...Ryan caught the football. He passed it to Ethan who ran down the field, who passed it to me, I started to sprint. It was a friday morning and me and my friends were playing flag football at big Waddell Field. We got into teams. It was me, Ethan, Ryan, Evan, and Aron. We Had been playing for less than five minutes when we made the first touchdown. Ethan and Ryan of course were the stars of the play. After that I called a group meeting. “Okay guys here the pla-” “This is what we're going to do…”! interrupted Ryan I sighed. When ever i had a plan it always got interrupted. Like that one time I was 9 me and my brother played football with the neighbor hood kids and i had a good plan but he ignored me. No one ever uses teamwork. Ten minutes had passed. We were tied 1 to 1 and it was 4th down. Nobody had clue what to do so I stepped in....
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...Football Manager is an enormously complex simulation. On a global level, the game tracks thousands of careers, ambitions and relationships, and on any given match day, weather, morale, skills and individual personal issues can contribute to moments of brilliance or abject failure. Talking to Sports Interactive’s director Miles Jacobson, I found that the simulation model is even more elaborate in some areas than I’d expected. Read on to find out about the game’s expanding narrative engine, how climate change is forcing the team to update the code that generates weather patterns, why the ugliest aspects of football have no place in FM and how a non-contract player’s family situation might prevent him from playing for your club. RPS: You’ve mentioned in previous interviews that you have a database of thousands of features to implement eventually. But do you have an overall vision of where the game is going to be in two or three years? Is there a shape that it’s taking? Jacobson: I tend to work two versions ahead. It used to be three but it’s two now because we’re managing to fit in a lot more each year, so there’s always an overall vision for the game. Whether that’s a year of revolution or of evolution – I think, certainly, the revolution years are going to be less and less because there’s so much in the game already that we’d rather look at evolving certain large chunks of the game each year. When you’re working on an annually iterative sports title that’s based on real life...
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...Out of this week’s readings, I much preferred the short story, Fear & Loathing in America to The New York Times article. I found myself rather bored reading the article about the many sporting events being called off, immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I will admit that I am not much of a sports fan - especially not American sports teams – however I tried to read the article with an open mind. Litsky and Williams (2011) wrote the article in a very fact-based, typical news story way, which meant that if the reader is not at all interested in the subject matter, the narrative style does nothing to make the reader interested in reading on. Even the title sparked little interest; I was surprised they did not use the words, ‘terrorist attacks’ in the title, as most media like to grab the reader’s attention immediately. Thompson (2011) on the other hand, wrote a completely different kettle of fish that did not focus so much on sport, but more about the shocking 9/11 attacks. Thompson (2011) aptly described, “Football suddenly seemed irrelevant, compared to the scenes of destruction and utter...
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...apprentice in his father shipyard then in his 19, he became a labor union activist and an active member of the “Labor Party”. As far as Ferguson’s “the football player” career is concerned, actually, he did not achieve a successful career. In fact, as a player Ferguson started with a small local football team the “Queens Park and St Johnston” club. Afterward, he got the chance to join the “Glasgow Ranger” club, yet this union did not last since he resigned after being responsible for the defeat of his team against its fierce rival the “Glasgow Celtic” club. So determined, Alex Ferguson joined the “East Stirling” football club but this time as a manager rather than as a player. His first management period lasted for three seasons and then was recruited by the Scottish football team “Aberdeen”. With limited resources, Ferguson achieved the unthinkable, he won with his club the “European Winners’ Cup” during the 1982-3 season. This achievement with “Aberdeen” was a milestone in his career and made him “THE” coach that many big names in the European football scene like Real Madrid, Barcelona, Arsenal, and Tottenham, wanted to engage him. Ultimately, Ferguson chose to join Manchester United (MU). During his reign, Manchester United advanced from an ordinary local team to a top-class national team. Together they won all the British football trophies: nine Premiership League titles, five FA cups, two League cups, and seven Community Shield cups (Antony Gumi). Furthermore, Alex was successful...
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...experience as reading out of a paper book does. I recently read a novel off of my tablet and even though I really enjoyed the book, I found myself to be more distracted and having to read sections over and over again. Many people feel gentrific for having tablets or smart devices they can read off of but in most cases...
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...Last Name 1 Student Name Mr. Patterson Acc. English III 24 May 2010 Barriers Influencing American Dreams Do obstacles in one’s life change one’s aspirations? If something hard or even Winston Patterson 5/17/10 9:49 PM Comment: TITLE SHOULD REFLECT OVERALL THEME OF ESSAYß Winston Patterson 5/17/10 9:35 PM Comment: Attention Getter unexpected occurs, does one turn his or her back on all that has been worked for? In an American society, there is an idea of a dream. Most people have dreams that differ from one another. Dreams are not limited only to society. Countless numbers of times in American literature, there are moments when an obstacle slows or possibly halts progression. Dreams can also be found in American literature; however, like the reality of society, barriers can be a component of having aspirations. Barriers create obstacles, whether emotional or physical, that make achieving a dream difficult or even appear to be impossible. In American literature dreams seem to be unattainable because of barriers. In all the years of literature, dreams, goals, and aspirations come in contact Winston Patterson 5/17/10 9:35 PM Comment: Broad Topic Winston Patterson 5/17/10 9:35 PM Comment: Narrow Topic Winston Patterson 5/17/10 9:36 PM Comment: Thesis Statement Winston Patterson 5/17/10 9:36 PM Comment: Clincher Sentence with a conflict. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby has a dream to be ...
