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La Vida Loca Analysis

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“La vida loca” translated means: the crazy life in Mexican Spanish. In relation, living in a multi-cultural area along the border of Mexico has had a significant impact on my life. Living day by day not knowing what to expect next, always living with a chip on your shoulder ultimately steering your life into an inevitable direction. Many distractions set forward even before you were born, because being Hispanic is not only a burden, but in a country full of hate and bigotry; you’re the enemy. Being accustomed to shy away from confrontation and aging with dissatisfaction with oneself because of what the world has molded, is an indescribable scarring of feelings. Awake, during a time of international drug trade makes it significantly hard to …show more content…
Most common examples would include the great constructed buildings that catch our eyes while ordinarily driving down the street. These buildings, being the house of God of course. Living in a border town comes to show a widespread of total religions whom are in fact present in the area. Ranging from the most common Catholicism and Christianity to even a dab of the Islamic faith. It is rare to hear of any altercation in El Paso that is ultimately created due to a differentiation of a religious view. This is due to that fact that individuals seem to respect each other very well throughout the …show more content…
This is often seen in many jobs as some stores seem to get a lot of Spanish speakers. This is talked about greatly around the community as spanish is usually a second language in the area. This has come as great virtue to me as spanish was my first language as it was to many. It has allowed to communicate with elders and/or individuals who know very little English in the area. Although spanish is greatly influenced in the area, there are other languages that are spoken. These come from individuals who come from elsewhere and/or have lived in the area as well and simply pass or teach the language down to their loved ones. Some even courageous and mindly strong to learn another language. An example would include a German school stationed in East El Paso where kids and adults do in fact speak

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