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Eating Disorders: The Cause Of Anorexia

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Anorexia is an eating disorder that generates medical complications by starving oneself in obsession of fear of becoming exceedingly overweight. One who have anorexia eating disorder may purposely starve themselves, exercise excessively, constantly weigh themselves or even take dietary supplements to reach there “ideal weight”. In spite of being below weight, anorexics are still not pleased and set additional unrealistic weight loss goals because they still consider themselves fat.
Being anorexic commences with discrediting and persuasive thinking of how one body should be. Your cognitive thinking will ultimately be implemented by actions where you will begin starving and exercising profusely. Due to starvation, anorexics bodies are malnutrition …show more content…
In today’s society, a sense of belonging plays a substantial role in one’s psychological and social being. In When Dieting Becomes Dangerous a Guide to Understanding and Treating Anorexia and Bulimia, authors stated, anorexia can erupt, handicap, and cripple social and psychological effects. Some anorexics feel like one of the obstacles impeding them from finding some suitable friends is that they do not fit accepted to any social crowds because of their weight. When they encounter this problem, they perceive that they do not have correlating interest in the things that are common in a social group. As an alternative, they feel excluded and isolate themselves feeling depressed, and having low self-esteem. That is then where social segregation initiates, then later developing an eating disorder and fear of denial from other groups. As this eating disorder worsens, abnormal psychological behaviors in relation to food worsens as well. Not all anorexics starve themselves, unquestionably they will eat. However the anorexics will cut and reduce their food into small amounts, even weighing and measuring everything they consume. Keeping track of fat and caloric consumption, binge eating before vomiting to remove “excessive” fat and calories are common tactics with this disorder too. Binge eating is an eating disorder some anorexics face and is characterized as overeating in which

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