...Running head: PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION 1 Philosophy of Education Exploring Different Aspects of My Philosophy of Education Brenda Jo Stone Western Kentucky University Author Note This paper was prepared for Teacher Leader 530, A70, taught by Professor Huss. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION 2 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to define my educational philosophy so I may better understand the direction I take as an educator. The three educational philosophies I will investigate are essentialism, perennialism, and progressivism. The revelations I hope to disclose by this pursuit of fully comprehending my own personal philosophy of education will help me become a better teacher. It is through recognizing what compels my teaching methods that will allow me to see clearly the path I am taking as a teacher. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION 3 Exploring Different Aspects of My Philosophy of Education There are three educational philosophies that I would like to explore deeper to better grasp where my own philosophy of education is rooted. I took the Inventory of Philosophies of Education and found that my responses to the questions lead me to determine that my philosophy of education is a combination of essentialism, perennialism, and progressivism (Sadker & Zittleman, 2009, p.186). These philosophies shape how I approach teaching, classroom management, group dynamics, and curriculum development. It is essential for me as an educator to understand what drives...
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...Re-thinking the relevance of philosophy of education for educational policy making Morwenna Griffiths MORAY HOUSE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Abstract The overall question, ‘What kind of ‘philosophy of education’ is relevant to educational policy makers?’ is addressed by focussing on the following four themes: What meanings are attached to the term philosophy (of education) by philosophers themselves? What meanings are attached to the term philosophy (of education) by policy makers? What difference does place and time make to these meanings? How do these different meanings affect the possibility of philosophy (of education) influencing policy? The question is addressed using both philosophical methods and also some empirical evidence from conversations and conversational interviews with some philosophers of education and other educational researchers. The argument begins with an investigation of different ways of understanding philosophy and philosophy of education in relation to education and educational policy. It then examines first the current policy context and secondly some evidence about the practices of policy makers in relation to ideas and to research. It goes on to present some of the findings from the conversational evidence. The paper is drawn together in the penultimate section where I make some suggestions about possible fruitful relationships between philosophy and policy making. Finally, in the concluding section, I point out some further...
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...Philosophy of Education The many different ways that students learn is what we call the philosophies of educations. Throughout the experience in this class I would not have had the chance to learn so much that I know I will be able to take with me in my future of becoming a teacher. The many philosophies inform us that not every student is the same and, we as teachers need to take the time to truly figure out what will be most excellent for our future classroom. Getting the chance to take this class has helped me really understand what my philosophy of education is going to be. Through all of our discussions I tend to see myself always leaning to the side of relating situations back to reality, which, is why my philosophy of education is Progressivism. This course has opened my eyes to the many different situations that will arise while I am a teacher and how to handle them. While doing this it truly helped me figure out that I lean more towards the progressive side of teaching. I always relate my stories with something that can help them not only in school but also in life. I feel as if this class helped me even open my eyes to the world around me and got me thinking what teaching really is all about. Also while being in this class we got the chance of going out in the field of work and getting the chance to be hands on with real students and situations. I feel as if this helped me concrete the fact that my philosophy of teaching is all about taking it back to reality...
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...Philosophy of Education My Philosophy of Education: It's Influence on Life Decisions As with any successful profession; there must be a strong foundation on which to build upon. This foundation in the field of education is your personal philosophy of education. Successful teaching and learning should encompass the diversity of the student backgrounds and the ability levels of all students involved. This must be done without losing sight of the intended goals. In every aspect of our lives, everyone should have a personal philosophy. The philosophy I live by is to be dedicated to the total development of each individual student as well as myself. Every student’s opinion should be treated as equally important as the other. Students should be urged to, in a sense, ‘teach’ the class whenever possible. A good educator can realize the amount of information that can be learned from a student, regardless of the student’s age. Most importantly, education is flexible. As children vary, the teaching must vary with the child. No two children are the same, and therefore do not learn the same I believe education should be balanced so that each student can develop the mental, intellectual, and social needs that are a must in today’s society. As teachers we should help each student reach an ultimate goal of developing his or her greatest potential. I also believe that everyone should work together for this common goal. This includes teachers, students, administration, and parents. The...
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...by providing an environment that supports risk-taking, diversity, and encourages dialogue (sharing of ideas). The implications of my philosophy of education will manifest in the development of the students, because I am prepared to overcome any limitations to bring the students together around a subject. The classroom will foster the concepts of communication, listening, cooperative learning, and the respect of differences. I will create a productive and inclusive learning environment ensuring that I contribute more than simply transmitting information. I hope the students will gain a perspective that goes beyond oneself or one's own community. I hope the students gain the ability of self-expression, self-knowledge, self-discipline, and a deep understanding of the subjects they have all gathered around. The skills I hope the students will take from my method of teaching are discovery, problem-solving, inquiry, and discussion skills. I will implement the social context of cooperative learning. I will teach on the principles of diversity and inclusion. I will encourage the students to practice human relations and address problems. It is my belief that students who learn from a process of cooperative learning will gain more than just knowledge. The students will gain a better social complex that fosters inclusive meritocracy. The philosophy of incorporating a social context of cooperative learning should ultimately...
