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Personal Narrative: What It Means To Come To Canada

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Уважаемые русские люди,
Свобода, земельный участок, хорошее правительство, и равенство, мы предлагаем Вам. Why settle for a mediocre country when you can come to Canada and have equal rights, freedom, land, and so much more. It is the 20th century and we are looking for a change and we want you to be apart of that change. I promise you that we will honour and support you step by step, that you will learn to love Canada as much as I do, and that you will be safe and heard in our country because no one is alone here, we stand together, and we fight together. We believe in personal freedom, fair wage, and good education. We know that your rights have been taken away after a group called Bolsheviks, a group …show more content…
We are prepared to help you find a job, since you have had previously problems with this. We also have noticed the lack of personal freedom in Russia and here in Canada we believe personal freedom is a right and everyone deserves it. Our land is all about freedom, freedom of speech, religion, rights, and freedom of equality and diversity. We invite new life, change, growth, equality, and immigrants to our land of opportunities. I'm very faithful that you will find a better future here, that your families will be safer here, and will live a happier and healthier life in Canada. It will be my pleasure to give you new opportunities, new hope, and a new home. It is time to say goodbye to your homeland and welcome your new land that …show more content…
Why settle for a mediocre country when you can come to Canada and have equal rights, freedom, land, and so much more. It is the 20th century and we are looking for a change and we want you to be apart of that change. I promise you that we will honour and support you step by step, that you will learn to love Canada as much as I do, and that you will be safe and heard in our country because no one is alone here, we stand together, and we fight together. We believe in personal freedom, fair wage, and good education. We know that your rights have been taken away after a group called Bolsheviks, a group of Communist became in powered, we believe you were unfairly done by and deserve more than what you are given in Russia. This is why I, Wilfrid Laurier am welcoming you to be apart of our nation, in hopes that we will grow together and accomplish many great

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