...[pic] [pic]Economy of Bangladesh From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search |Economy of Bangladesh | |[pic] | |Kawran Bazar (A commercial hub of Bangladesh) | |Rank |48 | |Currency |Bangladesh Taka (BDT) | |Fiscal year |1 July - 30 June | |Trade organisations |WTO, WCO, IOR-ARC, SAFTA, D8 | |Statistics | |GDP |$256 billion (2010 est. PPP) | |GDP growth |5.7% (2009 est.) | |GDP per capita |$1,600 (2009 est. PPP) | |GDP by sector |agriculture: (18.6%), industry: (28.6%), services: (52.8%) (2009| | |est.) | |Inflation (CPI) |5.4% (2009 est.) | |Population |36.3% (2008 est.) ...
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...Economic Development of Bangladesh Economy of Bangladesh Economic Position in World: The economy of Bangladesh is a rapidly developing market-based economy. Its per capita income in 2010 was est. US$1,700 (adjusted by purchasing power parity). According to the International Monetary Fund, Bangladesh ranked as the 43rd largest economy in the world in 2010 in PPP terms and 57th largest in nominal terms, among the Next Eleven or N-11 of Goldman Sachs and D-8 economies, with a gross domestic product of US$269.3 billion in PPP terms and US$104.9 billion in nominal terms. Growth rate and Economic Sectors: The economy has grown at the rate of 6-7% per annum over the past few years. More than half of the GDP is generated by the service sector; while nearly half of Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector. Other goods produced are textiles, jute, fish, vegetables, fruit, leather and leather goods, ceramics, RMGs. Remittances from Bangladeshis working overseas, mainly in the Middle East, is the major source of foreign exchange earnings; exports of garments and textiles are the other main sources of foreign exchange earnings. Ship building and cane cultivation have become a major force of growth. GDP's rapid growth due to sound financial control and regulations have also contributed to its growth; however, foreign direct investment is yet to rise significantly. Bangladesh has made major strides in its human development index. The land is devoted mainly to...
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.............................................................. 4 1.2 History of RMG Sector in Bangladesh: ................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Objective of Study: .............................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Methodology: ...................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Limitations of the study: ..................................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 2: ................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 AN OVERVIEW OF RGM .......................................................................................................................... 8 . 2.1 Ready Made Garments Export Condition in brief: .............................................................................. 8 2.3 RECENT GLOBAL TRENDS IN TEXTILE AND GARMENTS: ..................................................................... 9 2.4 Contribution of RMG sector in total export in Bangladesh: ............................................................. 10 2.5 Problem of RMG Export in Bangladesh...
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...tough conditions for any state and do not let alone a young democracy of 160 million citizens, Bangladesh. Despite these problems, Bangladesh’s sustained economic growth becomes all the more impressive. Over the past five years, Bangladesh has enjoyed an average real GDP growth of six percent. It is mostly because of the labor-intensive industries; in particular textiles and garments have fueled growth as Bangladesh’s tremendous reserves of cheap, considerably-skilled labor have attracted foreign investment. Bangladesh is now actually a very important hub of the world’s textiles market. However, 2011 was a tough year for the textile industry of Bangladesh as the cotton price played a rapid changing game throughout the year. But good news as the cotton and yarn price has became quite stable at the end of 2011 and the textile industries are coming round from their ill conditions during that period. The Garments export is also showing good growth although it was lying below the target in the last six month’s expectation from EPB due to the sign of economic recession in the major exporting regions of the country. Hence it is important to move smartly and be ready to avoid any upcoming turmoil. Bangladesh is now the second biggest exporter of readymade garments in the world. The textiles industry is contributing around 12% of the national GDP. Around 40% value addition of manufacturing sector comes from textiles. It is possible only because, the industry has developed a strong backward...
