...Generation X Millennials Birth Years 1900-1945 1946-1964 1965-1980 Current Age Famous People # 63-86 Bob Dole, Elizabeth Taylor 44-62 Bill Clinton, Meryl Streep 28-43 Barak Obama, Jennifer Lopez (1977-1994) 1981-2000 8-27 Ashton Kutcher, Serena Williams 51 Million Gen X, Xers, The Doer, Post Boomers, 13th Generation Civil Rights, Vietnam War, Sexual Revolution, Cold War/Russia, Space Travel Highest divorce rate and 2nd marriages in history. Watergate, Energy Crisis, Dual Income families and single parents, First Generation of Latchkey Kids, Y2K, Energy Crisis, Activism, Corp. Downsizing, End of Cold War, Mom’s work, Increase divorce rate. Experienced hard times while growing up which were followed by times of prosperity. Influencers 80 Million “Me” Generation, Moral Authority Raised by parents that just survived the Great Depression. Other Names Veterans, Silent, Moral Authority, Radio Babies, The Forgotten Generation WWII, Korean War, Great Depression, New Deal, Rise on Corporations, Space Age, Post War Babies who grew up to be radicals of the 70’s and yuppies of the 80’s. “The American Dream” was promised to them as children and they pursue it. As a result they are seen as being greedy, materialistic and ambitious. Their perceptions are shaped by growing up having to take care of themselves early and watching their politicians lie and their parents get laid off. Came of age when...
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...Influence application to Sri Lanka’s current issues by Shamindra Hettiarachchi. The initial chapter of the paper discusses, what is all about Power, Politics, and Influence, the reasons why power required and the power dependency module. Then the other chapter briefly describe power typology, such as Power as decision making, by Steven Lukes,1974, Power as knowledge, by Michel Foucault, 1980, Powershift, by Alvin Toffler, 1990 and the Power bases, by Raven, 2008. Out of all the power typologies Bertram Raven (2008) power bases are discussed in detail with their current issues to Sri Lankan’s context. They are, Legitimate Power, which is the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization, Reward Power, which is compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable, Coercive Power, which is the power base that is depend on fear, Expert Power, which is influence based on special skills or knowledge, Referent Power, which is influence based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits, Informational Power, which is influence based on the information an individual control. Each power base is described briefly and discussed in detail to the current context of Sri Lanka with advantages, impact and drawbacks of each power use. What are POWER, POLITICS, and INFLUENCE Power is the ability to influence others to believe, behave, or to value as those...
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...The Sociological Imagination Chapter One: The Promise C. Wright Mills (1959) Nowadays people often feel that their private lives are a series of traps. They sense that within their everyday worlds, they cannot overcome their troubles, and in this feeling, they are often quite correct. What ordinary people are directly aware of and what they try to do are bounded by the private orbits in which they live; their visions and their powers are limited to the close-up scenes of job, family, neighborhood; in other milieux, they move vicariously and remain spectators. And the more aware they become, however vaguely, of ambitions and of threats which transcend their immediate locales, the more trapped they seem to feel. Underlying this sense of being trapped are seemingly impersonal changes in the very structure of continent-wide societies. The facts of contemporary history are also facts about the success and the failure of individual men and women. When a society is industrialized, a peasant becomes a worker; a feudal lord is liquidated or becomes a businessman. When classes rise or fall, a person is employed or unemployed; when the rate of investment goes up or down, a person takes new heart or goes broke. When wars happen, an insurance salesperson becomes a rocket launcher; a store clerk, a radar operator; a wife or husband lives alone; a child grows up without a parent. Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both. Yet...
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...The Sociological Imagination Chapter One: The Promise C. Wright Mills (1959) Nowadays people often feel that their private lives are a series of traps. They sense that within their everyday worlds, they cannot overcome their troubles, and in this feeling, they are often quite correct. What ordinary people are directly aware of and what they try to do are bounded by the private orbits in which they live; their visions and their powers are limited to the close-up scenes of job, family, neighborhood; in other milieux, they move vicariously and remain spectators. And the more aware they become, however vaguely, of ambitions and of threats which transcend their immediate locales, the more trapped they seem to feel. Underlying this sense of being trapped are seemingly impersonal changes in the very structure of continent-wide societies. The facts of contemporary history are also facts about the success and the failure of individual men and women. When a society is industrialized, a peasant becomes a worker; a feudal lord is liquidated or becomes a businessman. When classes rise or fall, a person is employed or unemployed; when the rate of investment goes up or down, a person takes new heart or goes broke. When wars happen, an insurance salesperson becomes a rocket launcher; a store clerk, a radar operator; a wife or husband lives alone; a child grows up without a parent. Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both...
