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Persuasive Essay On Brace Research Paper

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You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a great smile. Smiles have been linked to a person’s feelings of self-worth and levels of confidence. If you’re worried about your teeth being crooked, you’re less likely to smile, which brings down your mood and can affect your overall well-being.

You shouldn’t have to suffer with crooked teeth. You may think braces are out of the picture for you because you’re older, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many adults, celebrities included, have or are currently wearing braces. Don’t believe it because you haven’t seen other adults in braces? Exactly! Today’s orthodontic treatments are nearly invisible.

Here are five teeth alignment orthodontic options you should consider.
1. Traditional (Metal) Braces …show more content…
Most people, when picturing metal braces, are thinking of the horrifying contraptions from movies and television. Metal braces haven’t looked like that in a long time.

They’re smaller, stylish, and more effective than ever before. They have the most versatility when it comes to options and often involve the shortest treatment lengths. They will affect your eating habits as well as your oral hygiene routine, though.
2. Lingual Braces
Lingual braces are much like metal braces, except instead of being installed on the front of the teeth, where they are visible, they’re installed behind the teeth. This makes them almost impossible to see. However, the trade off is that they are more uncomfortable and will take longer to adjust to. They are likely to cost more as well.
If you’re concerned about the look of braces, this may be a good option for you.
3. Ceramic/Clear Braces
Ceramic braces, as their name states, are made of ceramics, which means they are coloured to match teeth. This makes them much less visible, though still quite effective at teeth

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