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...Principles of Management Term Paper ON “The History of Textile Industry in Bangladesh” Submitted to: MD. Rehan Masoom Course: Principles of Management Course code: MNG1203 Submitted by: Atqiya Mahila Trisha; ID-121113006 Syeda Tasneem Humayra; ID-121113008 Rajoshi Jahangir (Rajoshi); ID-121113007 Sirajum Munira; ID-121113001 Sec: A History of Textile industry in Bangladesh Introduction While agriculture for domestic consumption is Bangladesh’s largest employment sector, the money gained from exporting textiles is the single greatest source of economic growth in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Textile Industry has a long history of many centuries and has been seen as the part of an economy of undivided India and later on of Pakistan. It was only after the liberation of Bangladesh that the Textile Industry had to be considered independently to meet the needs of the large population. Until 1990s the Textile Industry was basically meeting the local needs. Following the increase in the export of readymade garment industry, the textile industry started catering to the export market in the 1990s. The Government Policy in Bangladesh always favored the backward linkage industry. However, the most dynamic policy was the announcement of Textile policy in 1992-1994 when textile was declared as a Thrust Sector and an alternative cash assistance of 25% given to garments exported using local fabric to compensate for the benefit/advantage and subsidies given by other countries...
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...BENGAL PETROCHEM & SYNTHETIC TEXTILES LTD 01. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Name of the Project : BENGAL PETROCHEM & SYNTHETIC TEXTILES LIMITED. Legal Status of the Projects: The proposed project is under Bengal Petrochem & Synthetic Textiles Limited, a private limited company incorporated under the companies Act 1994 vides registration no. C91112/11 dated 10th March 2011 with authorized capital of BDT 1000,000,000 divided into 10,000,000 ordinary shares of BDT 100 each. Location: Registered Office: Bengal House, 75, Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212 Factory : Plot # 295 – 298, DEPZ Extension Area, Savar. Name and Shareholdings of Sponsors’ Directors: Status in the Proposed Company Chairman 80% Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Managing Director Director Director Director Director Director 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% Name Bengal Windsor Thermoplastics Ltd (Represented by Chairman Mr. Morshed Alam) Mr. Jashim Uddin Nationality Extend of Share Holding Bangladeshi Mrs. Bilkis Nahar Mr. Humayun Kabir Mr. Firoz Alam Mr. Shamsul Alam Mr. Saiful Alam Corporate Set up: Public Limited Company Type of Project: Garments accessories manufacturer and exporter. Activities of the Project: Bengal Petrochem & Synthetic Textiles Limited has been manufacturing and exporting different types of Garments Hanger. Bengal Petrochem & Synthetic Textiles Limited has an installed capacity to produce 4.5 lac pcs of Plastic Apparel hangers a day an extensive line of A sister...
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...Pak-AIMS (Institute of Management Science | Top Three Export Commodities of Pakistan | | Program: MBA (Evening) Submitted To: Sir Abdul Qayyum Qureshi Submitted By: Muhammad Tayyab Roll # 111405 Top Three Export Commodities of Pakistan Rice: Rice Export in 2012-13: PAKISTAN’S basmati rice exports are showing signs of an upswing after suffering a plunge in the first six months of this fiscal year because of domestic higher prices, poor marketing and lower prices of India’s basmati. In January 2013, basmati exports were up by 15 per cent, reaching 43,718 metric tonnes compared to 38,294 tonnes in January 2012. Traders are optimistic that the commodity would regain normal levels before the end of the current fiscal year as the price gap between Indian and Pakistani basmati rice has started narrowing. India has been selling rice at a price lower than Pakistan’s – at $100 per tonne against Pakistan’s $1,100-1,150 per tonne. According to Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (Reap) Pakistan exported 21,000 metric tonnes basmati rice during the first week of March 2013. Total rice exports during July 2012 to February 2013 have already touched more than $1 billion mark, and during the July-March period, the country exported around 350,000 tonnes, and two million tonnes non-basmati rice. Meanwhile, China has become a major market for Pakistani non-basmati rice, and a record sale of 72,623 tonnes, worth $30 million, took place in January 2013 alone. Besides...
