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Space Age Research Paper

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According to Norman Herr, the average American watches four hours of television daily, and 99 percent of all American households contain at least one television. Signals are sent to these electronics with the help of satellites located in orbit around the Earth. Without satellites, mountains and tall buildings could block signals, making America’s favorite pastime an inconvenience for many (Dunbar). A satellite is only one of many forms of technology created in the midst of the Space Age. Advances in man’s knowledge of space and methods of space exploration have benefitted the human race in several ways. The Space Age, as it is called by scientists today, began in 1958 when the USSR launched its first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space in 1957. About four months later, the United …show more content…
The Jason-2 satellite orbits Earth along with 11 other satellites sent there by NASA. These satellites allow scientists to study and gather information about the atmosphere, land and oceans (Dunbar). Another crucial way scientist study the Earth and space is by researching actually from space. This is made possible with the help of space stations. Housing, food, and research equipment is stored on these orbiting stations to sustain astronauts for short periods of time. The first one, Salyut 1, was launched by Russia on June 7, 1971, setting a record for the longest space endurance trip at the time; 24 days. Two years later, NASA launched its first station, Skylab, on May 14, 1973. It housed a total of nine astronauts within its six years in activity (“Space Exploration Timeline”). On space stations like these, crew members take pictures of Earth and study deep space. Satellites, space stations, and ultimately space exploration itself have allowed man to acquire high quality images and data of our solar system and galaxy

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