Free Essay

Tina Fey


Submitted By hopkiwil0
Words 6522
Pages 27



You have been selected to work at one of the best summer day camps in Indiana. We thank you for deciding to join us and wish you a wonderful summer!

Camp is an adventure into the heart, mind, and soul of children. This adventure not only touches the lives of many, many children, but also is an adventure that changes you. Children have a magical way of making you look at yourself in a whole new light. Take advantage of this opportunity. It’s only one summer at modest wages, but it may be the most meaningful summer for you and the children. What a perfect opportunity to play … to imagine, to create, to laugh, to love … and still be able to call it work. It’s hard to imagine a more rewarding job … where at the end of the summer you know you did something good … something that made a difference in the lives of children; something that made you a better person; and something that left the world a better place.

It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Take it!

Note: This manual provides you with information necessary to perform your job this summer. It includes pertinent information from the Seasonal Employee Manual and specific information relating to employment with the summer camp program. You are required to read this manual in its entirety and are responsible for the material in it at all times. You are required to have your staff binder with you at all times and to have this manual in it. Failure to abide by the policies and procedures outlined in this manual may lead to suspension or termination. Upon completion of training on this manual you will be asked to sign an agreement acknowledging that you have read this manual and agree to abide by its contents in their entirety.


Bloomington Parks and Recreation’s Summer Camps
|Camp |

1. PLAN in advance your evacuation and safety measures. When you first see lightning or hear thunder, is the time to go to a building or a vehicle. Lightning often precedes rain, so don't wait for the rain to begin before suspending activities.
2. IF OUTDOORS...Avoid water. Avoid the high ground. Avoid open spaces. Avoid all metal objects. Unsafe places include underneath canopies, small picnic or rain shelters, or near trees. Where possible, find shelter in a substantial building or in a fully enclosed metal vehicle such as a car, truck or a van with the windows completely shut. If lightning is striking nearby when you are outside, you should:
A. Crouch down. Put feet together. Place hands over ears to minimize hearing damage from thunder. Avoid proximity (minimum of 15 ft.) to other people.
3. IF INDOORS... Avoid water. Stay away from doors and windows. Do not use the telephone. Take off head sets. Turn off, unplug, and stay away from appliances, computers, power tools, & TV sets. Lightning may strike exterior electric and phone lines, inducing shocks to inside equipment.
4. SUSPEND ACTIVITIES for 30 minutes after the last observed lightning or thunder.

Fire • Remain calm. • Account for all children. DO NOT allow children to collect belongings. • Exit the facility according to the evacuation plan. • Follow the appropriate call-out list.

Thunderstorm • Remain calm. • Account for all children. • Seek shelter inside a building, under a structure, or amongst small trees or shrubs. DO NOT go under a large tree or go into a private home. • Follow the appropriate call-out list.

Tornado • Remain calm. • Account for all children. • Seek shelter inside a building in the basement and/or in an interior room or hallway away from windows. If there is no building nearby, seek a low-lying area (e.g. under a bridge, in a ditch) • Follow the appropriate call-out list.

Evacuation plans are posted in the lobbies of all Parks facilities.
Child Abuse and/or Neglect
If you have ANY REASON to believe that a child is being abused or neglected by ANYONE, you MUST respond IMMEDIATELY!
Call-out Process: Begin at the level of your immediate supervisor
(unless they are party to the alleged incident). If you are unsuccessful in contacting him/her, move one step up in the process. Continue until you are able to successfully contact someone.
1. Head Counselor (Sarah 812-369-9165) and/ or Kelly Harmon (765) 716-5843
2. Program/Facility Coordinator
Amy Shrake (812) 824-9792(h) (812) 325-2583 (cell)
3. Recreation Division Director
Paula McDevitt 349-3713(w) 360-9316(c) 333-9500(h)
4. Administrative Office
Front Office Staff 349-3700(W)

Guidelines for Camper-Staff interactions

• Physical contact should not be staff initiated (other than high fives, or pats on the back).

• Contact should be child-focused. This is for the child’s benefit NOT the staff member.

