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Zory Caldera Research Paper

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Words 639
Pages 3
Zory Caldera
"We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community...Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own."(Cesar Chavez)
I nominate Zory Caldera for the “Multi-Cultural Educator Award,” Zory Caldera, was born in Caracus, Venezuela. Zory studied at Antonio José de Sucre College. Caracas, Venezuela. She is an alumni of University of Nevada, Las Vegas and majored in Hotel Administration and is currently achieving her Masters at University of Nevada, Las Vegas in Spanish Studies. For many years working by her side through volunteering, community workshops, political campaigning, professional work, and mentoring. Zory through the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and other agencies has been able to provide an impact in a classroom, through her professional leadership, community involvement. Also her personal development has grown, because of the obstacles that she has overcome; which is why I highly recommend Zory for this award.
Zory’s knowledge of the community has helped the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension accomplish the mission statement to our under resourced community, “To discover, develop, disseminate, preserve and use …show more content…
However, the growth in college degrees for Latinos is almost flat. The failure over more than three decades to make any progress in moving more Latino students successfully through college suggests that what we have been doing to close achievement gaps is not working. This fact has enormous consequences for the United States, as the job market continues to demand more education and Latinos continue to make up a larger and larger portion of the

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