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...Personal Philosophy of Education Courtney N. Blankenship EDU 301 January 23, 2012 Jeff Warshaw Philosophy provides a way to examine and interpret the world – to ask basic questions about human nature, beauty, principles of right and wrong, and how knowledge and reality are defined. Teachers must confront constantly the underlying assumptions that guide conduct, determine values, and influence the direction of all existence. Philosophy reminds teachers to continue the search for truth and not be satisfied with pat answers, even answers provided by so-called experts (Johnson, Musial, Hall, & Gollnick, 2011). The Role of the Teacher The role of teachers in the American culture has changed from the old “show-and-tell” practice to a more active role in child development. Instruction does not consist primarily of lecturing to students who sit in rows of desk and take notes, but rather, offers every child a rich, rewarding, and unique learning experience. The educational environment is not confined to the classroom but extends into the home and the community and around the world. Information is not bound primarily in books; it is available everywhere in bits and bytes (Lanier, 1997). In the past, teachers were told what, when, and how to teach. They were required to educate every student the same way and were not held responsible where many failed to learn. Today, teachers are encouraged to adapt and adopt new practices that acknowledge both the art and science...
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...extremely frustrating at times, but it is something that I feel called to do. I will know that I touched the lives of children, and that’s all that truly matters. I may not be able to see the flower, but I will know that I planted the seeds. To become this type of teacher, I will need to exhibit a variety of traits and knowledge. More specifically, I will need to demonstrate knowledge of content, knowledge of students/background, knowledge of classroom environment, and proper classroom management and engagement. Utilizing this knowledge will help me to become the teacher I aspire to be. It will allow me to use my skills to touch as many lives as possible. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content By adopting a solid educational philosophy to guide us through the content we are teaching, we can know exactly how we are going to instill knowledge into our students. I have decided to adopt the Progressivism...
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...Philosophy of Education This paper focuses on my personal philosophy of education. Many educators cringe when they hear people ask what their philosophy of education is. This paper offers techniques and strategies that educators can implement when writing their personal philosophies. Also included in this paper are my belief statements on my personal philosophy on education. Lastly, my paper discusses the influences that have helped shaped my philosophy on education. “Your personal philosophy is not just a written statement. It is a perspective that involves your beliefs and values and becomes the basis from which you make decisions about what is important and about your role as an educator” (Armstrong, Henson, & Savage, 2009, p. 278). Through experience and research I wholeheartedly believe that developmentally appropriate practice is the best model for early childhood education. Children learn exceptionally well when in an environment that encourages play and exploration. Being a part of a preschool program it is my goal that the environment should provide experiences that are interactive and engaging for the age levels of the children it serves. Play is a powerful tool that benefits children’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical and language development. Writing a teaching philosophy can be a very daunting task, Montell (2003) suggests, “reflecting on what you don't like can give you insights about what you do like," and that...
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...Lara R Krygier Wilmington University Revised: Personal Philosophy: Education Revised: May 4, 2014 My philosophy of teaching will be evolving constantly. As I develop professionally and gain more experience as an educator, I will constantly revise my philosophy and reflect on my new educational goals, ideas and insights. I need to remember that I too am a lifelong learner. I will always have to remind myself and by asking myself the simple questions, what is the purpose of education? what is education for? My personal definition of education is the gaining of knowledge through the teaching of others or through oneself. The two words that appeal to me most in the definition is teach and learn. We are always learning from someone or something and we can always teach someone something new. I currently believe that for all types of education, students have the right to be treated equally with respect for their ideas, skills and developmental stages. I strongly believe that in any school academics should be available for all students, no matter their IQ level. There should be no prejudice or discrimination based on level of ability, because all students can be challenged no matter what their intelligence level and academic achievement states. I want to teach my students in a learning environment that will be interesting, understanding, while targeting all children and their varying learning styles and ranges. Students will take on a positive role in their learning by creating...
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...Philosophy of Education Ruth Taylor University of Mary Washington, School of Education Introduction My thoughts and beliefs of the purpose of education is where my philosophy of education begins. I believe that the purpose of education is to ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities, are able to gain the knowledge necessary to be productive members of society. Although I believe that higher education is extremely important, there are a great deal of students that may never be able to attend any type of higher education institution. For these students, it is imperative that we as educators teach them the basic skills in order for them to be as independent as possible after their 13 years of formal education. As educators, I believe that most of us come into the profession because we want to make a difference in the lives of young people. Our students are the future of our world. They are the generation that will make a difference. We teach so that our students will be able to reach their highest possible potential in life. Since my primary focus is in the field of special education, I feel that I have a slightly different view on the purpose of education than do my regular education counterparts. My goal is to ensure that my students will have the skills needed to accomplish all of their dreams and goals, regardless of their academic abilities. We as a society learn so that we can be productive members of society and live within the societal norms...