• Always ask first. If a child is scared, hurt, lonely, homesick, etc. they may want a hug or “look” like they need one. Ask them if it’s ok.

• Give one arm hugs and/or keep all contact brief.

• When picking up a child, it is always better to give a back ride then to hold them face to face. Do not make a habit of picking kids up. Unless they are injured, they can walk on their own.

• Back rubs, hair stroking, snuggling are not appropriate.

• If a child gives a staff member a gift the staff member should always thank both the child and the parent. Sometimes parents aren’t aware that the child did this. Staff should not accept gifts that are in excess of the equivalent of $20. Staff members should not give individual gifts to children.

• Letters/phone calls/emails should always be addressed to the child “care of” their parent. All communication should go through the parent to avoid misunderstandings.

• Any contact outside of program activities (baseball games, dance recitals, etc) that a staff member is invited to by a child should be approved by the parent.

• There are several ways to have healthy and appropriate contact between campers and staff. Any questions should be directed to your immediate supervisor.

• Kid City Programs follow a “2 deep” rule. This means that we should never have a camper and staff member alone together. Exceptions are: disciplinary situations /meetings in the camp office (there is a window so staff can always be seen) and when dropping off or picking up a camper with a special arrangement (parent signed). In this case, campers should always be in the back seat and staff in the front.
Missing Camper
Call-out Process: Begin at the level of your immediate supervisor.
If you are unsuccessful in contacting him/her, move one step up in the process. Continue until you are able to successfully contact someone.

1. Head Counselor (Sarah 812-369-9165) and/ or Kelly Harmon (765) 716-5843
2. Program/Facility Coordinator
Amy Shrake (812) 824-9792(h) (812) 325-2583 (cell)
3. Recreation Division Director
Paula McDevitt 349-3713(w) 360-9316(c) 333-9500(h)
4. Parents/Guardians (of all campers involved)
See Health Form(s) for phone numbers
5. Police (911)
6. Administrative Office
Front Office Staff 349-3700(W)

AS CONTACTS ARE BEING MADE … o Organize a search party ensuring a proper ratio is maintained for other campers. o Ensure a staff person is assigned to the parents/guardians of the missing camper. o Calm staff, campers, and parents. o Complete an Incident Report (DO NOT draw conclusions).

First Aid Supplies
(To be kept in your numbered first aid kit)

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to maintain your own first aid kit. The following items are to be in your kit AT ALL TIMES! Supplies are kept in the first aid cabinet.

Non-Latex Gloves 2 pair
• Regular 10 • Fingertip 2 • Large 2
Butterfly closures 2
Gauze Pads • 4x4, 3x4, or 3x3 2 • 2x2 or 2x3 4
Rolled Gauze 1
Oval Eye Pad 1
Adhesive Tape 1
Moleskin 1
Alcohol prep pads 10
Triangular bandage 1
Corticool (itch relief) 5
Burnjel 2
CPR face shield & cheat sheet 1
Splinter out kit or Tweezers 1
Ziploc bag (for trash) 1
Thermometer 1
Feminine Pads (Quest) 2

Universal Precautions
Straight from the Bloodborne Pathogens Protection Kit…
Bloodborne Pathogens Protective Apparel Pack
Directions for Use: Always wear gloves when administering first aid. For traumatic wound incidents, complete apparel provisions in the pack should be used. Antiseptic towelettes are provided for personal clean-up. Use the biohazard bag for proper disposal of soiled apparel when apparel has been contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious body fluids.
Spill Clean-Up Pack
Directions for Use: Always use gloves prior to exposure to potentially infectious body fluids. Sprinkle the absorbent powder directly on to the spill and allow two minutes to congeal into a rubbery texture. If the spill has congealed to the point where it does not absorb completely, dilute with water and repeat. Pick up with scoop and spatula and wipe area clean when done with disinfectant cloth. Use the appropriate bag for disposal.

