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Submitted By chilliah
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Samples are provided for reference only. Always consult current legislation in your jurisdiction to create policies and procedures and contracts for your organization.

This Agreement is entered into as of the XX day of October, 200X, between
___________(“the Committee”) and ____________ (“the Contractor”).
1. Independent Contractor. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the
Committee hereby engages the Contractor as an independent contractor to perform the services set forth herein, and the Contractor hereby accepts such engagement.
2. Duties, Term, and Compensation. The Contractor’s duties, term of engagement, compensation and provisions for payment thereof shall be as set forth in the budget which is attached as Schedule A, which may be amended in writing from time to time, or supplemented with subsequent estimates for services to be rendered by the
Contractor and agreed to by the Committee, and which collectively are hereby incorporated by reference.
3. Expenses. During the term of this Agreement, the Contractor shall bill and the
Committee shall reimburse her for all reasonable and approved out-of-pocket expenses as set forth in Schedule A which are incurred in connection with the performance of the duties hereunder.
4. Written Reports. The Committee may request that project plans, progress reports and a final results report be provided by Consultant.. A final results report shall be due at the conclusion of the project and shall be submitted to the Committee in a confidential written report at such time. The results report shall be in such form and setting forth such information and data as is reasonably requested by the Committee.
5. Confidentiality. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, or whenever requested by the Committee, the Contractor shall immediately deliver to

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...Personality John Bryant PSY/405 July 20, 2012 Dr. Carmel Munroe Personality Human beings are born inherently with his or her individual personality. In the following essay the author of this essay will examine personality in detail. First I intend to define personality where I will give some characteristics of personality and inform the reader what personality is. Secondly the author of this essay will examine the theoretical approaches in the study of personality and give some examples of schools of thought based on personality. Last the author of this essay will analyze influential factors that influence human personality development and compare nature versus nurture and what affect if any that has on personality. The aforementioned topics will be researched to create an understanding of human personality. An individual’s personality is made up by multiple factors that inclusively become one’s personality. Some of the characteristics of an individual’s personality are the individual’s patterns of thoughts, feelings, and certain behaviors that the individual exhibits. To understand personality one has to factor in key traits within a person and understand that personality is organized and consistent. Humans express their individual personality in different situations and tend to have stable responses to the situation. An individual’s personality tends to stay constant throughout his or her entire life with few to no changes occurring throughout. Personality is solely...

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