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Personal Narrative: Herstory Internship

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Words 462
Pages 2
Writing is a universal language that is used in all walks of life around the world. It can bring life to a myriad of subject matters. Writing is one of the many forms of art that I have taken a strong interest in, ever since I was a young child. Not only am I passionate about writing, but I am also extremely interested in learning about various forms of writing that I may have not been exposed to before. Within the many courses I have taken throughout my college career, I have gained experience in research, analytical, and descriptive writing. I consider writing to truly be a form of art within its own right and a skill that can be used both personally and professionally.

Being accepted into the Herstory Internship taking place this upcoming spring would truly be an honor. Not only would I do my best to achieve the internship goals, I would also take what I have learned from the internship into my career after I graduate from Long Island University. If I were to be accepted, I would dedicate any amount of time necessary to fulfill my responsibilities as a member. Being a part of this program would not only be an educational experience for me; however, I would also use this opportunity to give back to the community by dedicating much hard work, time, and effort. …show more content…
Becoming a mother at any age is a grand responsibility that can be difficult to manage. When a teen becomes a mother, she is transitioning from a child to an adult at an extremely fast pace. Keeping this in mind, there needs to be far more services provided to support pregnant teens to aid them in their physical, social, and emotional well-being. With my major in psychology and minor is social work, I hope to help young mothers find stability in all aspects of their lives. I also want to help young mothers learn how to manage newfound emotions in positive and healthy ways, one being

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