was capable to rob and kill hordes of their men. Additionally, regardless of the storm that caused them a two day delay, they endured and persisted on carrying on. It is clear that Odysseus is steadfast and persevering when Homer states, “Odysseus and his men were compared to falcons who show no mercy to the flock of birds they pursue and capture.” (22.epilogue) Given Homer using the word “mercy” he doesn’t surrender and puts up a fight until the very end nevertheless the outcome. Considering the event during this period was the war between him against the many suitors, 1 with the help of two against 100s of suitors was a great challenge. Under those circumstances, he still had his victory contrast to his other battle against the Ciciones. The Greeks would never give up and fight til the end similar to how Homer portrays Odysseus character. During Odysseus’s ten year journey, he encounters many tragedies that cause him to express many qualities that reflect the values of Greek.The values Odysseus best embodies are loyalty, perseverance, and

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