Risk Management Forms
Accident Report

• Complete an Accident Report for any injury to a camper requiring the administration of first aid (e.g. ice, bandaid). Be sure to indicate on the report adherence to Universal Precautions and check the box “Parent(s) Contacted”. (The parents/guardians of an injured camper are to be contacted immediately for major injuries and by the end of the day for minor injuries.) • Give completed Accident Reports to your immediate supervisor IMMEDIATELY for major injuries and by the END OF THE DAY for minor injuries. • Parents must sign all Accident Reports.

Incident and Behavior Incident Reports

• Complete an Incident Report for any incident which may require facility follow-up (e.g. broken window, vehicle maintenance). Behavior Incident Reports are for behaviors that may require follow-up (e.g. fights, excessive back talk, running away, anytime a restraint is used) • Give completed Incident/Behavior Incident Reports to your supervisor IMMEDIATELY for major incidents and by the END OF THE DAY for minor incidents. • Parents must sign all Behavior Incident Reports.

Employee, Supervisor, and Witness Report of Accident

• Contact your immediate supervisor in the case of an employee injury or vehicle accident as soon as possible. S/he will procure these forms and help you fill them out properly.



Field Trips
Always maintain appropriate staff-camper ratios. Designate a meeting point for leaving and in the event that there is an emergency situation or lost camper.
If you are leaving the camp site, be sure to bring … • This manual. • Health forms for campers in your trail group. • A list of campers in your trail group present that day (names). • A first aid kit filled with required supplies. • Prescribed medicine for any campers in your trail group. • A stop sign (one per larger group). • Bus schedule and bus passes (if necessary). • Water, snack, and lunches (if necessary). • ACCOUNT FOR CAMPERS IN YOUR TRAIL GROUP OFTEN! BY ROLE CALL

Field Trip Transportation procedures

If you are walking to/from your destination, be sure to … • Select the safest route to walk (in advance). • Distribute staff among campers (e.g. one in front, one in middle, and one in back). • Keep campers close together on the walking path (e.g. sidewalk, trail). • Cross streets at intersections or crosswalks at the appropriate time. • Have a staff person hold the stop sign while campers cross the street. • ACCOUNT FOR CAMPERS IN YOUR TRAIL GROUP OFTEN!

If you are using Bloomington Parks and Recreation vehicles to/from your destination, be sure to… • Walk campers in front of the vehicle when leaving/approaching the vehicle. • Place a cone behind the vehicle when loading/unloading campers in busier areas. • Turn on hazard lights when loading/unloading campers in busier areas. • Load/Unload campers in a safe and organized manner in the safest location possible. • In vans, ensure each camper is fastened in a seatbelt (one seatbelt per camper). • In vans, reserve the front passenger seat for a staff person or teen camper. • Close and lock all doors upon departure. • Instruct campers to keep seatbelts fastened until instructed to unfasten. • Ensure campers keep arms, legs, and heads inside the vehicle. • Drive cautiously and obey all traffic laws. • Park the vehicle in an appropriate parking place. • Close and lock all doors/windows upon leaving the vehicle. • Ensure campers collect all belongings from the vehicle after use. • Clean up all trash in the vehicle after use. • Return keys to designated area (Do not pocket them!). • ACCOUNT FOR CAMPERS IN YOUR TRAIL GROUP!

If you are using the transit to/from your destination, be sure to … • Arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior the scheduled arrival of the bus. • Keep campers occupied and away from the street. • Show bus passes to the bus driver. • Inform the bus driver of the number of campers and staff. • Inform the bus driver of where you are going and if there will be any transfers. • Ensure each camper has a seat (if possible). If not, the campers must sit on the floor. • Sit together on the bus, preferably towards the back. • Avoid interaction with strangers. • Ensure campers keep arms, legs, and heads inside the bus. • ACCOUNT FOR CAMPERS IN YOUR TRAIL GROUP!

