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Persona Self Analysis

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Persona Paper

Writing about oneself is not easy and sharing personal feelings, especially with strangers. This self-analysis assignment will show multiple masks created in challenging and significant situations that have created the person I am today. The first mask was insecurity formed in grade school where it all began. By the 6th grade, I had already attended seven different schools. No one ever seemed to like the new kid, it was very hard to fit in, and the teasing seemed never to stop. To complicate insecurity matter even further was the diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the need to take medicine.

The teasing causing the insecurity could not stay in fear the teasing would never stop. I developed persona’s …show more content…
After being pushed to the breaking point over several years enters a persona who is loud and from time to time mean. The children teasing now know there will be consequences for their actions. By the age of 11, any change in life caused a sense of fright, to a point it was unbearable. The wish to just be normal and have an ordinary group of friends and a place to call home was the last want. Finally, the last move happened in the 7th grade; in a small town where all the cool kids played sports. Even though only a couple of sports interested me, I played every one possible to fit in. I had to don another mask as a jock in hopes to fit in and please others. I attended Mid-Buchanan school until graduation, stability of not moving, however, provided friendships that exist to this day. Words hurt and create everlasting thoughts and memories. These memories still rear their ugly head from time to time. The past masks of insecurity, confidence, fear, self-doubt, weakness, meanness and jock have left their mark and a choice to showcase the mask with tattoos came to …show more content…
A few years after having the first tattoo I fell in love with my high school girlfriend and was soon married. After five years of marriage, we wanted a child; we had our first and only child Laila Simmons. I felt as though a child is what I wanted more than anything and once again put on a mask one of assurance pretending I was ready for something I had never done. The day Laila was born was the happiest day of my life. Having Laila changed my life for the better. As Laila grew older and needed a role model to teach her, I created the daddy mask. This mask has several sides, happiness, teacher, disciplinary, unconditional love, and joy. I have since added to the tattoos because having the first tattoo led to the confidence I have every day. The self-confidence from the time I roll out of bed to kissing my daughter on the forehead and dropping her off at school. The confidence goes throughout the day at work communicating with coworkers to now while I am reading this paper. In the presentation, I will clarify the what, when, where and why of the tattoo's transforming me into who I am

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