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Personal Narrative: Belonging To A Sea Of Isolation

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{William is alone in his room, sitting on his bed restlessly. It’s the day after the rally and William is confused and lost, questioning his belonging to the house and his connection with the land. He feels a sense of isolation and separation from his uncle after the events that occurred during the rally.}
Do I belong? [Pause] I just don’t know anymore. After my father’s death, I feel like I’m trapped in this derelict house where everyone wants something from me. They want me to understand the reality and grow up! But it’s not like I don’t try, I try every day to fit in, to belong to Kuran Station, to feel a connection with the land. That’s what my uncle wants, right? I just need to impress him, feel a connection with the land. Then why am I feeling confused and lost in a sea of isolation. I feel helpless, excluded and anxious. I don’t belong and how can I? I’ve been separated from my farm, the place where I grew up, where all of my reminiscent, unforgettable memories reside. That’s where I belong.
I remember my farm, it was miniature and obsolete but it was home. [Happy tone, reminiscing …show more content…
The riot was an eerie blur, I can’t even remember everything that happened but I know they were discussing Native Title. The anti-Native Title rally was held in the same sacred site where I felt the connection. But why did my uncle choose that place? It’s such a holy place belonging to the Aborigines, it’s their land and we are fighting against the legislation to deprive them of their rights. This is just immoral. Why is everyone against the Native Title anyway? Is this land truly ours? Do we even belong here? Even though my uncle might have a strong connection with this land, don’t the Aborigines have a stronger connection? Just thinking about the Native Title is making me feel alienated, excluded from everyone, especially from this

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