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Persuasive Message


Submitted By ankitce96
Words 300
Pages 2
Date: Jan 14, 2016
To: CEO - Easy to Be Green

Subject: Request to Offer a Deal to Employees to Bur Hybrid Cars

Having done thorough research, Easy to Be Green (EBG) Director of research has seen that there have been drop in sales because of not providing satisfactory service to the clients. As a result our company has decided to provide eco-friendly services to our client.
I have seen that there are companies offering a deal to employees to buy hybrid cars. There are lots of benefits to buy hybrid cars. That helps to save gas, environment friendly and also increase company credibility.
Yesterday I was walking through the company parking lot and observed that most of the company employees drive SUV’s, pick-ups, and other gas guzzlers. Also I observed that you also own the luxury sedan car. Moreover, company’s service and delivery vans are also not environmental friendly.
I have done a thorough research and decided to develop a plan to upgrade our company vehicle as well as also request employees to upgrade their vehicles to Hybrid cars in place of their existing SUV’s and pick-ups vans. We should also upgrade our company vehicle to hybrid vans. I have contacted a local hybrid car dealer and they are ready to give a very good deal to our existing employees who buy hybrid cars from them.
I strongly feel that the benefits of this plan is to save on gas, helps in good public relations, and also helpful in the environment, and in increased company esprit de corps as employees get involved in an activity related to the company mission—outweigh the risks and costs.
Hence, I request you to get some time to look into the plan and approve it.

Director HR
Easy to Be

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