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Personal Argumentative Essay On Chris Mccandless

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Shaun Callarman believed that McCandless was not courageous nor noble. This is actually how I see McCandless as well. He was crazy. It was probably the dumbest thing that Chris could’ve done with his life. Although he had a rough upbringing and a fallout with his dad, I do not think that going into the wilderness ill-prepared was the best way to deal with his issues. Chris McCandless was a boy from the suburbs of Virginia who was very athletic. He was only twenty four years old when his body was found in an abandoned bus in the Alaskan wilderness. He was a student at Emory University and shortly after he graduated, he set off on his adventure that would later kill him. McCandless became angry with his family because he had found out that his father had had another family when Chris was just a child. This information is what set Chris off and provoked him to leave with no return. He had no intentions on telling his parents or sister where he was going. This is the most psychotic act I have ever heard of. Chris changed his identity by going by name “Alex.” Personally, I do not think that this was a smart idea at all.
Chris …show more content…
What McCandless did to his family is unforgivable. I cannot imagine the amount of pain and sorrow that his family felt for the two years that he was missing. I think about what would happen if I did something like McCandless did because of what I have been through in my life, would I be considered “noble” or “courageous” or”misunderstood?” Probably not because most people would see me as a seventeen year old girl who hasn’t lived through any real struggles or challenges. Chris McCandless was a reckless idiot who needed serious help. With the 25,000 dollars that he donated, he could’ve gotten therapy. I think he just needed someone to talk to about his anger and resentment towards his parents. In my eyes, he would’ve been fearless if he would’ve gotten professional mental help and

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