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Race Classification Essay

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A Review on Race Classification By Facial Features

Abstract - This paper has been discussed about race classification by facial features. There were several methods and algorithms reported in order to detect race classification by facial features. The proposed classification method are face detection method, skin color extraction method and the other secondary features which are forehead and lip.

Keywords : Face detection, Skin color extraction, Race classification, Facial features,


The main purpose of computer vision is the identification of humans. Human can be identified by many ways such as facial feature, skin color, iris and fingerprint. There are many research that has been done by previous researchers in …show more content…
These both features are extracted using Sobel edge detection.[4] Initially horizontal and vertical sobel egde are applied. Both are found to give better picture but this does not give accurate results due to ambiguous edge points. Finally, they needed to smoothen the projection plot by applying a moving average filter so that the prominent features can be differentiate.

Figure 6 Other Features


[1] Human Identification in Video Streaming Based on Some Facial Classification Parameters, by Nurbek Saparkhojayev and Yerlan Akhmetov (2014).

[2] Facial Part Displacement Effect on Template-based Gender and Ethnicity Classification, F. Saei Manesh, M. Ghahramani, Y. P. Tan (2010)

[3]Race Classification from face images using local descriptors, Ghula m Muhammad (2012)

[4]Race Classification Based on Facial Features, S.Md Mansoor Roomi, S.L Virasundarii, S.Selvamegala , S.Jeevanandham and D.Hariharasudhan (2011)

[5]Face Detection in Color Images, Rein-Lien Hsu et al. (2002)

[6]A classification of skeletal facial types, Viken Sassouni (2004)

[7]Facial Feature Extraction for Face Modeling Program, Ha-sung Koo (2010)
[8] Duda, R. and P. Hart, 1973. Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, New York:

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Dr. Wu Hw 3

...BCIS 3680 Enterprise Programming Instructor: Dr. Andy Wu     Assignment 3                             In this exercise, you will build a simple web application. It performs some basic validation and  processing of user input. This is done through proper configuration of Tomcat and JavaScript.    Part 1.1 Apache Tomcat – server.xml   1.  Create your assignment submission folder: 3680-HW3-YourLastName-YourFirstName.  2.  Use the submission folder as the deployment folder for your web application.  3.  Inside the submission/deployment folder, create a subfolder by the name WEB-INF and another  by the name images.  4.  Download the file music.jpg from the course website into the images subfolder.  5.  Configure server.xml so that on the web server you have a context (alias) with the name:  03 (replace the brackets and their contents with your last name  and initial). For instance, for Justin Case, the context for his Assignment 3 is casej03.  6.  Configure server.xml so that the alias you created in the previous step points to your  submission/deployment folder.  7.  Write the default.htm page so that it looks like below. The page contains a picture of music  notes (Hint: use the img tag and set its src property to the URI of music.jpg). Besides the  Login hyperlink to login.htm, clicking this picture also opens up login.htm.        8.  Start Apache Tomcat.  9.  Test your server.xml configuration. You should be able to access default.htm by entering  the URL: http://localhost:8080/03/default...

Words: 665 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Case Study Aku Food Calories List Version 2.0 (updated 27 September 2010) User Manual 1 – The amount of the fiber, which do not contribute to the calorie, had been deducted from the amount of the carbohydrate stated in this Food Calorie List (except for the “Vegetables”, where the amount of the fiber is stated in the parenthesis). 2 – Kcal/g is the value of calorie in 1g of the particular food. The value tells you the calorie density of the food; the higher the value, the denser calorie the food has. 3 – There are 2 ways of determining the calorie of the food using this Food Calorie List: ◦ Using the recommended serving size given, then refer to the respective calorie value stated in the “Calorie (Kcal)” column. ◦ Using Kcal/g as a factor. For example, if you weigh the Mee Kari using a kitchen scale and the weight is 100g (without the bowl's weight), therefore the calorie of the weighed Mee Kari should be 0.77 x 100g = 77kcal (Notice that 0.77 is the Kcal/g of the Mee Kari). Panduan Pengguna 1 – Kandungan serat (tidak mempunyai nilai kalori) telah pun ditolak daripada jumlah karbohidrat yang dinyatakan dalam Food Calorie List ini (kecuali kategori “Vegetables”, yang mana nilai seratnya dinyatakan dalam kurungan). 2 – Kcal/g adalah nilai kalori bagi 1g untuk sesebuah makanan. Ia memberitahu pengguna akan kepadatan kalori makanan tersebut. Semakin tinggi nilai Kcal/g, maka semakin padatlah kalori dalam makanan tersebut. 3 – Terdapat...

Words: 4568 - Pages: 19

Premium Essay

Sibling Rivalry (Chap 4 and 5)

...Table 2.1 Comparison between the Effectiveness of the Duranta Scar Remover and the Commercial one 1A AND 2A (Scar from burn) | | | | | |Scar Remover |Amount Applied |Frequency |Observation | | | | | | |Duranta Scar Remover |2-3 ml |3 times a day |The scar from burn removed after 2| | | | |to 3 weeks of application. | | | | |The scar from burn was removed | |Cebo de Macho |2-3 ml |3 times a day |after 3 weeks of application. | Table 2.1 shows the comparison between the effectiveness of the two scar remover.They are both effective to the scar from burnt but Duranta Scar Remover removed the scar after 2-3 weeks of application, but Cebo de Macho takes three weeks to remove the scar. It implies that the Duranta Scar Remover is applicable to this kind of scar because it takes only...

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