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...Acknowledgement The internship opportunity I had with SQUARE TEXTILES was a great chance for learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period. Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to the MD of [Company name] who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with her/his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my project at their esteemed organization and extending during the training. I express my deepest thanks to [Name Surname], [Position in the Company] for taking part in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge his/her contribution gratefully. It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr. /Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the Company], Mr./Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the Company], Mr./Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the Company] and Mr./Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the Company] for their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically. I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career...
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...1 POLICY REFORMS AND TRADE LIBERALIZATION IN BANGLADESH I. MAIN FEATURES OF BANGLADESH ECONOMY GDP and its composition. During the fiscal year 2002-2003, the GDP of Bangladesh stood at around $52 billion. The growth rate of GDP has picked up in recent years. Thus, during 1980-90, it grew annually at 3.7 per cent on average, barely above the population growth rate. On the other hand, it approached an average annual rate of 5 per cent during 1991-2002. The relative shares of consumption and savings in the GDP witnessed modest changes during this period. In 1991, consumption accounted for over 86 per cent of the GDP, while in 2002 it fell to nearly 82 per cent. Correspondingly, the shares of savings in GDP rose by a quarter over this period. During the same period, the investment/GDP ratio increased from 17 per cent to 23 per cent. Within this, the ration of public investment to GDP remained stagnant around 7 per cent, while that of private investment increased from 10 per cent to 17 per cent of GDP. Changing sectoral distribution. As indicated by changes in the sectoral distribution of the GDP, the economy of Bangladesh underwent important structural transformations over the last three decades. At independence in 1971, agriculture was the dominant sectors accounting for over 55 per cent of the total GDP. The industrial sector was small, contributing less than 10 per cent of the GDP. The services including transportation and power accounted for the rest of the GDP. The...
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...| Hussain Industries: Hussain industries is known to be one of the largest textile manufacturers in Pakistan. It is located in the hub of textile industries in Pakistan, the city of Multan, which is also famously known as the largest cotton growing city. This company is a partnership and is currently equally being shared between two parties. Hussain industries has been manufacturing articles with intense colour tones which include the following: Articles with intense color tones, including dyed yarns, printed kitchen towels, napkins, tea towels, table cloths, terry towels, surgical towels, industrial towels (with and without logo, tile motifs, check variants, micro checks, graduated checks and linear embroidery), herringbone, mono checks, dishcloths, shower curtains, hospital bed sheets, thermal blankets, bedspreads, draw sheets, upholstery, handkerchiefs, aprons, place mats, pot holders, gloves, and beach throws. These are manufactured using dobby looms, jacquard looms, and shuttle looms, which allow for state of the art floral motifs, subtle shadows, and colour gradients. KARACHI: The textile sector enjoys a pivotal position in the exports of Pakistan. The contribution of this industry to total gross domestic product (GDP) is 8.5%. It provides employment to about 15 million people, 30% of the country’s workforce of about 49 million. The annual volume of total world textile trade is $18 trillion which is growing at 2.5%. But Pakistan’s share is less than one per cent...
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...PRESENT SCENARIO OF DENIM INDUSTRY IN BANGLADESH PRESENT SCENARIO OF DENIM INDUSTRY IN BANGLADESH A REPORT ON PRESENT SCENARIO OF DENIM INDUSTRY IN BANGLADESH PREPARED FOR: MD. ATIQUL AKTAR General Manager, Sales and Marketing Evince Textiles Ltd. PREPARED BY: NAYEEM ABANTY HUQUE DATE OF SUBMISSION: 14. 05. 2015 May 14, 2015 Md. Atiqul Aktar General Manager, Sales and Marketing Evince Textiles Ltd. Subject: Submission of the report Dear Sir, It is an honor and great pleasure for me to submit my report on “The Present Scenario of Denim Industry in Bangladesh”. During the process of preparing the report, I have studied relevant secondary data from different websites in internet. Thanking you for your supervision. Yours truly Nayeem Abanty Huque TABLE OF CONTENTS No | Contents | Page No. | 1. | Executive Summary | 6 | 2. | Abstract | 7 | 3. | Scope of the Study | 8 | 4. | Objective of the Study | 8 | 5. | Literature Review | 9 | 6. | Methodology of the Study | 9 | 7 | Denim Definition | 10 | 8. | Types of Denim | 12 | 9. | Application of Denim | 14 | 10. | Denim Industry Overview | 15 | 11. | International Market Analysis | 16 | 12. | Share Of Purchases | 17 | 13. | Denim Market Share Compared to Others | 18 | 14. | Top Purchase Drivers for Denim Jeans Shoppers | 19 | 15. | Denim Apparel Export | 20 | 16. | Import Of Denim | 22 | 17. | Denim Manufacturing Companies | 24 | 18. | Capacities...