Pool Use and Water Activities

Swimming and Aquatics
The goal of the swimming program is to provide safe opportunities for children to experience water play. Unless WSI certified, camp staff are not swim instructors! If a child would like to learn to swim please encourage them to take swimming lessons or to practice with one of the trained lifeguards on staff. All water activities should be supervised by a currently certified lifeguard. Activity leaders or public providers may lead the actual program. Staff should maintain camp ratios at all times. Usage of the city pools is a privilege - NOT A RIGHT! It is important that we follow all policies and procedures.
Participants using adaptive equipment must be carefully supervised to avoid accidental water entry. Manual wheelchairs must be put on brake, and motorized equipment turned off, within 4 feet of the body of water (pool, lake, etc.). Wheelchairs should only be used on docks which have attached guardrails. When transferring a participant to the water or a boat, from a wheelchair, a two person transfer must be performed unless the participant can comfortably bear weight.

Step by Step guide to pool use at camp! • Ensure campers have a swimsuit and towel and their lunch (if necessary). All campers should change prior to leaving for the pool. • The lap lanes and wading pool at Bryan Pool and Mills Pool are off-limits. (Exception: the Kindergarteners and some children with disabilities will have permission to use the wading pools.) • Upon arrival at the pool, line up campers into two separate lines - boys and girls. • Line up campers and explain the pool rules and consequences for breaking the rules. • Review pool rules on each trip: designated swim areas, no running, bathroom use, deep water test, horseplay, where counselors will be stationed. • Enter the number of campers and staff on a pool count card. • Present the pool count card to the cashier. • Enter the appropriate dressing room with campers. • Ensure campers shower before swimming. • Apply sunscreen to all campers, particularly on the face, arms, and back. • Exit the dressing room and walk to the designated swim area in groups led by staff. Arrange for campers to take a deep water swim test. (This will be conducted by the Pool Manager/Supervisor.) Keep a record of which campers have passed the deep water test. They do not need to re-take the test once they’ve passed. CAMPERS WHO HAVE NOT TAKEN/PASSED TEST are not permitted to go off deepwater slides or diving boards. • Ensure at least one staff person is in the pool at all times and at least one staff person is pool side watching campers in the pool and conducting head counts. (Other staff are to distribute themselves according to usage by campers. THINK RATIOS!) Treat the pool as a separate room when adhering to ratios, meaning if 16 2-4 campers are in the pool and 8 2-4 campers are out of the pool, you need at least 2 staff in the pool and 1 staff out of the pool. • The pool is a very dangerous place. It is OUR responsibility to monitor the children while at the pool - not the lifeguards! The lifeguards are there to ensure that pool rules are being upheld and to handle emergency situations. • ACCOUNT FOR CAMPERS IN YOUR TRAIL GROUP AT ALL TIMES!
Aquatics Department Rules (Bryan Pool and Mills Pool)

• Children must be supervised by an adult at all times including trips to the bathroom. • Food and drinks are permitted only in concession area. • Please keep personal radios at a low and tolerable level to avoid public nuisance. • Patrons shall respect the actions and directions of pool personnel. • Patrons having open blisters, cuts, etc. are advised not to use the pool. • Devices generally referred to as “water wings” and “ski belts” are permitted only with close in-water supervision. • A 20-minute time-out will be called daily at 3:00 pm.

Prohibited Activities

• Running, pushing, or shoving in the pool area or bathhouse. • Food or drinks outside the concession area. • Use of profanity. • Diving or flipping from pool deck. • Horseplay-including “king of the mountain” on the floatables. • Climbing on landscaping materials. • Spitting, spouting water, blowing nose, or discharging bodily waste in the pool.

Tube Slide

• Non-swimmers not permitted. Participants must pass deep water test. • Exit splash down area immediately after each slide. • Exit by east ladder (Bryan Pool) or by north ladder (Mills Pool).

Diving Boards

• Non-swimmers not permitted. Participants must pass deep water test. • One bounce only on board. Dive should be straight down … not out. • Exit by west ladder (Bryan Pool) or by south ladder (Mills Pool).

