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Personal Narrative: My Experience As A Behavioral Assistant

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I have nearly five years experience in the educational sector where I was employed as a Behavioral Assistant and Learning Coach.

As a Behavioral Assistant with the Bethel School District, I supported children and adolescents enrolled in Special Education programs. I provided individual and small group support to students with exceptional behavioral needs as determined by a licensed specialist. The primary purpose of my position was to employ specific protocol in individualized behavior intervention plans, provide active supervision to student with such plans and maintain student progress data. Additional illustrations of responsibilities related to my post include instructing students in social skills, assisting students in understanding …show more content…
Play activities were structured to offer support to children by listening to feelings, concerns, and teaching appropriate methods for dealing with conflict. Groups were organized to address specific behavior patterns and improve relationships of the children who were experiencing social and emotional challenges as a result of domestic violence. In Addition, I assisted, as needed, with a weekly support group for adolescents. Therapeutic groups were structured on the self-help models, which involved positive peer support. This approach encouraged youth to exchange information and provided a means of fostering empowerment through collective action. Outside of groups, I conducted intakes, undertook safety planning with children and coordinated …show more content…
My position as an International Community Outreach Worker was diverse. As a volunteer, I was called upon to undertake a variety of tasks; each day presented conflicting demands, thus flexibility and the ability to employ various skills was critical. General responsibilities included: performing basic medical examinations; conducting home evaluations and guardian interviews, determining appropriate services; performing school assessments, coordinating alternative educational opportunities where appropriate; and acting as a liaison between the community, schools, children’s center and local

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