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...Personal Narrative- Track Competition The moment of truth was upon me. The official times, this includes whom qualified for finals, for the 400m relay had been posted. My eyes scanned the page for the bold letters that spell ANDERSON. As I ran my finger across the page to where the times were posted, my ears began to shut out all outside noises, leaving me alone with the thump of my heart and the inhale and exhale of my lungs. Both began to increase in speed as my eyes narrowed in on the time. My sophomore year had begun and I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to do track this year. Last year I played football in the fall and soccer in the spring. Not really enjoying it, the decision was made to play " real futbol" (soccer) in the fall, leaving the spring sports season open. My friend kept telling me how fun track was, so I decided to give it a try. As the first meet neared, things were going well. I made it onto the 4x100 team making me the third fastest kid on the team. The other members of the relay were Jason Schmidt, Jeremy Willard and Rodney Schmidt. Jason and Jeremy were both the top dogs and Rodney and I were second from the bottom of the barrel. The 400 relay was my best event. We placed in every meet and even took home some medals as the season progressed. As the track year rounded for the home stretch, we had only three more meets to compete in: the Tiger Invitational, regionals, and state. As the Tiger rolled around, there arose a question...
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...| |[Year 12 | | |Toolooa State High School | | | | | |Tom Lavender, English Essay | | |“Despite the efforts of governments, groups and individuals, humankind still finds it difficult to trust based on the soul of a person; | |we are more comfortable making judgements based on skin colour.” | Prejudice, courage and unity… TEXT COMPARISON Are we always champions of tolerance, courage and receptiveness to others? By the very definition of humanity, we must be. Humanity: benevolence, understanding and kindness towards other people. It is, arguably, our very human nature to feel compassion, courage, understanding, unity and empathy towards our fellow man. Unfortunately, prejudice and judgement also cling to the human condition like tumorous stains – traits which society still finds hard to surmount. Despite the efforts of governments, groups and individuals, humankind still finds it difficult to trust based on the soul of a person; we are more comfortable making judgements based on skin colour. Nelle Harper Lee through her 1960 novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ and Boaz Yakin through his 2000 film, ‘Remember the Titans...
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...sure that you can express your ideas easily in English. In your essay plan you should note down specific vocabulary related to the topic. You should also write down any appropriate CONNECTORS (linkers). At first, you will find writing an essay plan difficult and time-consuming, but with practice it will save you time in the end and will also help you to organise your ideas in coherent paragraphs. EXAMPLE OF AN ESSAY PLAN: What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? 1. INTRODUCTION: Now everybody has a mobile. What happened in the past? There are pros and cons. 2. PARAGRAPH 1: Advantages Immediate contact with family and friends. Good in emergencies. Many news uses – technology is developing. 3. PARAGRAPH 2: Disadvantages Bad for our health; addictive. Not sociable? What happens in schools? 4. CONCLUSION: Good and bad aspects. My opinion. KEY WORDS: technology, technological, developments, to keep in touch with someone, text messages, (on) the Internet, health, healthy, unhealthy, good//bad manners, to be banned. POSSIBLE LINKERS: Contrast – however, nevertheless, on the one hand………..on the other hand, although, despite//Adding Information – also, in addition, moreover, furthermore//Giving your opinion – as far as I am concerned, in my view, etc. c. PRESENTATION. Your essay should be presented neatly and should be easy to read. It is always a good idea to write an initial draft and then a clean version. The following...
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...on people convicted of a crime. In connection with anti-black racism, these policies directly contribute to why black people are heavily monitored by the police and why they face harsher punishments in legal courts in comparison to other races. What to the Slave is the 4th of July, argues that the white people of America, the founding fathers and slave owners, were and are fully aware that enslaved people are human. Meaning, the abuses committed against Black people in America are fully intentional, despite all the hopes projected in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Douglas writes, “While drawing encouragement from “the Declaration of Independence,” the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age.” (Douglas p.14.) In this quote, Douglas is...
