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Personal Narrative: An Everyday Hero

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An Everyday Hero
When someone mentions hero, the first image that pops into mind is superman. Others think of a firefighter, or someone who has served in the armed forces. But I have a different image when hero is mentioned. My hero is my mother, because she is habitually patient, always supportive, and constantly emotionally strong. She is one of the most impactful people in my life. The patience that she has had while trying to raise me into the person I am today, is well worth some credit.
Heros have to be patient otherwise everything would be extremely hard to complete, and my mom has patience like no other. She is constantly running around, cooking, cleaning, and taking one of us girls somewhere. Whether it be a sports game, work, play practice, or even just to hang out with friends, she's always using the gas in the car, and the energy in her body to get us where we need to go. She makes sure we are happy and at times makes sure we know why something should or shouldn't be done. She is patient when we are arguing with another sibling, or doing something down right stupid. She always gives us time to calm down before she starts talking to us about what happened. Patience can be hard to find, but my mom works hard to be patient with us, even when we are not patient with her. Being …show more content…
There have been times where I thought she was against me, but now I understand that she was only supporting me by doing what's best for me. She lets me know when I do things I shouldn't, and she cheers me on when I'm being the best I can be. Best of all she is always there when we needed her to be. When we are having problems with our friends, having problems with school, and when we are just feeling down. Mom has always showed us the right amount of support no matter what is going on or what we have or haven't

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