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Swim Work Out Before You Eat Case Study

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Question 1: What should I be eating after a 2 hour swim workout to help me recover?
Answer: It is important to eat within 2 hours after the workout to replenish the energy lost during exercise. It is important to eat carbohydrates with a high glycemic index because they are digested and absorbed fast. Eating foods with a ratio of three carbs to one protein is the best for recovery. Chocolate milk is a great thing to drink after a workout because it contains this ratio. A bagel with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, a turkey sandwich and12 oz of juice, a banana with 8 oz of yougurt, and 8 oz of milk and 1 cup of cereal are also good foods to eat after a workout.

Question 2: Is it okay to drink caffeine the day of a swim meet?
Answer: Yes. Caffeine has been shown to …show more content…
Answer: Twenty four hours before a meet is really important to eat carbohydrates. Four to 24 hours before the meet you should eat a carbohydrate rich meal. Carbohydrates should be 60-70% of the total calories of this meal. This is important for making sure you have enough energy by the start of the meet. Protein and fats should also be incorporated to this meal. Try to eat familiar foods to prevent GI distress or an upset stomach. A dinner of 1.5 cups of spaghetti with marinara sauce, 4 oz of chicken, 2 cups of a garden salad with 2 tablespoons of dressing would be a good meal option. Zero to 4 hours before the meet you should be eating foods that are easily digested and low in fiber in order to prevent GI problems. Carbohydrate rich proteins such as lean proteins, skim, and cholate milk should be consumed. A good breakfast option would be 1.5 cups of cereal, 1 cups skim milk, and 1 cup of orange juice or 1 bagel with 2 tablespoons peanut butter and 1 tablespoon jelly. Proper hydration is also important. You should be drinking 2 cups of water 2 hours prior to the meet, 1 cup 1 hour prior, and 7 oz 30 minutes

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