What common infections in hospitals
- Nonsocomical infections /fungal and bacterial infections
Removal of isolation apparel
Differential count A complete blood count (CBC), or blood panel, a test panel that gives information about the cells in a patient's blood, RBCs, WBCs, & platlets.
HICPAC Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
What can prevent HICPAC Standard precautions, infection control, proper documentation,
Common disinfectants
- Phenolics, Halogens, Aldehydes Quaternary Amines
If there is a fire or electrical shock, chemical spill what is needed?
Relating to or situated on or close to the anterior aspect of the human body
What combines with 02 in blood Hemoglobin
- The component that is neither a blood cell nor a clotting factor; it is the blood plasma with the fibrinogens removed. Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting (coagulation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances (e.g., drugs and microorganisms).
- The straw-colored/pale-yellow liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension. It makes up about 55% of total blood volume. It is mostly water (93% by volume) and contains dissolved proteins (major proteins are fibrinogens, globulins and albumins), glucose, clotting factors, mineral ions (Na+, Ca++, Mg++, HCO3- Cl- etc.), hormones and carbon dioxide. Plays a vital role in intravascular osmotic effect that keeps electrolyte in balance form and protects the body from infection and other blood disorders.
Cholesterol causes Diet, foods such as meats, eggs, cheese. Physical activity Heredity / Age and sex
Depth of a puncture in a newborn capillary
- Puncture on the lateral (outside) or medial (inside) plantar surface of the heel. In infants, the heel bone may be no more than 2.0 mm beneath the skin surface. Puncturing the heel at a 90' angle to the length of the foot is recommended.
Gauge common for butterfly
- 23, regular needle puncutre is a 21
Color of coding of needles Green (21 gauge, 0.8mm) Blue (23 gauge, 0.6mm) Orange (25 gauge, 0.5mm)
Fast for glucose
If patient moves what analyte will be elevated?
- Can cause hemoconcentration
Differences between arm veins, where?
Antecubital area contains the median cubital, cephalic, and basillic veins.
What is the most common vein used for venipuncture in the antecubital area and WHY?
- Median cubital because it's easier to see, palpate, access and is more stable
Vacuum Tubes Order of traw/ Color of tube for type of test
Yellow top (Blood culture, SPS; Anticoagulant, whole blood plasma)
Light Blue top (Sodium Citrate; coagulation studies such as PT INR)
Tiger top (SST; clot activator; serum; chol/trig potassium)
Red top (No anticoagulants, blood chem, drug levels)
Dark Green top (Heparin; Ammonia test, blood gases)
Lavender top (EDTA; whole blood; plasma, CBC, Hematology)
Gray top (Oxolate or fluoride; glucose or alcohol test)
What is the term for "infection" Sepsis
What is the term for the hollow tube inside a needle's shaft?
- Lumen
Which part of a needle attaches to the collection tube or syringe?
- Hub
The anticoagulant EDTA works by binding which substance needed for blood clotting?
- Calcium
Which anticoagulant is used for coagulation studies?
- Sodium Citrate
Which anticoagulant is used for blood gas determinations?
- Heparin
What color vacuum tube should be drawn for trace metal analysis?
- Royal blue
What might be in the first drop of blood in a capillary draw that we are wiping away?
Tissue fluid, skin cells, alcohol, contaminatnts.
Name at least three things you can do for a patient if they are dizzy.
- Remove needle, apply pressure, let them lie down, water or juice, cold towel
Tasks to perform venipuncture
Identify PT; verify diet/drug restrictions; wash hands; put on gloves; assemble supplies; inspect equipment; reassure PT; verify paperwork and tubes; tourniquet; select and cleanse site; perform venipuncture; bandage PT; label tubes; wash hands
What result of it is a disease of interstitial