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Personal Narrative: Infants Are Born With Disabilities

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Children around the world everyday are born with disabilities, from cleft lip to spina bifida. People around the world give birth to their children with disabilities and raise them the only way they can. Many times the children grow up with a poor quality of life, and many times mothers have to see their children struggle to live. Although I tell believing that a life lived monotonous is a life not lived at all, i find myself believing that a human life is too precious to give up on. Approximately 150,000 infants are born with disabilities a year, and in the U.S. only 3% of those are malformations. Depending on the defect, many newborns die within the first week, while others can be helped to live full lives. Many times these defects are due to the negligence of expecting mothers, other times it’s something hereditary. Incidentally, a child born with Down Syndrome, is …show more content…
Or would they be relieved? And if they did choose to have the child would they feel burdened and worried? Either way the parents have the right to do what they want, but deciding if it is the right thing to do? That is a choice for the parent to make. I don’t think i could give up my child, a baby born from you is a piece of you. A small piece of yourself. But it does dawn on me that if my child was to have a life altering defect would i feel guilty for making it suffer just because i was to selfish to just let it die to begin with? I suppose a mother doesn't really know till they find out they are pregnant and are having a disabled child. I could say anything right now, I could say that i wouldn’t want my child to suffer, for me to suffer. It is hard for me to see the light in these things because i don’t know what it is like to have a child or to be expecting one. I know many young people don’t know either but they all have their own

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