Premium Essay

Personal Narrative: Addiction's A Bitch

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Addiction's a Bitch
Addiction is a major problem in our society, I think most people have had some level of experience with addiction in some way, either themselves or someone else they know has gone through it. I know it's true for me. Addictions come in all forms from the seemingly innocuous of food, to cigarettes all the way up to heroin and meth. The real question we should be asking though is; are we as a society dealing with this national epidemic correctly or compassionately? Now, I'm not in a position to cast aspersions on people for using drugs. I was using drugs from the age of eleven until twenty-four. When I was eleven I grabbed a bottle of schnapps and headed to the woods behind my house. Never really liked drinking. But when …show more content…
I always knew I was an addictive personality, with as quickly as I took to pot, cigarettes and acid. Knowing that, I never experimented with cocaine, heroin, meth or any derivation thereof. Tara however took a different path. She started experimenting with coke right after high school, but then again every one of my friends did. That never was a huge problem but it was a problem. When she was coming off of using coke she became quite the bitch but it never got to the level where she was physically addicted. No, that privilege was reserved for …show more content…
Like the alcohol prohibition of the early 20th century (a lesson we apparently didn't learn from) it's just created a black market that criminals, usually violent ones, are all too happy to fill. Fighting this losing war this country spends 41 billion dollars a year that could go to much more worthwhile projects; imagine how nice of schools this country would have if we spent 41 billion dollars a year on maintenance, up keep and upgrades. A Pew group study show we spend about $30,000 on incarcerating an inmate versus $11,655 per public school student, which is a mind blowing figure. It's a staggering failure but when has that stopped our government

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