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...Individuality Self-absorbed Permissive child Personal growth Gen X’ers 1962 – 1979 ~46 million Cynicism Entrepreneur Private child Self-reliance Millennials 1980 – 1999 ~70 million Entitlement Confident achiever Pampered child Being happy and safe Generational attitudes that may surface in multigenerational classrooms: Boomers Gen X’ers Millennials Generational experience brought into the classroom: Academic K-12 Overcrowded Smaller classrooms; Self-esteem curriculum; experiences classrooms; had to introduction of new focus on standardized test compete to be heard; technologies; more scores; entitled to good worked in groups individual focus and grades; want to feel special; creative projects everyone gets rewards Experience with Strong nuclear family; High rates of divorce; Believe key to happiness is family in many families “latchkey kids” came in close family relationships, mother was home; home from school alone although 50% came from played with because both parents divorced families; close neighborhood children; worked or lived in single relationships to their parents, when teens rebelled parent family; step viewed as “partners”; Soccer against parents and families and living in two Moms; highly structured social structures places; spent more time activities such as sports, alone than with others music, etc. Generational attitudes towards academics and work ethic: Attitudes toward Respect Respect is earned by Respect those who help authority figures accomplishments and character...
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...influence society may have on that person or group of people. Mills' notion compels us to investigate into an individual's biography and lifestyles, and place their findings within the surrounding circumstances in which events occur in order to perceive the whole picture of the society in which the individual lives. Mills says to understand this "imagination" would be to see the connection between personal troubles and public issues. Personal troubles meaning, problems that are felt personally which are caused by occurrences or feelings in an individual's life; and public issues meaning, issues that affect a group or mass of people with their roots interwoven within an organization or institution and history of a society. A person can become homeless for many reasons: a family member throws them out of their home because they do not contribute financially, or they become incapable of caring for themselves due to mental illness, or they become addicted to drugs and lose their home trying to support their habit. These are a few examples of personal troubles which most would think are brought about by the individual alone and therefore can be solved by them. But, when using sociological imagination, one can see that homelessness is also a social problem. Unemployment rates are high and public assistances rates being low could leave a person unable to sufficiently contribute financially, therefore being forced to leave their home, or there are cutbacks in funds for housing, the closing...
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...Today, sometime after, we realize that most of our problems as a nation still remain. We may have ousted a dictator, but that was the easy part. The task of building a nation is so much more difficult. Now, with EDSA only an inspiring memory, we are faced with our weaknesses. Self-interest and disregard for the common good rears its ugly head. We are confronted with our lack of discipline and rigor, our colonial mentality, and our emphasis on porma (form). Despite our great display of people's power, now we are passive once more, expecting our leaders to take all responsibility for solving our many problems. The task of building our nation is an awesome one. There is need for economic recovery. There is need to re-establish democratic institutions and to achieve the goals of peace and genuine social justice. Along with these goals, there is a need as well to build ourselves as a people. There is need to change structures and to change people. Building a people means eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengths; this starts with the analysis, understanding, and appreciation of these strengths and weaknesses. We must take a good look at ourselves--objectively with scientific detachment, but also emotionally (i.e., lovingly) and, when appropriate, with disgust. We must view ourselves as might a lover viewing a loved one but also as...
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...Manchester Business School, Manchester, U.K. The economic success of different forms of business organization in East Asian countries emphasizes the variety of viable enterprise structures and suggests the need for a comparative analysis of how they develop and operate in different societal contexts. Major differences between East Asian business 'recipes' include the range of activities that are authoritatively coordinated, their pattems of development, the ways in which they are organized and controlled and the organization of inter enterprise relations. These differences suggest eight major dimensions on which dominant enterprise structures in different societies can be compared and how their development can be linked to major social institutions. Introduction Organization Studies 1990,11/1:047-074 © 1990 EGOS 0170-8406/90 0011-0003 $1.00 The economic success of Japanese firms over the past 40 years has emphasized the viability of alternatives to United States management structures and practices, as well as highlighting the limited generality of the business strategy-structure relationships identified by Chandler (Alford 1976; Kagono et al. 1985: 99-110; Maurice et al. 1986). Whereas it may have seemed reasonable in the 1960s and 1970s to regard Japanese organizational practices and forms as temporary stepping stones on the path to 'modern', i.e. U.S., practices, their continuation and growing success in U.S. and European markets render such dismissal increasingly untenable...