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...Table Of Contents Sl. No. Name of the Topic Page No. 1. Introduction 1 2. Bangladesh: An Emerging Destination For Foreign Economy 1-10 3. Foreign Investment Opportunities 10-13 4. Current Situation Of Foreign Investment In Bangladesh: 13-19 5. Foreign Investment Trends In Bangladesh 20-34 6. Why Should Foreign Investors Invest In Bangladesh 35-39 7. How Can Our Government Come Forward To Attract Foreign Investors 39-46 8. Recommendation 47 9. Conclusion 48 10 References 48 INTRODUCTION: Bangladesh is now trying to establish itself as the next rising star in South Asia for foreign investment. The government has implemented a number of policy reforms designed to create a more open and competitive climate for private investment, both foreign and local. The country has a genuinely democratic system of government and enjoys political stability seen as a sine qua non for ensuring a favorable climate for investment and sustained development. Bangladesh has been quick to undertake major restructuring for establishing a market economy, with the major thrust coming from the private sector. The country enjoys modest but steady economic growth. Its current development strategy is based on the premise that the creation and distribution of wealth occurs through the acceleration of growth driven by competitive market forces, with the government facilitating growth and making a clean break from the practices of a controlled economy where private...
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...Sector in Bangladesh Now a days textile sector of Bangladesh retains it's top position in global market. This can't be gained overnights. Bangladesh can get it's present position by dint of merit and industry of people of Bangladesh. The base of textile sector was first established in 60th decade of the last century."mercury shirts"which is originated from Karachi started the rmg business first.the industry exported shirts to the European market in 1965-66 first. | | In 1977-78 only 9 exporting industries were available in this country which deal with 10 million used every year.there were 3 big industries available in that time.they were: 1. Riaz garments 2. Jewel garments 3. Paris garments. Of them, Riaz garments was the most well known and oldest industry in that time.In urdu road of Dhaka it started it's business with some tailoring shop first.In that time it was known as Riaz store.In 1973,it was named Riaz garments.In 1978,it started exporting products abroad.it exported 1 million pieces of shirts to the Olanda,a South Korean company. Another garments known as Desh Garments ,also treated as the pathfinder of textile sector in Bangladesh. In 1979 Desh Garments opened a joint venture project with south korean company "Daiyuu". At present RMG sector of Bangladesh deals with 22 billion USD every year.4 million people directly depend on the ups and downs of the sector.the 81% of the total export earnings are come from this textile sector. The textile sector...
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...of international trade was recognized during 1970s when the world economy shifted from fixed exchange rate to free floating exchange rate. If the exchange rate volatility is higher, then it will generate uncertainty of the future profit from export trade. In this assignment we will discuss on such issues like exchange rate volatility I addition to currency devaluation and its impact on the volume of international trade of developing country focusing Bangladesh. This assignment is based on the exchange rate and its volatility in addition to devaluation that affect on the on international trade of Bangladesh. The concept of the study is taken from the academic activity of ECN-201 course instructed by Mrs. Nahid ferdousi, lecturer of Department of Business Administration of University of Asia Pacific. This paper consists of three parts. In first part we will give a short description of currency valuation and factors that affects the currency valuation, and then we animated the impact of devaluation on the economy focusing developing country like Bangladesh. After all we include some example of currency variation in terms of some countries. All the information we use here is secondary data. As our time is limited and collecting data was not an easy process so we rely on some previous research that collected from different resources like newspaper articles,...
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