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Fair Testing Practices

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The Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education
The term educational testing usually generates images of standardized testing and the requirements that are needed to produce quality materials. The Code of Fair Testing Practices is a published compendium that outlines testing standards and applies to both test developers and users (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2014). The idea behind the policy is to ensure that all test-takers are provided with a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge on a test. An interesting note included in the code is that the guidelines are not proposed to cover tests that are created by teachers for use in their own classroom setting, although they are reassured that the code could help improve their testing procedure (2014).
Research conducted showed that when it pertained to student assessment, teachers held a wide variety of opinions of what was proper ethical behavior (Green, Johnson, Kim, & Pope, 2007). Such strong agreement among educators prompted researchers to submit the opinion that the current educational prefecture lacks an overall professional consensus. Some teachers believed that subjects not covered during lecture and study time were perfectly acceptable to be included on a test while other teachers …show more content…
The purpose of the TOS is to help monitor the time spent teaching each material and in turn implement that specific objective into a format or question type that will yield the best test results. The TOS allows for individual educators to abridge or increase the complexity of each test based upon the needs of the individual classroom goal by strategically presenting formatted questions that require different critical thinking skills. Fives and DiDonato-Barnes cite that the tool provided allows for the assembly of a valid test, which in the end is an important

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