Channel Blaster and Blade Runner slides (Bryan Pool) • No running on stairway or around slide • Must be at least 4’ tall to slide alone. Wrist band must be worn at all times. • Only one person at a time (Exception: A small child with an adult.) • Enter and exit slide flume feet first. No stopping in the slide flume. Exit splash down area immediately after each slide. No diving from the end of the slide flume into the pool

Special Events

Overnight campout policies
Overnights are wonderful opportunities for children to take a step out of their comfort zone and experience a sense of independence. It is our responsibility to provide a fun, safe, and appropriate environment for this to take place. Locations for off-site campouts should be approved by camp admin staff before registration for the event begins. Regardless of whether you are planning an indoor or an outdoor overnight, please always keep in mind the concept of “leave no trace ethics”. We should take all reasonable measures to ensure that our presence in a space goes undetected after we leave.
• Staff to camper ratios for all overnights: 6:1 (KC-Original); 8:1 (KC-Quest and CIT Program) *Note the difference from during camp hours*
Sleeping areas: • Boys and girls should have separate sleeping areas. This can be separate rooms, or separate quarters in a large room such as a gym; outdoors it will be separate tents. • Outdoors, all sleeping areas should be at least 200 feet from natural bodies of water and trails. • Remember to be considerate of others who may be using the areas around your overnight. At Parks & Recreation sites please don’t disturb neighborhood residents.
Food preparation: • Anytime grills or fire are used in cooking a ring of 4 feet in diameter around the fire should be established. No participants should enter this safety ring unless supervised one to one by a staff member. • All food and waste products should be disposed of properly. If no trash bins are available in an outdoor setting, then all waste should be packed back to camp.

Kid City Camp Philosophy

Camp is a place to learn, grow and recreate together. Camp is a place where everyone belongs and can feel safe being themselves. Camp activities should always be fun, safe and developmentally appropriate.

At Kid City, we believe that all campers and staff should do the following every day: • Respect yourself • Respect others • Respect the property and resources


Our summer camp programs maintain a positive approach to discipline. Children should be taught responsible behavior through logical and immediate consequences. All disciplinary situations are to be carried out with the utmost respect towards all parties involved. Always be sure the camper understands the rules and that what they did was not acceptable behavior. Remember to separate the behavior from the camper. (“That behavior is not acceptable at camp” NOT “You’re bad”)

Camper Discipline Procedures
Most situations can be resolved by the following: • Explain the rule, ask the camper if they have questions and re-direct the camper to a more appropriate activity. • Explain the rule again, ask the camper if they have questions and give the camper a “time-away” to cool-down (minutes equal to age). • Don’t be afraid to enlist help from the parents—they know their child better than you do and can provide support for on-going problems.

Minor Violations-Behaviors that do not pose safety threats (foul language, non-compliance, bullying etc)

1st offense—verbal warning
2nd offense—time-away
3rd offense—time-away (loss of activity time) and mandatory parent conference

Major Violations-Behaviors that pose a threat to the safety of children or staff, or involve major property damage. (stealing, fighting, inappropriate sexual contact etc.)

1st offense—Isolation from immediate activity and parents notified
2nd offense—Parents asked to pick up child. Possible suspension from program.
3rd offense—Suspension or removal from program (creation of or update behavior plan)
We never want to remove a child from our camp program, but if a child resorts to physical violence with another child, or assaults a staff member they will be immediately isolated from activities and may be suspended from camp. To prevent this situation, please be proactive with campers—don’t let things escalate!
Keep in mind … steps MAY BE SKIPPED depending on severity of the infraction.

Parent Letters

There is a natural tendency to let parents know the “bad” things their child is doing and to ignore the “good” things their child is doing. Most children, most of the time, are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Please make a deliberate effort to let parents know all the wonderful things their child does and how much they have to offer. This not only makes the parent and child proud, but more often than not leads to an improvement in any misbehavior. We do not ask that you be insincere, but there is no child that is all “bad” … there are always “good” things that you can express honestly and openly.
With that said …

A parent letter can be a wonderful opportunity to share the camp experience with families. Children spend upwards of 9 hours a day at camp and go home with many stories, highlights, and excited smiles. Unfortunately, they don’t always remember what they did exactly or recognize where they were the most successful. It is good for parents to hear these things and share in their child’s experiences and successes. This is also a chance to share with parents where children have demonstrated improved behavior or how you are looking forward to helping their child with specific activities.

