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Personal Narrative: Horse Shows

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When I was smaller and was about 7, I started to go with my mom and her friends to horse shows. In horse shows you show you show your horse to a judge and the judge judges you on how well you present yourself, present your horse, showmanship, and you show them your skills by riding your horse around the perimeter of this oval shape rink filled with well treated dirt. I always remember this one horseshow was better than all the rest, we would normally stay in our small trailer during the horse shows, but this one was special, we would go to this one once a year. It would be really big and a lot of people would show up to it. We normally showed up put all of our tack in one stall, our horses in the others, and head off to the practice arena to lunge the horses then get on and practice and get use to the dirt and such. This show was different because instead of going to our trailer afterwards we actually got to stay in a hotel. This was at the expo in Topeka with a hotel right next to it so we stayed there, it had a pool, it was as fun to be at the hotel as it was to be out riding horses.
The next morning I went downstairs to the ground floor thinking there was just going to be a continental breakfast nothing fancy, but I got down there and they had the whole thing! They had pancakes, bacon, eggs, French toast, you name it, and they had it. They …show more content…
I begged my mom from winter up until the summer for us to go, and we went. We made the trip all the way to Topeka again. We unloaded tack, then the horses, we lunged the horses, and we practiced until the lights would shut off about 11 o’clock at night at the barn. All that was on my mind from that point on was the omelet guy. Finally it came morning, not knowing if the omelet guy would still be working there five years later I was kind of worried that one of my favorite pieces to this puzzle might be

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