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...Socialization From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the sociological concept. For the political and economic concept, see Socialization (economics). Sociology Portal Theory · History Positivism · Antipositivism Functionalism · Conflict theory Middle-range · Mathematical Critical theory · Socialization Structure and agency Research methods Quantitative · Qualitative Historical · Computational Ethnographic · Network analytic Topics · Subfields Cities · Class · Crime · Culture Deviance · Demography · Education Economy · Environment · Family Gender · Health · Industry · Internet Knowledge · Law · Medicine Politics · Mobility · Race and ethnicity Rationalization · Religion · Science Secularization · Social networks Social psychology · Stratification Categories · Lists Journals · Sociologists Article index · Outline Major category: Sociology v t e Socialization (or socialisation) is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists and educationalists to refer to the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies. It may provide the individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within their own society; a society develops a culture through a plurality of shared norms, customs, values, traditions, social roles, symbols and languages. Socialization is thus ‘the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained’.[1]. [2] Socialization...
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...Models of Health and Healing The Era I health model is a “beginner” health model if you will, that uses a mechanical approach to health care, with a vision of you fix this, you cure that type of image. There appears to be no ties to mind/spiritual type healing that is noted in Era II, where self-awareness seems to show its’ face in regards to health and healing. The image that comes to mind is one of hard, cold facts; where reality is what you have, and the affliction of your health is nothing more than that. There will be no prayer or positive thinking that will help the body to become healthy again, and any thoughts of despair or feelings of depression were independent of the physical illness or injuries that are being experienced. Health care is still at its roots, with curing of common infections decades away, and thought of an organized health care system beyond the imagination. In this second era, the relationship of the person/human element becomes evident, and the emotional, meaningful and conscious model that has become so clear today is taking its’ baby steps into existence. The change of thought process as well as considerations of feelings and emotions of the person come into view as an important part of the healing path, and new emphasis is incorporated into the vision of health care. Systematic health care is well on its way, evidence based practice is in use on daily basis in many ways. Society is beginning the see the value of consciousness as an inclusion in...
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...John Holt is the advocate of homeschooling who initiated his home schooling movement in 1970s.He wrote 11 books and a magazine “Growing without school” that have homeschooling as their central theme. He is regarded as the father of homeschooling movement. Throughout his life, he strived to instill the idea of self-driven learning among the masses. He strived for abolishing compulsory education and stood determined by his idea that most learning requires no teacher. John Holt’s movement against schooling was provocative and sparked disagreement among the proponents of formal schooling and education. In his article, Holt uses a simple vocabulary to reach a larger audience and demonstrates intensive use of logical reasoning to convince his readers. However, he commits logical fallacies, hasty generalizations and barely uses statistical evidence which makes the reader question the credibility of his argument. The main theme of the article is freedom of learning for children and his intended audience is parents and teachers. Although Holt does not begin with an appropriate thesis statement, but he floats the main idea in the first paragraph to make readers aware of the topic he will be discussing. Holt expresses strong disapproval for compulsory schooling and education. He sees the law of compulsory universal education as a hideous step taken by government to control the minds of the “young” and to prevent the generation of revolutionary ideas among the people so that it is easier...
