Premium Essay

Argumentative Essay On Lemmon Trees

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Words 444
Pages 2
Lately, it has been brought to my attention from several homeowners that they are displeased, dissatisfied with the fact that there is only one person running the board; the rest of the board members have resigned, and have NO saying in the decision process of the association. Consequently, leaving only two members, and sometimes three on the board, Rafael and Noris, and the latter, making solo decisions in deciding in the affairs of our community. Not like the previous board where all board members participated in making decisions. Furthermore, our bylaws call for five directors, but only Noris is making the decisions, hence her petition to remove my dwarf tree becomes invalid. She is in violation of Corp. Code Section 7512. Transacting business not authorized in our bylaws. A meeting of members of the board with less than a quorum.

In addition, they have also indicated that the removal of several types of trees in our complex common area, especially dwarfs "Lemmon Trees" is detrimental to our environment to the point where honey bees are being placed on the endangered list by our state and federal officials; they are critical to the ecosystem in pollination and are dying …show more content…
Incredibly, all of a sudden, by the choice of a solo board member, a determination of one person, not the board, we're being asked to get rid of our trees.? How pathetic, this is appalling. I would understand if these were giant Sequoia trees, roots infesting our sewer lines, but that is not the case. Nevertheless, there are several humongous trees that have been planted in the common area and in front of homeowners' units that need to be removed, and yet Noris, you have turned a blind eye to it; violating once again our bylaws as I perceived this to be

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