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Persuasive Cyberbullying Research

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Persuasive Essay By: Cole

Parents, do you monitor what your children do on their devices? My guess is no so today I will be telling you about 3 things that you should monitor on their devices. Technology is fun and easy to use but there are somethings that shouldn't be done with them. Technology has somethings that are dangerous that you can do with them like the 3 I will be talking about in my essay today, they are Devices in the bedroom at night, cyberbullying and identity theft.
First up is Devices in the bedroom at night. Most kids with a device wants to have it there room at night but this can be a bad thing to do. Having a device in your room at night can make it hard to sleep as the stimulation and stress keeps your mind awake making it harder to sleep. If you do miss sleep lots this can lead to weight gain and can also affect health productivity which is how healthy …show more content…
Cyberbullying is when somebody is bullied online or most commonly social media like snapchat, Instagram, facebook, and twitter. Some signs your child is getting cyberbullied could be seeming nervous or faking sick to not go to school, unexplained anger or depressing, trouble sleeping at night or even suicidal thought! Some things that could happen in cyberbullying are rumors being spread that aren't true or are true and other people being very rude or offending your child. Did you know that girls are twice as likely to be cyberbullied than boys. Some things that you can do to make sure your child isn't being cyberbullied is every week check their device on all of their apps and read conversations this will also prevent some secrets being kept from you. You could also ask them how their day was and if they seem nervous ask them for the truth sometimes they will give the truth and sometimes they don't so this method won't always work. Cyberbullying is not fun for any child so using these methods will help ensure that your child is not being

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