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Online Diploma Mill Analysis

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According to Judith Eaton, director of the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) that the world is suffering from a global epidemic of fake online degree providers (buy a degree online, n.d.). She told that Marion Kolitwenzew took her daughter who is diabetic to a medical center for treatment in 1999. She was impressed with an office of full medical supplies and a slew of medical degrees from universities. It turns out those diploma came from degree mills, which are bogus universities that confer for little or no study (Dillion, 2003). When the mother followed the Doctor’s advice and took her daughter off insulin, the 8 year old girl began vomiting and died. The North Carolina man, who treated her, Laurence Perry, was serving up to 15 months jail for manslaughter and practicing medicine without a license.
The use of diploma mills is exploding as the internet makes bogus degrees easier to get than ever before. More workers are buying these degrees because they are looking for an edge in the competitive job market. And, with more legitimate colleges offering online degrees, the environment is ripe for diploma mills. There are more than 400 diploma mills and 300 counterfeit diploma Web sites, and business is thriving. According to estimate of John Bear, author of Bears’ Guide to Earning Degrees By Distance Learning, …show more content…
or other such degrees. Often buyers only have to provide money to get a professional – looking certificate and transcript, they can show to potential employers. Other diploma mills require buyers to complete a cursory course work, such as writing a short essay, before sending out the degree. Some online operators offer a degree based on “life experience”. While there are universities and colleges with recognized accreditation that might grant credit based on life experience, the online scams that do typically charge hefty sums and reward entire

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