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Personal Narrative: A Small Town Called Sublette

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My house is close to a small town called Sublette. It is about 35 miles from a pretty big town. It is now grow by the day.

And not to far from Sublette there are a bunch of other towns like Hugoton, Liberal, And Dodge city.

We lived in Texas for 1 year and 7 months. After that my dad worked for Clifford Alexander. He drove truck there for a while. And then we rented that house.

It Close to Ulysses. It was out in the middle of nowhere and where badgers. On Sunday we always drove four wheeler all day. We lived there for maybe a year.

Then when my dad started to work somewhere else and we moved into a small trailer house. We lived there for maybe 4 or 5 months. Then we found house in Wichita.

THen we decided to bring it into a small

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