Words: 1962 - Pages: 8
...aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. In my opinion, leadership is one of the most desirable qualities that a person can possess. No matter the environment, leaders are needed in every aspect of life. Children need leaders to help them develop, students need leaders to help them learn, and teams need leaders to help the group achieve a common goal. But the real question emerges, how does one become a leader? Are leaders born, or do they rise to the occasion? How do leaders get their peers to rally around their actions? Former National Football League linebacker Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens epitomizes what a leader should be on the field. Lewis was a linebacker for 17 seasons (1996-2012) for the Baltimore Ravens, and the early 2000’s Ravens defense is considered one of the greatest units in sports history. However, while Ray Lewis was viewed as one of the best on the field leaders in NFL history, however his legacy, reputation, and image were tainted by actions away from the playing field.. How is it that a figure like Ray Lewis could be so revered on the field, but off the field he was heavily criticized for his actions and behavior? Throughout this essay I will analyze Ray Lewis’ upbringing and discuss how he developed his leadership qualities that caused former teammate Jamal Lewis to say, “In recent history, I can’t really think of a player who has been as valuable to a team as Ray Lewis has been. He’s a different player, as far as his physicality...
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...research and the time they dedicated to all of the interviews and member checks. I also thank the principals who gave me permission to conduct this study. I especially acknowledge and thank physical education teachers Celeste Alfred, for welcoming me to her school, and Vickie Braud for her great help in making contacts necessary to complete my data collection. Both Vickie and Celeste were wonderful throughout my research process, helping me to observe classes and arrange student interviews at the schools. I greatly appreciate all the suggestions, insights and comments of my committee members. Thank you to all of them: Dr. Kuttruff, my external committee member, for her interest in following the steps of my dissertation; Dr. Magill, for bringing a very challenging and valuable perspective to my research; Dr. Lee, for her deep knowledge and expertise in the field of physical education; and Dr. Harrison, for his mentoring and expertise on issues of race and physical activity. Dr. Harrison, I have greatly appreciated, valued, and enjoyed all of our conversations (and in four years there were many) and sharing experiences on this topic. I want to thank my minor professor, Dr. MunroHendry, for guiding me to understand the complex world of the “Curriculum Theory Project,”...
Words: 64949 - Pages: 260
...on the LO in the context of learning and OL and in particular the theoretical tensions and dilemmas existing between these concepts. Management theorists have under-utilised the insights and practices from other disciplines such as sociology, philosophy and anthropology. As Burrell (1994) argues: Sooner or later organisation studies must enter an area where philosophy and social science meet. Organisation studies must also enter intellectual theory where the well-established French and German traditions of social theory meet. The author Deb Stewart is a Lecturer in the School of Management, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Keywords Learning organization, Organizational learning, Organizational change, Metaphor, Narratives Abstract Examines the theoretical and practical development of the concept of the learning organisation (LO). Some theorists...
Words: 8946 - Pages: 36
...Symbiosis, Symbiotic Relationship A relationship where both sides benefit from the other Roone Arledge, Jr. - American sports and news broadcasting pioneer - President of ABC sports from 1968 to 1986 - President of ABC news from 1977 to 1998. - Key part of the company's (ABC) rise to competition with two other main television networks (NBC and CBS) in the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s. - Created many programs still airing tonight such as Monday Night Football, ABC World News Tonight, Primetime, Nightline and 20/20 Jim McKay An American tv sports journalist. Is best known for hosting ABC's Wide World of Sports Billie Jean King An american former World No. 1 professional tennis player. In 1973, at the age of 29, she won the s0-called Battle of the Sexes match against the 55-year-old Bobby Riggs Bobby Riggs An american tennis player who lost to Billie Jean King in the Battle of the Sexes Match What is meant by the relationship between sports and tv being a symbiotic relationship? - Both have derived enormous benefits from the other. - Both have been around for most of the last 100 years. - The world of sports has helped to grow the business of tv, while tv has enable sports ventures, worldwide, to become high-end family entertainment. By the end of the '50s, what happened to sports programming and where during the weekly programming schedule did they find their place? What were the factors mentioned in the text that contributed to...
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...www.hbr.org We all have the capacity to inspire and empower others. But we must first be willing to devote ourselves to our personal growth and development as leaders. Discovering Your Authentic Leadership by Bill George, Peter Sims, Andrew N. McLean, and Diana Mayer Reprint R0702H We all have the capacity to inspire and empower others. But we must first be willing to devote ourselves to our personal growth and development as leaders. Discovering Your Authentic Leadership COPYRIGHT © 2007 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. by Bill George, Peter Sims, Andrew N. McLean, and Diana Mayer During the past 50 years, leadership scholars have conducted more than 1,000 studies in an attempt to determine the definitive styles, characteristics, or personality traits of great leaders. None of these studies has produced a clear profile of the ideal leader. Thank goodness. If scholars had produced a cookie-cutter leadership style, individuals would be forever trying to imitate it. They would make themselves into personae, not people, and others would see through them immediately. No one can be authentic by trying to imitate someone else. You can learn from others’ experiences, but there is no way you can be successful when you are trying to be like them. People trust you when you are genuine and authentic, not a replica of someone else. Amgen CEO and president Kevin Sharer, who gained priceless experience working...
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