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Personal Narrative: Hurricane Katrina

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I am all too familiar with the topic of coastal resilience and sea level rise. My grandfather on my mother’s side lives in Louisiana and so does majority of my family. I used to go there every summer to visit my grandfather and almost every time it rained the street would flood as if there had just been a hurricane. August of 2005 is a period of time that I will never forget. It might have been one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced and it still kind of affects me to this day. Me and my mother went to Louisiana for a family reunion which rarely happened on that side of the family. We ran out of ice at the family reunion so my mother and aunt went to the gas station to retrieve some more. When they got to the store all of the ice was …show more content…
A lady in the store overheard this comment and let my mother know that there was going to be category 5 hurricane coming toward New Orleans and my mother was shocked to find out this news. Long story short, things moved faster than we thought, so we had to end the family reunion and evacuate immediately. Luckily, after a long, hot process, my family was able to go to another family members house in another town where the flooding wasn’t as bad. From there my cousin drove me and my mom to Texas so that we could leave to come back home from the airport there. A few years ago, I went to Louisiana to visit and I was amazed to see that in downtown New Orleans you can still see the water marks on some of the buildings from the flooding of Katrina. Some of the destroyed buildings and neighborhoods still haven’t been knocked down or rebuilt. During the flooding many caskets from the cemetery were just floating around and many still haven’t been found. This has me convinced that the costal resilience in New Orleans isn’t really …show more content…
We are slowly killing our planet with pollution and I believe it has some effect on sea level rise and coastal resilience. In a review by Mick Pope, the bible was referenced in comparison to climate change and sea level rising. He basically states that climate change is due to human activity, which is mainly the burning of fossil fuels he also states that “modern sea level rise may be understood as the release of chaos due to a violation of our role as image of God to represent the God of order to the rest of creation” (Pope, 2018). Sea level rising is a problem that is happening to this world as we speak. And if we continue to treat the world the way that we are there will be no coastal resilience. Rising sea level is a response to global warming so if the climate were to increase then the sea level would rise. According to the NOAA, coastal resilience is “the ability of a community to “bounce back” after hazardous events such as hurricanes, coastal storms, and flooding” (“What is Resilience”, 2009). Different places that don’t have as much coastal resilience as others should be more prepared when it comes to the safety if that community. For example, since Katrina, New Orleans has better evacuation plans and makes sure people are more aware of what happening before it’s too late. This plan helps with the survival of

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