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...Philosophy of Education Submitted by Felicia Danielle Holdren In partial fulfillment of the requirements for EDEC 1001 Ohio University February 2016 1. Kids do well if they can. If they could do well, they would. Behavior is a skill. We need to provide good, clear interventions and differentiation, but still continue to be supportive. 2. Start with strengths. We must create the conditions for students to see and feel real success. Start with their strengths from the very beginning. 3. Students need to feel that they belong. We must maintain the goal of creating a sense of belonging in the classroom. 4. Students need to feel that they matter. Take the time to connect with kids. Find out their strengths and interests. 5. The kids who need the most love will ask for it in the most unloving ways. We must seek to understand. Children need to feel they belong and they are cared for. Sending a child home for behavior issues can escalate behaviors in the long term. 6. How we teach becomes what we teach. If we want to see it, model it. If we want children that our caring, kind, empathetic, inclusive, etc., we need to model this at all times. 7. Set rules for your classroom (for classroom management). You can do this together with the class .Students would enjoy being involved with coming up with expectations for their classroom but also you as a teacher need to make sure those rules are fairly easy and realistic. 8. Keep Parents involved. Most parents for the...
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...University Special Education 583 Summer 2012 Educating children profoundly affects their lives and influences the life of anyone who comes into contact with those children. Education provides a foundation for a child to base the rest of his or her life on. Without a solid education, it becomes impossible for an individual to provide for themselves and their family. Also, well-educated people can make decisions that benefit both their own interests and the interests of society as a whole. In this paper, I will address my personal opinions and philosophy about education. First, I will address the nature of the student. Next, I will examine the nature of knowledge, followed by the purpose of public education, and method. Finally, my paper will conclude with a discussion of the curriculum areas that are most important in elementary school. Additionally, I will relate my views to pragmatism and progressivism, and to Plato’s teaching, three valuable theories regarding education. No two students are exactly alike. Nevertheless, they do share one fundamental characteristic -- every student has the ability to learn. Plato believed that a student’s learning ability is determined entirely by genetics. According to Plato, people are either golds, silvers, or bronzes. The golds are the smartest and the bronzes are the slower learners. I don’, t really agree with this philosophy. Yes, some children are naturally intelligent...
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...Philosophy of Education Tamia R. Geter EDU 623 Introduction to Teaching and Learning Prof. Vally Behjou August 7, 2012 Philosophy of Education Those entering the world of education soon learn that there is a lack of agreement concerning the purpose of education, what should be taught, who should be taught, and how they should be taught. Beginning teachers are frequently overwhelmed and puzzled by the intensity of the debate. It seems that everyone has an opinion about teaching and learning. To further emphasize the importance of understanding different philosophical perspectives, it is useful to understand how education is changing. What comes to mind when you hear the term philosophy? You may get an image of an arcane subject that deals with issues far removed from the realm of practical. Philosophy’s reputation as a subject that is unconnected to the real world is undeserved. Your Philosophical positions help explain your personal reactions to events you confront in your daily life and what you find personally rewarding and satisfying. (Armstrong, Henson, & Savage, 2009) The philosophy of education seeks to study the process and discipline of education in order to understand how it works, improve its methods and perfect its applications in society. The philosophy of education ultimately seeks to improve education and its systems and methods for the betterment of humanity. Ideally, it informs and raises the quality of curriculum, teaching methods and the...
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...My philosophy of education is rooted in my thoughts of what makes a teacher valuable to his or her school, specifically to his or her students. An effective educator is, first and foremost, someone who genuinely cares about the quality of the education in which a student is receiving. Memories of great teachers always involve teachers who put time and thought into their lessons and made an impact . I chose education as my career path because I hope to be able to make a difference in a child’s life. Time and time again I have seen children being educated poorly and/or not having appropriate role models in their life. I feel that an educator must not only be able introduce and engage the classroom material, but also be a counselor, coach, and mentor to the student. Failing to fulfill these roles gives a child the chance to slip through the educational system without having the opportunity to influence them. Once we put our philosophy in place, struggles occur with changing our philosophy. I believe that philosophies can be always changing any given situation and in order for growth as an educator we have to be aware to the situations that can change our philosophy, as well as being true to our core beliefs. However, in order for this to happen we must understand what philosophy is, and what it is not and how it fall in line with ideology and theories. Philosophy is our beliefs that will determine what we do professionally and personally. Not having a philosophy set in place...
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...literally means “beyond the physical”. This area of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality. Metaphysics attempts to find unity across domains of experience and thought. There are four broad philosophical schools of thought that apply to education today. They are idealism, realism, pragmatism and existentialism. Two of these general philosophies, idealism and realism, are derived from the ancient Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. The other two are more contemporary, pragmatism and existentialism. However, this paper is much concerned about the views of both idealism and realism on education, curriculum, teacher, student and methodology, stating categorically three main points on each. To begin with, one long-standing philosophical idea that has exerted a powerful control on the mind of man throughout ages is Idealism. Idealism is the ontological and epistemological principle that ideas or thoughts make up elemental truth. Fundamentally, it is any philosophy which maintains that the only thing essentially foreseeable is consciousness while we by no means can be convinced that material or whatever thing in the outer world in actuality exists thus the only true things are intellectual entities not corporeal things which are present only in the good judgment that they are perceived. Idealism pervades all the creation and it is an underlying, unlimited and ultimate force which reigns supreme overall mind and matter. In education, the influence of Idealism has gone a long way...
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