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...17th November, 2014 Group 1 | MKT 431BRAC Business School, BRAC University. | Service Report on the Service Marketing Practices of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital | Service Report on the Service Marketing Practices of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital | SERVICE REPORT ON THE SERVICE MARKETING PRACTICES OF HOLY FAMILY RED CRESCENT MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL (HFRCMCH) Submitted To DR. MOHAMMED TAREQUE AZIZ Associate Professor and EMBA Coordinator BRAC Business School BRAC University Submitted By Chowdhury Fahim Mostafa 10204011 Anika Azhar 10204083 Syed Shah Tayef Ahmed 10204105 Ifrat Jahan 11104139 Jarin Subha 11204007 Adnan Abdur Razzaque 11204008 Tazruba K. Prome 11204047 MD. Ashraful Amin 11304038 Sumaita Ahmed 11304052 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Date: 17th November, 2014 DR. MOHAMMED TAREQUE AZIZ Associate Professor and EMBA Coordinator BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Service Marketing Report of MKT 431. Dear Sir, We, the students of MKT 431 (service Marketing), section 1; want to submit the Service Marketing Report required for the completion of the course. We have followed every instruction you have provided and tried our best to ensure that all the information is authentic and relevant. The report is about the Service Marketing practice of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital (HFRCMCH). We hope that all the information and analysis provided within the report will be up to your...
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...ability to achieve something desirable and that the government listens to people like them. It is the capacity to produce an effect. It indicates citizens’ faith and trust in their government. 3. Civic Engagement: The individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concerns. It can take many forms, from individual voluntarism to organizational involvement to electoral participation. It can include efforts to directly address an issue, work with others in a community to solve a problem or to interact with the institution of representative democracy. 4. Political Engagement: The citizen’s actions that are intended to solve public problems through political means. A wide variety of these political actions are possible, from boycotting and buycotting to running office. The people can help by organizing a fund raiser even, signing a petition, or joining a volunteer group. 5. Government: The institution that creates and implements policies and laws that guide the conduct of the nation and its citizens. It is the system by which a state or community is governed. Government of any kind currently affects every human activity in many important ways. 6. Citizens: The member of a polity who, through birth or naturalization, enjoy the rights, privileges, and responsibilities attached to membership in a given nation. The link between a person and a state or an association of states. A citizen is given the right to work and live in a country, and...
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...ST GREGORY THE GREAT PROVINCIAL MAJOR SEMINARY NAME: SETH FRIMPONG COURSE: DIVERSITY OF PEOPLE AND CULTURES TOPIC: SOCIALIZATION 1.0 Definition / Scope Sociologists, Social Psychologists, anthropologists, as well as Educationalists and Politicians use the word “Socialization” in reference to the process through which an individual inherits the norms, customs and ideologies of the social order they live in. Socialization is necessary for making an individual capable of interacting within the society and a society itself shares the common values, customs, norms, traditions languages etc. Socialization is the process whereby the helpless infant gradually becomes a self-aware, knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which she or he is born. Socialization is not a kind of ‘cultural programming’, in which the child absorbs passively the influences with which he or she comes into contact. Socialization is a lifelong process by which one keep learning and developing oneself as a human being. Socialization process is very important as it teaches one to behave in a society. Without socialization, one would not be able to learn the accepted customs, norms, symbols, languages and behaviours. Socialization helps one develop and shape one’s place by learning social skills. Socialization in a layman’s sense is the process of learning from others. This learning process starts right after birth or after the emergence from the womb. It is Socialization...
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...Sexual Harassment in the Workplace EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN IN THE HEALTH SECTOR Paramita Chaudhuri Health and Population Innovation Fellowship Programme Working Paper, No. 1 This report is the result of a project entitled “Understanding Sexual Harassment in the Health Sector,” undertaken as part of the Health and Population Innovation Fellowship (HPIF) awarded to the author in 2004. The HPIF programme is administered by the Population Council, New Delhi and is a continuation of the MacArthur Foundation’s Fund for Leadership Development (FLD) fellowship programme that continued over the period 1995 to 2004. The Council is grateful to the MacArthur Foundation for its support to this programme. The HPIF programme aims to support mid-career individuals who have innovative ideas, leadership potential, and the capacity to help shape policy and public debate in the field of population, reproductive health and rights in general, with a focus on two priority themes – maternal mortality and morbidity, and the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people. Since the transfer of the programme to the Population Council through 2006, a total of 17 individuals have been supported under the HPIF programme. For additional copies of this report, please contact: Paramita Chaudhuri Senior Programme Officer Sanhita 89B Raja Basanto Roy Road Kolkata 700 029 Email: sanhita@cal.vsnl.net.in Phone: 033-24227965 Population Council Zone 5A, Ground Floor India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road...
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