Examples of Parent Letters
A letter for a child that has been an angel all session …

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santos: Greetings from Kid City! Well, Session 9 has been another week of excitement here at camp. Our theme this week was Theater & Art so our trail group attended the Mathers Museum and the MAC. Jose really loved looking at all the costumes and had some great ideas for plays. I think he might really enjoy our talent show week. I’ve really enjoyed working with Jose this session. He has been very positive with the other campers and seems to make friends easily. I’ve appreciated Jose’s great ideas for trail group activities. The kids enjoyed spending time playing his improv game! I’m looking forward to working with Jose again next week.
Jim Bob Weigand

A letter for a child that has had some difficulty during the session …

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ratchet: Session 5 has been a lot of fun for our trail group. We had a chance to explore the outdoors and went hiking at McCormick’s Creek. Sally especially liked playing the game of camouflage at Cascades Park. She was a great scout during our hiking expeditions as well. Thank you for your advice on helping Sally with her listening skills. She has shown a lot of improvement over the week and I’m looking forward to seeing her continue to interact positively with the other kids next week. If you think of anything else over the weekend that might help out, please let us know!
Billy Jo Shrake

Continuum of Programming /Universal Design

In every group of kids there is a continuum of developmental stages. The key to programming for all our campers is this phrase “meet them where they are”. Every child should have an opportunity to be successful, to be challenged, and to try new things while at camp. For a child to feel comfortable doing these things we need to look at the activities offered and be sure they are designed with multiple goals in mind.

Case Study Putt-Putt: The levels of challenge/goals here could be as follows: 1. Children are able to learn the rules of putt-putt and attempt to have the lowest score at the end of the round or get a hole in one. 2. Children are able to practice hand-eye coordination by putting a ball towards a hole. 3. Children are able to practice social skills by interacting positively with their peers (cheering each other on, sharing, waiting turns, etc) 4. Children are given the chance to practice appropriate behaviors while in public (being pleasant to field trip hosts, not using profanity, respecting property, etc)

Case Study Around the Town Scavenger Hunt: The levels of challenge/goals could be as follows: 1. Children complete the scavenger hunt and find the most items on the page. 2. Children practice asking questions or talking to store owners. 3. Children learn to make decisions/prioritize about where to go next. 4. Children practice encouraging their peers and working together.

Case Study Painting: The levels of challenge/goals could be as follows: 1. Children learn to realistically paint an object 2. Children learn to mix paints, the color wheel, or about different color choices 3. Children learn to put paints onto the paper instead of onto themselves or the floor 4. Children experience the texture of paint

Within the goals for these activities every child should be able to be challenged, feel successful, and try something new. In every program we offer, each child should be encouraged to participate to the extent of their ability and comfort level. Children should be encouraged to try at least 1 new thing everyday. This can be anything from a new game to riding the bus to holding their head up high for 20 seconds.

All discipline rules at camp apply to every camper we serve. If a child doesn’t want to do something or is oppositional they should be encouraged to try, given an option (such as try for 5 minutes and then we’ll have something else to do) or asked to sit out/ do something quiet on the side (cards, drawing etc). We do not redesign every program because one child just “doesn’t feel like” playing. If many children are unhappy with an activity, then staff should question whether or not the activity is actually a good one! Every effort should be made to vary activities to reduce staff and camper burn-out on any one particular thing. When an activity is an inherent part of the camp (such as rock climbing or overnights) but will present major barriers for some of the campers, then alternate activities should be made available. These can be designed by camp staff, personal assistants, parents or whoever has a cool idea. No child or staff member should feel limited at camp. Every camp day should include a variety of activities that reach many different interests.

Great Activity Leadership

Get their attention
(Be FUN!)

Tell them you want to do a cool activity
(DON’T give too many details!)

Explain the rules
(Keep it simple and try to show as much as possible)

(They won’t participate if YOU won’t participate!)

Do not make them participate
(Make them WANT to participate!)

Monitor the activity
(They NEED your guidance!)

Stop the activity
(Do this BEFORE they grow tired of the activity!)


