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Personal Narrative: Comprehending Another Culture

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Comprehending another culture is quite difficult as a lot of times such things accustom to you may not be for them. The conjecture is that people are stubborn and do not embed change, instead they find comfort in the traditions they know. In understanding this by person experience, we tend to be ambivalent by not seeing eye to eye at first. In this situation, I censured the thought of not being able to retain much of a family member visit from another country. At first, my cousin was off for the summer from school in Mexico and somehow ended in a benevolent manner in my house. The beginning started exquisitely fine but soon after the first day the rocky road began. She had many fixed traditions that when she crossed over she was surprised at the different qualities of life we here in the United States take for granted. Her exasperation of technology in America was for the lack of word, rancorous, as she observed the home and community around her. I would often have sympathy for her and would be aloof about the subject, but it was constant bickering …show more content…
Nevertheless, I never realized what she had to put up with back home. She abbreviated and described the setting in her little small town in Mexico and I came to have empathy toward her. She at times does not have a working air conditioning vent when the sun is in the hottest time of the day nor a functioning heater for the winter. Her town only has one primary school following one secondary, and last but not least a high school. She explained that most do not get as far as high school for they have to support their families or help at the ranch for labor work. And for the first time, I saw her as venerable and diligent as she pushes for greater than the town offers. Hence, she had to work hard just to place food on the table, so comparing to my family she envied how simple everything came to

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