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Pet Semetary Research Paper

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Pages 2
Many things affect your cognitive maturity. Some of these can be movies, idols, songs, or in this case, novels. Novels shape people in many ways, novels can inspire people to go above and beyond what they thought previously possible, or a novel could completely change someone’s views on something. In this case, Pet Semetary was a starting point into a world of fiction and edventure. Originally I wasn’t much of a reader; I would normally go outside or watch t.v. Before Pet Semetary, novels never really changed me, I thought they weren’t really that interesting or they wouldn’t keep me entertained all the way through them. Then I became friends with someone who read Stephen king, and he introduced me to him. At first I still was reluctant, but eventually I bought Pet Semetary and it was one of the best books I’ve read, at least at that time. Pet Semetary was written by my personal favorite author, Stephen King. Stephen King is a very important person in my life. He has been a role model and a person of pure entertainment. Whenever I needed something to do, I would read book, specifically by him.For awhile, all I did was read Stephen King novels. During this period, I read more novels quicker than I ever had before. All of my money was …show more content…
As I previously stated, it was a turning point in my life. Pet Semetary opened my eyes to a world of books that were more than crazy tales of heroism, like Percy Jackson, and instead were more complex and mysterious instead of childish. Stephen King novels in general have a special place in my heart; they actually made me more mature in a sense. I know it’s kinda cheesy to talk about literal mental maturity instead of writing about the “deeper” meaning, but it’s true. Pet Semetary helped shape my mental maturity by making me read, and learn about things in a more adult way. This has changed my personality to a more adult-like

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