Leading Activities for Children

Things to consider:

• Activity (New? Challenging?) • Number (10 children? 100 children?) • Age (Same age? Different ages?) • Gender (Boys? Girls? Mixed?) • Capability (Athletic? Abilities?) • Interests (Sports? Arts ‘n Crafts?) • Socialization (Friends? Acquaintances? Strangers?) • Disposition (Energetic? Bored?) • Time (Morning? Evening?) • Setting (Gym? Classroom? Field?) • Length (15 minutes? 2 hours?) • Purpose (Exercise? Teambuilding? Time filler?) • Staffing (Other leaders?) • Leadership (Prepared? Enthusiastic? Empowering?) • Etc.

In your staff binder:
Accident Reports • Any time a camper has an injury, even a minor one, fill this out! It makes sure that we communicate this important part of a camper’s day to the parent or guardian.
Behavior Incident Reports • If multiple disciplinary actions are taken in a single day (even if they seem to be unrelated to each other), fill out this form. • If a child seems to be struggling with a particular rule repeatedly throughout the day or camp session, fill this out. • If a child exhibits any violent or aggressive behaviors, fill this out. • This form, which should be filled out immediately following any incident, ensures that events are accurately communicated to the parent/guardian and that concerns can be adequately addressed. Be sure to communicate with your head counselor or the head CII the circumstances dictating use of this form (if s/he is not already aware).
Discipline Procedure Forms • If a participant is having repeated negative behaviors, use this form to document an initial conversation with the camper that conveys the consequences (outlined in the form) of continuing with this behavior. Be sure to stick to the agreed-upon terms and meet with the parent or guardian following any subsequent issues.
Incident Reports • If there is a facility issue in a city facility or park (such as broken equipment, safety hazard, or graffiti), document it in this form so that a work request can be submitted. • If there is a facility issue in a non-city facility or park that our campers encounter, document it in this form (safety hazard, foul or inappropriate graffiti) so that we can determine if parents should be notified or potentially contact someone to correct the issue. • If there is a situation with a suspicious person or a negative encounter with the public, please document that in this form.

In the form boxes at AJB:
Program Registration Forms
Special Arrangement Forms
Medicine Authorization Forms
Camper Health Forms
Incident Reports
Accident Reports
Parent Letter Paper
Discipline Procedure Forms

Behavior Incident Report

I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as a boring adult. I have decided I would like to accept the joy and wonder of an 8 year old again. I want to go to McDonald’s and think that it’s a four-star restaurant. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks. I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them. I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer day. I want to return to a time when life was simple; when all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn’t bother you because you didn’t know what you didn’t know and you didn’t care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset. I want to think the world is fair. That everyone is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible. I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again. I want to live simple again. I don’t want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones. I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow. So … here’s my checkbook, my car keys, my credit cards, and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood. And if you want to discuss this further, you’ll have to catch me,
‘cause … Tag! You’re It!


Assistant Coordinator

Lead Coordinator
CIT Program

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I am very, very important to my parents - more important than their job, their home, their car … more important than ANYTHING! I am their child. I am their greatest treasure and I am in YOUR HANDS. I only ask that you do two things for me … keep me safe and provide me with a memorable experience.


ENSURE THE SAFETY of children in your care … a tremendous responsibility.

ENRICH THE LIVES of children by providing a memorable experience … a tremendous opportunity.

This section does not include everything. It is impossible to list every safety rule! When you are unsure whether or not something is safe and/or appropriate, ASK! Your campers’ lives may depend on it.


Fun is good ~Dr. Seuss




DO NOT move any vehicles until after a police officer arrives.

DO NOT admit responsibility or sign a statement of responsibility.

DO NOT transport an injured camper in your personal vehicle.

DO NOT tell an injured party that we will pay for treatment.

DO NOT make statements of opinion.
DO allow supervisor to contact family members of injured campers.



Be sure to complete an Incident Report and give it to your immediate supervisor (or the person you contacted) IMMEDIATELY.

Keep In Mind

• You are REQUIRED to report known or suspected child abuse. Abuse can occur adult to child or child to child. • Do not ask leading questions. This will make it harder for CPS in the long run. • The writing of Incident Reports CANNOT be delegated to another person. • Incidents are CONFIDENTIAL (i.e. unless the immediate safety of a child is concerned, information SHOULD NOT be shared with anyone except supervisors). • Incident Reports should provide a detailed description of information as reported (DO NOT draw conclusions). • If a child is in immediate danger from an alleged perpetrator, CALL 911. • When applicable, a permanent staff person will contact Child Protection Services.


• Timelines on completion and submission of risk management forms cannot be emphasized enough. It is CRITICAL that forms are completed and submitted according to the timelines specified above.

• It is better to err on the conservative side with regard to the determination whether something is “major” or “minor”. Play it safe!

Eating/Drinking in vehicles/buses is NOT ALLOWED AT ANYTIME. This rule pertains to CAMPERS AND STAFF. (Exception: Water is okay, preferably from a personal water bottle.)



You MUST be able to account for all campers in your trail group at ALL TIMES. Accounting for your campers DOES NOT mean simply counting the number of campers in your trail group and making sure the number matches the number initialed in on the sign in/out sheet. This is problematic if campers in your trail group have arrived late and/or left early. What it DOES mean is matching each camper initialed in on the sign in/out sheet to that specific camper. In short, YOU TAKE ATTENDANCE (Bill Smith is signed in, Bill Smith is here; Jill Brown is signed in, Jill Brown is here; etc.).



Use of sunscreen is not just a “pool thing.” It is your responsibility to make sure that campers are protected from the sun ALL DAY. Campers may say “I don’t need it”, but it’s not their call to make. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure sunscreen is applied.

Campers are eligible for all programs and activities as long as their parent/guardian has signed a waiver (on the health form) and they meet the requirements of any public providers.

Please swim at the scheduled times. The current schedule has been approved by pool personnel and staffing at Bryan Pool and Mills Pool has been established to accommodate our use. Changes to the swim schedule must be approved by the Camp Assistant two weeks in advance. CHANGES TO THE CURRENT POOL SCHEDULE ARE THE EXCEPTION - NOT THE RULE!

You will need to develop and clarify specific rules for your camp prior to each session. It is strongly recommended that you do this WITH campers (instead of just FOR campers) so they will take ownership of the rules and, therefore, be more likely to abide by them. Although this manual clearly states several rules (and suggests many others), it is NOT comprehensive. It may be necessary to invoke additional rules to ensure a positive and safe experience for your campers.

Disciplinary problems are never “just there”—they arise as a result of something else. It may be a lack of sleep, a poor diet, an unhappy home life, an isolated incident with a relative, an argument with another camper, or low self-confidence. It may just be a “bad day” for no apparent reason. Although the vast majority of reasons for poor behavior are out of your direct control, this is not an excuse for “throwing up your arms” and exclaiming that there is nothing you can do. Remember: children need limits and it is your responsibility to provide them in a clear, respectful, firm manner. You are the camper’s primary caregiver during the summer, and have the power to influence their lives in positive ways. You can make that lack of sleep bearable, that unhappy home life tolerable, or that low self-confidence a little bit better.

Counselors are REQUIRED to write a parent letter each session for ALL children in their trail group.

Guidelines for Parent Letters: • Positive (anything can be cast in a positive light). • Short and to the point (a couple paragraphs). • Include something specific to that child. • Addressed directly to the parent. • They are NOT a form letter.

A comprehensive list of phone numbers (work, cell, and/or home) for all permanent staff is posted at all summer camp locations.

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Mean Girls Movie Analysis Essay

...This paper provides a film analysis using the three theoretical perspectives; Symbolic Interactionist, Functionalist and Conflict Theorist. Additionally, this exploration is organized by each theoretical view. Furthermore, this review includes the opinion of this writer’s strongest theoretical perspective, as well as considering additional questions relating to the correlation of micro and macro sociology within the film. Thus, the film chosen for this analysis is “Mean Girls”, the 2004 comedy with a moral plot which is written by Tina Fey and directed by Mark Waters. Indeed, this film relates to the sociological area of gender and by watching this film through different lenses, this writer ascertains the intricacies of each role and function...

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